I am often asked how an insurgent (a.k.a. guerilla) force could successfully function against a modern police state. The answer to this complex challenge has taken on a mystique akin to the search for the Holy Grail. Many have come to believe that any resistance against these authoritative regimes leveraging the latest in surveillance technology is futile. This conclusion is false. Any modern police state can be successfully confronted and if necessary, overthrown. This is even more likely when a true critical mass of the populace is unified in their demand for the change. However, for those suffering under brutal regimes that were hoping for a simple panacea, I am sorry to disappoint you. This is a highly complicated and daunting operation that involves plans custom tailored to each unique regime. Even then, at the outset of resistance, the odds of success are not good making the endeavor highly risky. Most insurgencies are crushed in their infancies, but like newborns, those insurgencies that can survive for at least a year rapidly turn the tables and with each passing month statistically become more and more likely to succeed. Of those successful struggles against tyranny, one finds commonalities that will be applicable to any guerilla war. One of the most important of these is the use of Distributed Operations (DO). Read more
Archive for Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures
How to Protect Your Credit Cards from Latest Theft Techniques
Today, I wanted to talk briefly about simple ways to protect your privacy and money from the latest trends in identity theft. Both Big Brother and well-organized criminal elements target you for your information, but some of these thefts are far more prevalent and intrusive. Credit card theft is one that is top on my list. In fact, it is safe to say many of us at one point or another have already had our credit card information stolen. At best, this is a huge annoyance and a costly problem for banks and consumers, but at worst, you could have your savings wiped out and identity stolen. To protect our accounts, banks continue to add new security features to cards, but as users, we too have to be aware of the latest trends in theft and take action. Let’s discuss a new theft technique most of you are completely unaware of: How thieves get your pin codes and how to prevent it. Read more
North Korea to use Chemical and Biological Weapons Against the US
Too many Americans are completely detached from the horrors of war as the US has enjoyed an unprecedented period of peace within its continental borders. The ability to not know war has been a precious luxury enjoyed for a generation in the US, but is now taken completely for granted. For most, war is just another form of entertainment like sports games and movies. In fact, to the average person, there is literally no distinction between the Hollywood war movies and reality. Why would there be when roughly only four tenths of a percent of the US population is serving in the military and far less have actually fought its wars? This makes it highly likely most Americans don’t even know a vet. There are many problems with this disassociation. However, the most detrimental has been that our nation has become so insulated from war they feel that we can kill with impunity around the globe. Symptomatic of this condition is the apathy Americans demonstrate to our military intervention overseas. We now allow our nation to blindly blunder into global conflict without even a debate. Americans have forgotten the actual human costs and the horrors of what a war is like if it comes to our own shores. This always ends badly and if a war with North Korea begins, we may very soon learn what it is like to see war again on American soil.
Currently, the Trump Administration has overtly entered or continued US involvement in wars in Yemen, Syria, Afghanistan, and Iraq without any debate, votes, or justification. Literally, President Trump has picked a new fight every month he has been in office. My fear is that President Trump is now setting the stage for an unavoidable conflict with North Korea making him five for five. Let me be clear, I do not believe President Trump has many options left with North Korea. However, I fear that he will not chose the best courses of action and it will cost the US an incredibly high price. I don’t say this lightly. Conflicts in Syria and Iraq have the potential to spread and end in a disaster for the US in large part because they will financially bankrupt our nation and lead to the wholesale slaughter of millions of innocent people. However, the US has not fought a war since WWII where the adversary had the ability to attack the US mainland. Am I suggesting North Korea has the ability to physically invade the US and pelt of with missiles? No. In fact, North Korea does not have that ability at all. However, North Korea has the ability to asymmetrically attack the US with some of the most horrendous weapons known to man and you need to be prepared.
War with North Korea is looking more and more inevitable. Neither side is willing to back down. If there is to be war, even the best case is still horrible. The best case would be a surprise US nuclear strike against the North Korean regime and its military installations ending the war quickly and with minimal US and allied casualties. A far uglier picture emerges if the Trump Administration opted for, even if just initially, a conventional option. Using conventional weapons would allow North Korea time to deploy not just its conventional weapons, but its chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons. This would almost guarantee Seoul would be reduced to rubble and tens of thousands of American and South Korean casualties would be incurred within the first 24-48 hours of the conflict. If the US and South Korean troops had to conventionally fight the entire war, we would be looking at close to a million casualties and our nation utterly bankrupted by the conflict. Further, this is assuming China doesn’t enter the war, which would truly make it a WWIII endgame scenario and this isn’t at all unlikely.
