Tag Archive for Nerve Gas

Analysis Confirmed: Syrian Rebels Massacring Christians and Possessed Sarin Nerve Gas

Once again, our analysis, which concluded the exact opposite of the “official” propaganda being dispersed by the Obama Administration regarding the Syrian chemical attack, has been proven to be accurate as the Admin’s story falls apart.  Further, our coverage of Al Qaeda rebels backed by the CIA killing Christians has been vetted and found to be true and on-going.  Even our assertions that the effects of the alleged “Sarin” gas attack in Syria did not fit the profile of a military grade nerve gas attack, which suggested an improvised rebel origin have now been confirmed by US military intelligence sources.  We have repeatedly warned that the gas attack was nothing more than a false flag attack launched in order to become a pretext for the US entrance into a broader war in the Middle East.

We put our reputation on the line daily and are proud to be say “you heard it here first.”  Time and again, we are the first to break the truth while the rest of the mainstream media is passing elitist lies without question.  Please help us get the truth out by continuing to visit our site and forwarding our articles, citing our work, and demanding news consolidators link to us.

Thank you,

Guiles Hendrik


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