Tag Archive for prepper organization

What we can learn from the Oregon militia standoff and how to implement those lessons

Ammon Bundy’s stand against the Bureau of Land Management and the Federal Government in Oregon, whether you agree with it or not, should serve as a learning point for grassroots movements and militias across the United States. Just like in the military, operations sometimes go well and sometimes go horribly wrong.  That doesn’t stop us from conducting after action reviews and learning from our mistakes.  In the case of the Oregon standoff, it is clear that they failed to adequately prepare the public relations battlespace before beginning their protest.  I say this because even at this moment, it is still not exactly clear what Bundy and his supporters are protesting.  The failure on the PR front has caused division amongst militia groups and the local population, which for his stand, are critical bases of support that he must maintain.

Anyone that has conducted irregular warfare and imbedded with locals knows how important winning over the local population is to the cause of a guerilla. Further, anyone that has done grassroots organizing for political campaigns knows how important it is to have consistent branding of a topic that resonates with the public.  Key to both is having well established local leadership that can rally the people in your specific region to your cause.  Bundy failed to brand his protest under a banner that not just the militia, but the locals, all could rally behind.  Further, he failed to seize upon a clear grievance that could be easily understood by a sympathetic public.  In this ideological war, we must be sensitive to the optics by the media, which we know, already are going to paint many of us in a negative light.  Being perceived as the oppressed underdog that has been abused by the heavy handed tactics of the government is absolutely one of the key images we want to project.  We don’t want to project the image of bullies hijacking a town for a nonsense cause.  The Boston Massacre resonated and motivated people to arms for good reason.  However, the image of an armed gang taking over a town and intimidating the public has the opposite effect and will rally the people around the government.

I try my best not to be one to just criticize and critique without offering solutions. My solutions are being put together in a book that I will publish soon called “Rules for Rebels” and outlines community organizing in rural America.  If the title sounds like a play on the infamous book, “Rules for Radicals,” you would be correct.  Taking notes from the enemy’s playbook worked for Patton against Rommel and it certainly will help you.  I hope when it is published you will all buy a copy, read it, act on it, and pass it to all of your friends.  If you are like most people, you are sitting at home pretty angry about what you see going on around you, but think you can’t do a thing.  You are wrong.  The fact you are reading this already makes you a critical part of a large network of diverse people from literally all over the world.  You are a part of a global network and I am the node that connects you.  When you read and pass on information from this website, you are in fact helping to organize, brand, and take action not as an individual, but as one of thousands speaking in a unified voice.  This unified voice with a consistent and articulate message has immense power.  Perhaps it isn’t clear on your end, but I have repeatedly seen how my articles and Last Minute Survival have literally changed the debate in the news, in academia, and inside political circles.  Now, I am going to tell you exactly how you can be extremely valuable and legitimately do something to change the situation.

At the most basic level, the network is key. Most all of you have some degree of social media presence, email, and phone numbers.  You need to consolidate those lists and organize them into issue groups that resonate with each of those groups.  Essentially, you are assigning the proper grievances to the proper groups.  You then need to educate and motivate those people to action against said grievance.  Coordinating this message through the network is important because it standardizes the message in a way that everyone is using the same talking points toward achieving a specific goal.  This allows the message to resonate with a larger audience, makes it clear to the media, and focuses the pressure on our elected leaders to take the desired actions.  As such, a great example would be Obama’s latest unconstitutional executive orders on gun control.  Trying to rally people against the action because it was “unconstitutional” and Obama has no legal authority to make such laws is simply too abstract to resonate with most Americans.  However, by breaking it down and addressing the veterans in your network and messaging them that Obama is going to disarm them by declaring them all mentally unfit because they have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) will resonate.  Further, anyone on Social Security should be messaged that Obama is going to disarm them and leave them helpless because he believes they are feeble minded and unable to take care of themselves.  Both messages are true statements and achieve the same purpose of rallying the people against Obama’s illegal actions, but how those messages are packaged and nuanced are everything.  This is the first major step in community organizing that you can comfortably do from home or as you go about your daily business interacting with those around you.  Even if the network you develop is only a dozen good friends, by linking back to this node, your network is now empowered by thousands in unified action.  Also, anyone that you meet with like sympathies, make sure you get their contact information and plug them into our network.  Don’t let them continue to sit at home frustrated and angry believing nothing can be done.  Collectively organized, we are the majority.  As an active majority, we have power.