However, irrespective of the financial cost and the massive loss of life associated with a war in North Korea, Americans, have in their comforts, become totally ignorant of the fact that North Korea has planned for and put in place numerous asymmetric means to attack the US. To be blunt, North Korea is prepared to attack the US homeland in horrific ways should war break out. In particular, over the course of time, North Korea is rumored to have smuggled via diplomatic pouches numerous biological and chemical weapons into the US through its United Nations mission in New York. Disturbingly, once the technology to produce these types of weapons is achieved, and North Korea has achieved it, these weapons are relatively easy to smuggle and very difficult to track. Adding to the problem is that a very small amount of these weapons can inflict large number of casualties. If true, literally every city in the US could be simultaneously attacked with a full range of biological and chemical weapons. In particular, North Korea is already believed to have smuggled VX nerve agent into a foreign country and used it to assassinate a political rival. In larger quantities, VX could be dispersed over crowded areas to inflict large numbers of casualties and to create massive panic in cities like New York and Washington, DC. If not bad enough, a far scarier threat exists. North Korea is believed to have been mass producing anthrax and has likely mass produced other biological weapons such as smallpox, francisella tularensis, and hemorrhagic fever virus. Any one of these agents could be released in densely populated areas and cause a massive number of deaths. Finally, North Korea may have the ability to detonate a space based nuclear weapon over the US releasing an EMP capable of blacking out a large portion of the North American grid. I consider this scenario less likely due to North Korea’s technological challenges and US countermeasures; however, if China becomes involved, the probability of this scenario is 100%. Should that event occur, the US will effectively be destroyed. Before the grid could be rebuilt, some congressional studies estimate that two-thirds of the US population or approximately 200,000,000 people would die. Not even our grandchildren will live to see the US recover from this type of attack. Let that sink in for a moment. The war that President Trump is about to start has the potential to destroy the US.
If what I have just written didn’t scare the hell out of you, you are completely disassociated with reality and need professional help. I am not trying to create panic and I do not subscribe to fear mongering. Unfortunately, reality isn’t always pretty and as much as we would like to deny the uncomfortable, it is critical we recognize threats and dangers. North Korea is a very big threat and far more dangerous than Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan combined. Remember, President Bush believed Afghanistan was going to be a quick war against some illiterate savages, but over a decade and a half later, we are still mired in his war we have already strategically lost. Iraq proved to be another example of Washington’s hubris and overly optimistic military predictions. In fact, the history of warfare demonstrates that in nearly every case, wars prove to be much longer, tougher, and more costly than predicted. Why would anyone think North Korea will be a war any less costly when all indicators say the exact opposite? I am curious because as I type, no fewer than three American aircraft carrier battle groups are steaming towards the Korean Peninsula prepared for a military showdown and nearly no one aside from Ron Paul is urging restraint. I think the answer is that Americans are living in ignorance and have no concept of the hell this war will most likely bring to our lives. Again, war with North Korea may be unavoidable, but we need to have a national discussion and the homeland must be prepared for the consequences.
As with all articles, I don’t just point out the problems. I offer solutions. In this case, the truth is you and I aren’t going to change a damn thing. All we can control is our actions and to a limited degree help those around us. Ideally, now may be a good time to literally leave the US for an extended vacation that lasts until either the war is over or North Korea backs down. I don’t make this recommendation lightly. However, for those that can’t leave or opt to stay, you need to prep your chem/bio response kits. Everyone in your group now should be at minimum carrying a protective mask with new filter in day bags. If you have antidote kits for nerve agents and decon kits for blister agents, those should also be packed and make sure you know how to use them. You should also have antibiotics ready for a biological attack involving a bacterial agent like anthrax. However, if the bio weapon is viral, we are looking at an untreatable megadeath situation and the only real option is to completely isolate your group from all other people until the virus has burned itself out. Wherever you plan to stay, make sure you have an area prepped with provisions and the ability to seal it from the outside with plastic and duct tape at minimum. You also should have enough chem/bio suits prepared for everyone in your group to at least bug out from the hot zone. If you are driving to work, you should have at least one complete suit in your vehicle and a contingency link up plan for everyone else in your group. Listen to me; you need to do this immediately. A war with North Korea is hopefully avoidable, but literally could be launched at any moment in the coming days to weeks.
