Tag Archive for electoral college

Election Fraud Alert: Democrats’ Plan to Steal Election Using Electoral College Gaining Support

Last Minute Survival exclusively warned before the election that Democrat Party operatives planned to steal the election “legally” by pressuring Democrat appointed electors to vote for Hillary irrespective of their state’s election outcome.  See:  http://www.lastminutesurvival.com/2016/11/07/1325/.  I was the only one warning of this.  I specifically called out the states of Michigan and Pennsylvania to watch for this attempt since I assessed them as likely to vote for Trump even though most of their electors were chosen by Democrats.  We now know that I was right to focus on these two states as they did vote for Trump and are now being heavily pressured to vote for Hillary.

LMS then posted an update to show that indeed the Democrat’s plan I had exposed to steal the Electoral College had built support and Read more

Media Ignoring How the Election is Legally Rigged and Violence May Erupt When Truth Exposed

Sometimes when searching for truth in the maze of media spin, your best technique is to focus on what is not being talked about.  In the case of election rigging, it is clear there is already ample evidence to prove election fraud at the ballot boxes and by the two major political parties during the primaries.  However, what is not being talked about is far more important than double voting, identification laws, or illegals voting and it is not just legal, it is constitutional.  This election may come down to the electors that cast the state votes that are actually counted toward the Electoral College.  The fact the media has all but ignored the most obvious “check and balance” to our election system is curious to say the least.  These electors are handpicked by the elites and often owe loyalties to parties much like super delegates during the primaries.  If they do not vote the will of the people, and they are by no means bound to do that, violence in the streets can be expected. Read more