So, for this week, give it a trial run. Use the above talking points about Obama’s gun grab.  Our goal should be organize as many people into this network as possible.  You don’t have to give me names…in fact, don’t.  Just message me via our email, admin@lastminutesurvival.com (subject: network), with the number of people in your network that you represent.  Once your node is established, we can move to the next step of organization and action.  As you see, it is very simple, but very effective.  If you are a veteran, talk to your military buddies and get over to the VA.  If you are older and retired, take the same message to your friends about how Obama is going to disarm anyone receiving social security.  If you are in the medical field, talk to those around you about how you will be forced to report on your family, neighbors, and friends and how it will hurt your business and leave you liable for assessing the impossible to know.  If you are shooter, the message is easy…your guns will ultimately be confiscated.  You get the point.  Your job is to message these key groups toward the goal of taking collective action against Obama’s gun grab.  Either way, use the facts about this draconian action to literally scare and enrage people to action.  Once you get your node established, then real action and change are possible.  Good luck and I look forward to hearing from you all.

Best regards,

Guiles Hendrik

January 6, 2016

When the SHTF, You Can Come to My Place…Seriously

How often have you been talking with friends and they joke that if the SHTF, they are coming to your place?  Most of us quietly are saying in our heads, “you are out of your damn mind if you think you are coming to my place.”  In fact, for those that spend zero time preparing, training, or putting even the smallest amount of effort into their own survival insurance, I would agree, I have no sympathy.  However, the mere fact you are reading this right now tells me you have taken a step in the right direction and are in fact interested in insuring the continued existence of yourself and your family.  You are actively trying to take positive steps.  For those of you out there, I would suggest established preppers consider opening their door and taking you in under the right conditions.  Unlike the billionaires creating much of the havoc in our world, very few of us will ever have the funds to buy our own private island or renovated missile silo protected by a first rate mercenary army so it is best we start working together.  In today’s article, I will deviate from what I consider dated prepper logic and argue why inviting others to your bug out location is in all of our interests.    Read more

Overcoming the Greatest Prepper Weakness: The Individual versus the Community and a Plan for the Future

One of the greatest assets to preppers is that they are self-reliant and able to independently operate.  However, it is also their greatest vulnerability.  No matter how tough, how well-trained, how well armed, or how well prepared an individual is, there is only so much one person can do.  Numbers matter.  As an individual, you must eventually sleep and can’t stand guard indefinitely.  You can only be at one place at one time.  A second set of hands on nearly any labor intensive task is better than one.  If sick or injured it is very difficult or impossible to provide prolonged self-aid or surgery.  If directly confronted by an organized and numerically superior force, the odds are decidedly against the individual.  You can only accurately fire one weapon, at one target, at one time.  Further, your best odds of survival if attacked by superior numbers would be to try and escape, but even then it is pretty easy for a larger number of pursuers to head you off and corner even the craftiest of evaders.  As such, for any realistic, long term survival plan, one must build a prepared community.  A community is the foundational bedrock of a society and a nation.  The community is where the individual can truly make a difference and build a better life.  Today’s article is my appeal to you to take action to improve your life, to create new and better communities, and to take back our nation.  I will provide each of you with the template to not just resist, but triumph.  Each one of us has the ability to change the status quo in the present day and no longer be at the mercy of the state, which at one time, represented us as citizens.  Make no mistake, survival is a long term struggle against both nature and tyranny that comes with sacrifice, but we can overcome the odds best through collective action.

Man is neither designed nor equipped to be a solitary animal.  Individually we are weak and vulnerable and would have long ago become easy prey and gone extinct if it wasn’t for banning together.  Since the earliest prehistoric times, man has grouped together in bands and tribes to survive.  Modern man is no exception as we live today more interconnected than ever.  This interdependency has allowed us to specialize, to survive, and to even have leisure.  Man was designed with neither the long claws and fangs of apex predators nor the acute hearing and swift speed of prey.  We don’t come with fur to protect us from temperature extremes and have long since lost our immunities to many parasites commonly found in food and water.  Man’s greatest asset, his mind, combined with strength in numbers has demonstrated that he can overcome nearly any extreme and challenge.  This maxim is as crucial for survival today as it was ten thousand years ago when small bands of Ice Age hunters and gathers grouped together to fend off ferocious predators and take down massive game.

Communities and villages sprang to existence out of the mutual need for security and distribution of labor.  Someone always needed to tend to the fire and be on the watch for predators so that others could safely sleep.  While some hunted the others cooked and farmed.  In modern times, these families became bands, then tribes, and then nations.  As nations grew, man’s greatest threat ceased to be lions and tigers, but his fellow man.  Nation state violence led to the need to collectively organize in even greater numbers or risk being numerically overwhelmed by a neighboring nation.  Internally, the rise of nations led to the rise of brutal tyrants and the further need organize the masses in resistance in order to escape slavery and death at the hands of the king’s mercenaries.

