Tag Archive for how to unify the patriot movement

Unity of Effort in Patriot Movement

If there is something to be learned from this last election it is you seek or swim politically as a team.  The groups that are able to put differences aside for a common cause repeatedly achieve far greater goals than splinter factions alone.  This has been a problem that has plagued the Patriot Movement where issues like ego, societal rejection, and hard headed “rugged individualism” have become chronic self-defeating diseases.  This isn’t to say that we sacrifice our morals and ethics for the sake of unity, but it is important to understand what is critical and what isn’t when it comes to winning the long war of ideology.  Collectively, if we can move closer to achieving our objectives we are better off rallying together.  This isn’t without consequences and pitfalls though.  As we have seen, our major political parties have been hijacked by elitist interests to the point that rallying to a false idol for “party unity” will do far more damage than good.  We must once again remember what it means to be American and define our core values and principles.  These moral underpinnings must be our guides and what we rally to instead of a hijacked political party or fallible individual.  This is a far more enduring strategy.  Without this solid foundation based in moral and ethical truth we will be continuously misled, divided, and ultimately fail. Read more