Tag Archive for Orwell

Uber Joins Forces with NYC to Track You

I hope it isn’t coming as a surprise that Uber is collecting data on your travel habits.  However, as I previously warned (See: http://www.lastminutesurvival.com/2016/05/10/uber-update-uber-confirmed-to-be-providing-your-private-travel-data-to-the-government/) Uber has ceased to be the enemy of Big Brother and instead is now its best friend.  I noted that as soon as the government realized how much information it could gain by analyzing Uber’s travel data on passengers, the law suits against Uber would disappear.  Well, amazingly, the resistance of cities to Uber’s business has been evaporating before our eyes, so was the marriage with Big Brother consummated?

As an analyst, you learn to pay close attention to the timing of events.   Rarely are they random and coincidences are clues, not accidents.  In the case of Uber, which received stiff resistance from the taxi cab union in New York City, it appears that the marriage was consummated.  Reports are now circulating the NYC has been demanding the Uber hand over all of its travel data.  What this means is Uber is providing all of your travel data to NYC and that data is then passed to federal agencies and databases.  NYC is literally tracking you everywhere you go (See: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-01-05/uber-accuses-nyc-snooping-its-passengers-they-want-full-details-every-trip-you-ever-).   Ironically, New York simultaneously sued Uber for maintaining its users’ data (See:  https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-01-07/uber-reaches-accord-with-new-york-over-tracking-data-on-users).

Let me be clear.  The communist state of New York feels it is a violation of your privacy if a private company maintains your travel data, but believes it has the authority to demand all of that same private data is provided to the government.  Hypocrisy is an understatement, but when did that ever matter to radical Leftists like Mayor Bloomberg?  If you don’t hear Orwell knocking you need to start listening to what is going on.  This is the police state Orwell envisioned.  You have the power to stop this if you take some simple actions now.  Inform Uber that you won’t use their service if they continue to save and pass on your travel information.  If they blow you off, delete their app and stop using their service.  You can vote with your wallet and this is extremely powerful when used en masse.


By Guiles Hendrik

January 26, 2017

Government Announces Deployment of Orwellian “All Seeing Eye” Total Surveillance System over Washington

Today news widely broke that the Army will be deploying blimps over Washington, DC for what it claims is a pilot program for its missile defense system.  The high tech blimps are sophisticated stationary surveillance and targeting platforms known as the JLENS or specifically, the Joint Land Attack Cruise Missile Defense Elevated Netted Sensor System made by Raytheon Co.  The problem is that Washington is at most under a minimal threat if under any threat of a cruise missile attack at all.  Thus, one should question the true motives for installing a roughly $450 million surveillance system over DC.  Our analysts believe that the system’s true mission has little to do with air defense and everything to do with monitoring, surveilling, and recording the movements of individuals and vehicles in real time, around the clock, 365 days a year.

The JLENS consists of a pair of blimps.  One of the aerostats carries a powerful long-range surveillance radar with a 360-degree look-around capability that can reach out to 340 miles. The other carries a radar used for targeting.  Operating as high as 10,000 feet for up to 30 days at a time, JLENS is meant to give the military more time to detect and react to threats, including cruise missiles and manned and unmanned aircraft, compared with ground-based radar.  However, the system has more than one use and can carry a wide ranging payload of highly sophisticated surveillance equipment and weapons.  Its manufacturer says JLENS “enables commanders to defend against threats including hostile cruise missiles, low-flying manned and unmanned aircraft, tactical ballistic missiles, large caliber rockets and moving surface vehicles such as boats, SCUD-launchers, automobiles and tanks.”  The problem with this statement is that cruise missiles, tactical ballistic missiles, drones, and large caliber rockets pose no threat to DC and SCUD-missile launchers and tanks have never rolled down the streets of America.  Considering this, the last couple capabilities are of note; in particular, boats and automobiles.  In this small admission, you find the real use of these aerostats that will soon begin appearing all over the U.S.

Contrary to what the government claims, this Orwellian system has the combat proven capability to track, analyze, and record the movements of every single vehicle in and around the DC metropolitan area.  Similar systems have been used in Iraq and Afghanistan to identify, track, and kill insurgents and it is now being deployed above the streets of America.  This “All Seeing Eye” can map the ground and identify even the slightest changes to the terrain such as a footprint or tire track in a field.  It also can identify, track, and destroy targets from points far beyond DC to include areas from New York down to North Carolina.  In fact, not only can the system map and store the movements of your car, but it can zero in on your license plate and even your face.  Using facial recognition software and integrated search algorithms it can identify single individuals and unknowingly track them indefinitely through their day.  The detail of the camera and radar systems are so precise that one could clearly identify if an individual is openly carrying a firearm or peer into your windows to see what you are having for dinner.  In fact, using thermal and infrared sensors, the system is capable of actually seeing into your home and through foliage.  Acoustic sensors can be tuned to the point it can identify a single gunshot and locate its origin or allegedly even record a conversation 10,000 feet below using high tech directional microphones.  Integrating data, the system is capable of compiling mountains of data that can then be mined and used to construct entire daily routines of individuals without their knowledge.

In short, the JLENS provides the government with the ability to track, follow, and record your every move feasibly throughout your entire life.  Misused, this system can obliterate perceived Fourth Amendment protections in your home as its technical capabilities allow it to pierce the privacy of your home’s walls miles away and see inside and listen to your conversations.  Further, in the wrong hands, the information this system gathers can be used for a host of draconian purposes to harass political dissidents in manners far worse than witnessed with the on-going IRS scandal.  This all raises serious civil liberty and privacy issues that must be addressed.  No court would allow the government to set up a thermal camera to persistently look into your home and record conversations spoken in private with sensitive equipment without probable cause and a warrant sworn before a judge, but this is EXACTLY what this system can and will do to every single household and person within thousands of square miles around the blimps location.  The government knows this and so is blatantly lying to the public about the JLENS’s true purpose.  The government wants the blimps in place across the US before the public realizes what is going on.  The government is in a full scale false information campaign to desensitize the public to this level of “total” surveillance.  Not since Orwell’s prescient novel has the US come so close to a total surveillance state, but fiction is now fact.

Please contact your representatives and demand that JLENS be scrapped and funding for the unnecessary system be cut.  Express your outrage and spread the word about what JLENS really is being used for.  Get on talk shows, blog, and write to your local papers about the system’s true capabilities.  The US doesn’t need to be spending a half “b”illion in your tax dollars to watch your every move. Resist the surveillance state now before it is too late!


By Guiles Hendrik

July 26, 2013

All rights reserved


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