Today, the modern prepper faces all of these challenges.  At the most local level, the prepper must find a way to accomplish the daily tasks of a subsistence existence.  The chores of simply acquiring and preparing food and water, staying warm or cool, maintaining shelter, and creating or fixing the means to accomplish the former are enough to rapidly overwhelm anyone.  However, the prepper must also provide for his common security against potentially large bands of hostile people and what appears to be an increasingly hostile government.  Individually, or at least as a family, it is certainly possible to scratch out a subsistence level of existence as long as you are never confronted by a hostile group.  However, it is simply not realistic to believe that one could independently sustain for the long term when faced with hungry bands of violent, armed, thugs or a hostile, state sponsored tyranny.

As previously stated, I don’t care how prepared you “think” you are; if you are trying to subsist with just a handful of people, an organized group of basically trained thugs with a proclivity for violence will quickly overwhelm you and certainly seize whatever preps you have stored.  This is not a situation of maybe, but an absolute.  The preppers that fail to learn and internalize this are living in a fantasy world.  Preppers that ardently stick to their small groups in remote and isolated areas only delay the inevitable.  This paradigm may be best illustrated by how law enforcement represents a small percentage of the population, but effectively controls the masses by being able to quickly mass and achieve local (tactical) numerical superiority against any resistance.  Individually, there have been literally millions of people arrested that were tough, prepared, and well-armed, but I can’t think of any in recent memory that have successfully fought off a determined attempt at seizure by the police.  Sadly, government has never proven capable of leaving individuals alone and hungry mobs have never shown the proclivity to take the moral high road and starve when the option to loot for food existed.  Eventually, preppers that failed to organize BEFORE a collapse or crisis and build communities will each be independently identified, targeted, and wiped out by thugs or hostile government forces.

The solution to this is not a new one.  It is as old as mankind.  Like minded individuals will once again need to band together to collectively survive.  This is and will be an essential, critical, FACT that preppers must accept.  Preppers need not build communes or cede their independence, but do need to build communities.  These communities need to be aware, prepared, and organized in a manner that they are effectively self-sustaining and self-governing.  It is equally essential to also build the population numbers in a concentrated manner that will change the voting demographic so that elected representatives will not only properly represent, but be of the same mindset of their constituents.  We have seen some of these successes in Montana and Idaho, but are failing to coalesce in an organized manner nationwide.  Only by achieving, at minimum, at first, tactical numerical superiority in targeted regions will free, independent, liberty minded individuals be able to live a life of freedom with liberty in something more than their imagination.

Communities built around self-sustainment are by their very nature resilient to natural disasters, grid failures, and crime.  By locally producing food, water, and power a community can almost completely eliminate the major vulnerabilities of today’s societies.  The society is healthier, happier, and more connected.  By once again localizing industry, the community can build, fabricate, or repair nearly anything and have a vibrant localized economy.  Further, by having a large pool of like-minded citizens, the community can fend off both political and physical attacks.  One threat can be defeated through the ballot box and the other through tactical numerical “superiority.”  To illustrate this point, 100 groups of eight preppers could disperse across the 50 states (two groups to a state).  These small groups have zero political influence or protection and could be rounded up and wiped out in a single night by either hostile thugs or government forces operating in groups so small local law enforcement could field them.  However, if you combined these groups in one area, you would have the local tactical strength of upwards of 800 people.  This is a sufficient number to not just swing, but control elections in smaller districts, install a like-minded sheriff and deputies, and present a unified defense requiring at least a battalion of military regulars to engage with any chance of success.  Imagine getting back to a time and place where instead of fearing police, the local police actually acted to “defend” the locals and keep the peace with the full weight of the people and the law behind it.  Imagine a place where you could walk down the street and not be filmed, photographed, tracked, and fined for violating one of a seemingly infinite number of overbearing regulations.  Now consider the literally millions of like-minded “preppers” that exist in the cities, towns, and the rural expanses of America.  If the media is to be believed, tens of millions of these people are already organized under the nebulous title “Tea Party.”  By concentrating these numbers we not only make being prepared and living free mainstream, but the lifestyle sells itself.  Don’t waste your strength and try to fight the numbers in states like California, Maryland, Massachusetts, and New York.  Let those states wallow in their own filth, debt, and ever increasing taxes.  Instead, take charge and opt out of them.  Stop paying into those defunct systems and move away.  Concentrate in places where we can control the elections, the schools, the local law enforcement, and ultimately empower our way of life.  To use the cliché, “if we build it, people will come” is justified.  As we set ourselves apart and demonstrate a workable better life, more and more people will turn away from their current unsustainable, rat race existences and seek something better for themselves and their families.  People want this and are thirsty for leadership, but to date, few have stepped up.  If we lead, the masses will follow.