As for preparations beyond immediate survival, you need to get as much cash on hand as you can withdraw from the banks. If you have the ability to move money to overseas bank accounts, do it now. If you are invested in stocks, you should consider taking profits now and holding them until this crisis passes. Once the market crashes, feel free to re-enter the market and buy up the cheap stocks. This will lead to a market shock and crash if a war breaks out. However, some stocks will likely sky rocket in value. I am personally seeking out companies that specialize in radiological decontamination and chem/bio defenses to invest in. Call it Machiavellian, but a crisis always presents opportunities for those with the foresight to position themselves to seize it. Make sure that person is you. In the interim, please take some basic precautions. I pray for the best, but will be preparing for the worst. We will be very blessed indeed if we can get through this crisis with the homeland unscathed.
By Guiles Hendrik
April 17, 2017
The Future of Drone Warfare
Those of you that have followed my site known I have keenly tracked and been a part of autonomous drone development. The implications of this revolution in warfare are staggering. All too often I hear some well-intentioned, but woefully ill-informed person state that their “counter-drone” weapon is a shotgun. Rather than explain how wrong…and in a real life engagement, dead…these people are, I just want to show a video of a recent military drone test, which evaluated swarming technology. As you watch, keep in mind each one of these drones will one day be able to independently identify, select, target, engage, and kill with precision day or night, from potentially miles away. Using the swarming technology being developed, a precision strike of drones will eventually be conducted in a manner that independently targets and kills every living thing on a military base simultaneously. Let that reality sink in for a bit. Now sit back and watch this clip.
Guiles Hendrik
February 27, 2017
Lessons Learned from J20 Protests at Trump Inauguration
Before the Inauguration of President Trump fades into memory, I wanted to capture some the important lessons learned. Please feel free to post on chat boards and begin discussions because this list is by no means all encompassing. Instead, it is short run down of salient lessons learned to date that were under reported or appreciated. I would love to see a fully consolidated after action list and would be happy to post it should someone want to submit one.
- The key takeaway from the Trump Inauguration is that the Left failed. The inauguration was the single best chance Trump’s opposition had to unite and take decisive action against the new president. The propaganda, anger, and vitriol in the run up to President Trump’s inauguration were unprecedented in our lifetimes. Nonetheless, the Left utterly failed to stop anything. The protestors looked like nothing more than a motley band of moronic, spoiled brats with a penchant for destructive behavior. It was a truly embarrassing show of “force.”
- The Left is far weaker than they try to present. Their numbers they mustered on the streets amounted to small bands of Soros hired anarchists and was far below even the lowest estimates presented by the media. Any large scale national resistance movement by the Left is currently impossible with their current numbers and capabilities irrespective of Soros funding.
- Anarchists are still targeting downtown business districts close to mass transportation hubs. This is important for future planning and preparation purposes. In the case of DC, the majority of protests materialized in the vicinity of the main train station (Union Station) and Metro Station, which is the second largest metro hub in DC outside of Union Station.
- Violent protestors are cowards and fear strong opposition. When confronted by individuals prepared and capable of self-defense, the Leftists resigned themselves to shouting obscenities, but avoided further escalation. In the few examples where they miscalculated and tried to attack a competent solo individual, they uniformly had their butts kicked. The pro-Trump biker groups were a strong testament to this effect. It is clear the Left is in fear of groups willing and capable of proportionally responding with like violence should they try to attack anyone.
- Violent protestors prey on the weak. A review of the attacks and destruction that occurred during the DC protests/riots shows that victims were not chosen at random. Solo individuals and unguarded/unprotected property were the primary targets of the mob. In many cases, women attempting to simply go to work were attacked. One of the most egregious cases involved a violent mob attack and beating of a lady walking with a cane, which left her hospitalized.
- Attendees wearing Trump attire were targeted if they appeared weak or in small numbers.
- A screening of dozens of videos of attacks committed by rioters and protestors overwhelming demonstrated none had professional martial arts training. The individuals uniformly attacked people they thought they could bully and easily overpower, but never displayed any degree of competence in hand-to-hand combat.
- The mob was easiest to penetrate by simply donning black attire. Our operatives wore black hoodies with black cargo pants and were able to easily infiltrate the mobs of anarchists.
