Tag Archive for bioweapon

What if the COVID-19 Narrative is a Lie?

Through experience, I have learned to heavily doubt and question nearly all narratives coming from governments.  However, when it comes to communist governments such as in China, one must be far more skeptical and not believe anything until proven otherwise.  This is the case with the Wuhan Pandemic designated COVID-19.  As it stands, we are led to believe that this virus spontaneously jumped from some unknown species to humans and began spreading through the population in China circa December 2019.  We already know for sure that China lied to the world about everything we can validate from the outside such as when it actually began to spread and the fact that it does spread from person-to-person contrary to China’s initial claims.  What this should tell you is if the easily verified “facts” coming from China were all lies, then it is reasonable to assume they have zero credibility, were covering up, and nothing they said can be believed.  Understanding this should lead a logical person to ask then, “If the Chinese narrative is a lie, then what are the implications?”  The implications are nothing short of massive and could upend everything we have been led to believe about the virus.

Nothing about this virus is what, as an armchair observer, I would consider “normal.”  I honestly do not care if I have an MD before or after my name.  I am a thinking person and reserve the right to use my own knowledge, experience, and study just like anyone else to deduce truth.  Further, let us be honest.  The “experts” have been wrong at about every point in this pandemic so we can dispense with any notion only the scientists can understand this virus.  At the top of my list is the inability to sustain immunity to the virus.  Although not unheard of, most people will develop a lasting immunity to a disease if they survive it.  With COVID-19, it is becoming clear that there is no long-term immunity conveyed.  In addition, this virus seems to affect the body in ways other “flus” usually do not.  For example, this disease goes far beyond the lungs and seems to effect one’s neurological system and heart.  Survivors of bad cases are debilitated for life.  I also find that it can travel and spread for weeks in asymptomatic patients while others get it and fall gravely ill noteworthy.  Why do some act as spreaders with little or no ill effects while others drop dead?  Looking at the bigger picture, I think that China’s lockdown of a billion people was an extreme response if not understood in context. 

This is not an exhaustive list of COVID-19 novel properties, but it certainly should raise questions about what we know and what we are dealing with.  One may expect to see one of these properties, but in aggregate, it suggests that there is something more sinister about this virus.  To me, I have only found one narrative that explains everything we are seeing.  To work, the narrative must explain the lies and coverups, the draconian response in China, and the unique properties of this virus.  Using this logic, my narrative says that the current narrative is false because it fails to explain what we are witnessing and therefore should not be believed as fact.  Everything the Establishment has told us has proved to be wrong or a lie later whether intentional disinformation or simply incompetence.  Second, I am becoming convinced that China was experimenting with deadly pathogens at a lab when one was released. 

The first big clue is location.  You cannot dismiss the fact that a major bioresearch facility is in precisely the place where the pandemic began.  The second clue is the initial claims about the spread beginning in a food market have all been debunked.  The third clue is that China lied and tried to coverup something that if innocent, did not require any coverup.  The fourth clue is the military lockdown of a billion people in China.  The fifth clue is the properties of this virus seem to be a chimera of desirable traits in a weaponized pathogen.  Based on this, I think it is fair to explore the possibility that this was a bioweapon under development.  It certainly should not be dismissed out of hand.  Anyone that says otherwise should be suspect in this conspiracy because by no means has that been ruled out.  A case in point is the World Health Organization, which while taking massive sums of money from China, was complicit in passing China’s false narrative to the world.  Whether this was deliberate or not is not material for this discussion. What’s material is that China was using its mouthpieces to present a false narrative for some specific reason that must be identified. Mainstream narratives also claim there are no signs its genetic code was artificially modified.  This is a big red herring designed to throw anyone off the track.  The qualifier is what jumps out at me.  What it does not say in fact is more telling.  Specifically, the narrative deliberately ignores the fact that no gene editing or artificial process are required to develop a bioweapon.  In fact, natural processes that can be accelerated in a lab would be a rather basic method to develop a bioweapon.  As such, drawing attention to the still unverified “fact” this disease did not show characteristics of gene splicing in no way removes the possibility it was still being developed in a lab.  This is classic misinformation because it makes a true claim that is intended to deceive versus disinformation, which is a factually untrue statement meant to deceive.  I do not see any of this as accidental or coincidental.  This is deliberate with very intended effects.   

The bioweapon theory would explain the coverup.  This theory would also explain why China did not hesitate to use the military to lockdown over a billion people.  Specifically, if China saw this as anything other than a weaponized virus that could have disastrous implications for its country, it would not have turned off its industry costing its economy trillions of dollars.  Let us be honest, China has for many years sought to reduce its population and actively kills dissidents and babies.  Losses from a flu by a communist government that killed an estimated 80 million of its own people simply would not trigger the military response we witnessed in China.  More likely, China knew exactly what it was dealing with and desperately acted to stop it.  Once it realized it could not stop or contain it, China sought to spread the damage to ensure the rest of the world was also brought down a notch.  China certainly could not afford to have its population and economy devastated while its competitors remained unscathed.  I believe this is why China locked down its borders, but actively exported its population via air travel to the far corners of the world.  Finally, and most consequential, this theory explains the unique qualities of how the virus spreads and effects a population.  As such, until such time as information comes forth that can conclusively refute this virus came from a lab, we need to treat it as a plausible explanation. 

Considering the theory as plausible, one must ask what the implications of this great lie would be.  In short, if this is a bioweapon, all bets are off.  We cannot approach a weaponized pathogen in the same way we deal with a traditional pathogen.  Therefore, accurate information is so important.  If this theory is correct, we must recognize that things like an effective vaccine could be a fantasy.  We need to also realize that there could be many long-term negative complications we have not even begun to identify.  This is why I recommend caution to anyone thinking that they are young and healthy and therefore not at risk.  The entire assumption is based on COVID-19 being a natural phenomenon and not a bioweapon.  If it turns out to be a bioweapon and the mainstream narrative was just one more lie in a string of lies, it may take years to discover that having the disease imparts other complications like a compromised immune systems such as with HIV/AIDS.  For example, there are plenty of conflicting studies and reports on whether this is a retrovirus and will flare back up later in life when your immune system and health is far less likely to be able to defeat it.  At minimum, if no immunity is conveyed, as long as the virus is in the population, it does not matter because you are at risk.  This disease may also mutate to a more lethal form, which you typically do not see in natural viruses, if it has been engineered as a weapon.  It could even cause your immune system to have horrible reactions to other pathogens or immunizations.  Remember too that that if this is a bioweapon, there is a strong motive for even our government to suppress the truth.  After all, once the virus is out, what benefit would there be to telling the population they were just exposed to a bioweapon?  Think about it.  A government seeks to control the population.  The fear and panic that would result from this knowledge would make everything that is happening now seem like nothing.  The government will put maintaining control above your safety every time.  The truth is we do not know much about the Wuhan Pandemic and should therefore explore this possibility since the implications are so dire.  These are real questions about real complications and not kooky beliefs.  Until we can definitely answer the questions posed in this article, I recommend being skeptical and taking all precautions very seriously.

By Guiles Hendrik,

July 20, 2020