The model outlined above is feasible, suitable, and something that could be quickly accomplished in the near term.  Much debate surrounds the “optimum” prepper retreat location, but it is unnecessary because few states truly fit the bill.  Further, most of the debate is academic because true survival will not come from hiding and hoping tyranny will overlook you.  Instead, we must recognize “prepping” is not just an action but a way of life that must be protected and nurtured.  To truly survive, we must come to terms with reality and engage in an effective course of action with a chance of long term success.  We must change the debate and public perception of preppers.  We need to show the public we are absolutely no threat, peaceful, and reframe ourselves as a persecuted minority requiring protection, much like the Amish or Mennonites.  To effect this we must concentrate our numbers in specific localities.  The best prepper locations to concentrate at first will be areas of low population density, but ample natural resources.  Further, it is only reasonable to first target locations within states that predominately tend to support freedom, liberty, and independence or in short, support a prepared lifestyle and are not burdensome with respect to taxes and regulation.  This means that an ideal state probably will not have a large, leftwing, urban center like New York City, Philadelphia, or San Francisco that disproportionately biases the elections.  That immediately rules out states such as California, Massachusetts, Maryland, and New York.  You would also want to avoid locations with staggering debt or other lingering problems that would be materially detrimental to building new communities.  Out west, states such as Idaho, Montana, North and South Dakota, and Wyoming offer the best options to concentrate.  Idaho has long been recognized as an ideal redoubt and is already demonstrating that this model works.  Not only have local and state leaders been elected, but representatives at the federal level have been elected and are now insulating Idaho from many of the problems facing the rest of the nation.  In fact, businesses are also moving to Idaho.  Gun and ammunition manufacturers in particular have found Idaho a great place to set up business.

In the east, West Virginia may well be on its way to becoming the prepper redoubt of choice.  West Virginia’s topography is well suited to the defense and has a very low population density.  There are entire areas of West Virginia that have zero electronic emissions.  The federal government has also recognized West Virginia’s suitability for surviving an apocalypse and has built various “hollow mountains” throughout the state.  Unlike many other potential redoubts, West Virginia is a realistic location to bug out to from most areas along the East Coast and is not prone to natural disasters such as hurricanes, tornadoes, or large earthquakes.  It is also well protected from potential nuclear blasts and is not seen as a high value target for terrorists.  Further, West Virginia really doesn’t have any major metropolitan areas that will spill millions of refugees into the surrounding hinterlands.  The climate is very suitable for growing a variety of crops and the state is rich in natural resources that range from salt and coal to timber and natural gas.  West Virginia tends to not be heavy on regulation and the people are generally conservative minded and live already as semi-preppers.  West Virginia also has the potential to be a leader in alternate energy.  It has endless ridgelines for wind and solar power as well as many streams and rivers suitable for various scale hydroelectric systems.  West Virginia is an outdoorsman’s paradise, yet is still located close enough to eastern population centers that it will have increasing influence.  Given the low population density and the affordability of homes and property in West Virginia, it would be relatively easy for preppers in the mid-Atlantic to relocate and take up residence in a few targeted counties such as Hampshire, Hardy, Mineral, and Grant counties in the eastern panhandle.  By concentrating in these counties and gaining a strong percentage of the voting block, like minded preppers could essentially establish a food hold in the heart of the mid-Atlantic and establish their own model community.  Note that it is not necessary to even gain a voting “majority” in these counties because the influence of a well-organized and active electorate will be more than sufficient to sway, skew, and control any local election.  Further, voter turnout; especially at the local level and during primaries, tends to be extremely low so it would be possible to not only oust incumbents on tickets, but stack the local and state governments with our candidates.  From those initial gains, we could fundamentally change how local and then state governments operate in the near term and demonstrate a better way of living to the nation.  Ultimately, we will fundamentally change the thinking nationwide and to this end, achieve our goals of independence, liberty, and sustainable living.

I challenge each of you today to disseminate this message as widely as possible, to as many people as possible.  Sow the seeds of liberty and freedom again in people’s minds.  Let them know that they don’t have to accept the status quo and can change their situation now.  There are no longer empty frontiers to escape to and waiting till the SHTF will be too late.  We must pick our ground wisely now so that we can stand our ground later.  By doing something as simple as moving your state of residence (even if that doesn’t mean you physically move) so that you can (and must) vote in Idaho or West Virginia, we absolutely can improve our lives and the lives of others.  Follow my lead and begin the process of stacking the deck in these two states where as little as a hundred votes can control the officials elected at the local and state level.  Idaho and West Virginia are not the end, but the beginning.  From these two localities we can expand our communities to the surrounding regions and states, but we have to begin somewhere and we have to begin now.


By Guiles Hendrik

November 3, 2013

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