- By dressing like the anarchists (all black, face obscured, adorned with communist symbols), it was easy to target, approach, and “remove” anyone that appeared to be a major agitator in any said group. This tactic proved very effective at dispersing mobs and disrupting the protestors/rioters. Critical to this tactic were speed and surprise. Once action was necessary, infiltrators needed to neutralize the threat rapidly and then make an escape through the crowd to a secure area before anyone realized what was going on.
- Preparing for a confrontation in high-pro kit was suitable for group shows of force for property defense, but was of limited utility in disrupting the mobs. Anyone wearing kit was too high profile to penetrate the mob of rioters and immediately drew the focus of hostilities.
- Do not park any vehicles along streets. Roving mobs of anarchists blocks from the center of hostilities were seen randomly vandalizing property.
- Keep plenty of fire extinguishers available. Fire is still the most dangerous threat widely faced. Extinguishers also make a great (and perfectly legal) area dispersal or screening agent. In fact, we found that simply discharging an extinguisher provided far better obscuration than typical smoke generating devices.
- The police didn’t intervene except in the most egregious cases. They must maintain their lines for safety and security and have to preserve their limited manpower. Riot trained police know that they must maintain a tight cohort. Getting separated is extremely dangerous for an officer. In DC, when they did make an arrest, they did it in a big group.
- The police in DC used good discretion. If anything, most people wanted them to act more aggressively against the rioters. In every case we witnessed, which included fights between pro and anti-Trump attendees, the true agitator(s) were arrested.
- Don’t expect the police to be able to help you during major protests and riots. Their manpower is dedicated to protecting key infrastructure and persons…not you and your property.
- Don’t expect the police to leave their lines immediately and come to your aid to break up a confrontation with violent anarchists. Police stood by and did not intervene in most of the minor assaults we witnessed. That said, we witnessed a woman assaulted by a weaselly, male (barely) protestor trying to block her access to a venue and she decked the protestor. The protestors screamed for her arrest, but the police took no action. The lady then proceeded unmolested on to her destination.
This is a short list of some of the highlights of our observation teams last week. Again, we ask that you post this to discussion boards. We want to capture all of the lessons learned. Each of these bullets provides plenty of fodder for further discussion and value to planning and preparation for future events involving mass civil unrest.
By Guiles Hendrik
January 27, 2017
Unity of Effort in Patriot Movement
If there is something to be learned from this last election it is you seek or swim politically as a team. The groups that are able to put differences aside for a common cause repeatedly achieve far greater goals than splinter factions alone. This has been a problem that has plagued the Patriot Movement where issues like ego, societal rejection, and hard headed “rugged individualism” have become chronic self-defeating diseases. This isn’t to say that we sacrifice our morals and ethics for the sake of unity, but it is important to understand what is critical and what isn’t when it comes to winning the long war of ideology. Collectively, if we can move closer to achieving our objectives we are better off rallying together. This isn’t without consequences and pitfalls though. As we have seen, our major political parties have been hijacked by elitist interests to the point that rallying to a false idol for “party unity” will do far more damage than good. We must once again remember what it means to be American and define our core values and principles. These moral underpinnings must be our guides and what we rally to instead of a hijacked political party or fallible individual. This is a far more enduring strategy. Without this solid foundation based in moral and ethical truth we will be continuously misled, divided, and ultimately fail. Read more
Prepper Update of World Events for Week of October 10, 2016
The following summary of recent world events is decidedly negative. This is not due to overt pessimism as much as the facts are just plain bad. In fact, I didn’t even include events like the effects of Hurricane Mathew, the attack on our warship off the coast of Yemen, and the assassination of more police around the US. The world is not getting any safer and indicators are all pointing to things worsening as we move into late fall and winter. The following are major events you should be taking note of with short comments.
- Situation in Syria: Syrian government forces backed by Iran and Russia continue to pound Aleppo and are nearing a strategic breakthrough. All actors in Syria recognize that if Assad is able to recapture Aleppo from the Islamic extremists it will be the beginning of the end for Washington’s terrorist proxies in Syria. As such, there is panic from Doha to Washington. The terrorist coalition knows that it is now or never for major intervention, which may force the White House to order direct strikes against the Syrian regime, which undoubtedly will be countered by Russian retaliation. This creates the potential for a rapid outbreak of a major regional war that could go global. We have effectively arrived at the point I have repeatedly forecasted would occur in Syria where either Moscow or Washington accepts a massive strategic policy defeat or there is a major war…perhaps both. This is inescapable at this point. The best case scenario is if the US backs out by aligning with Russia to defeat ISIL and negotiate a peace deal that leaves the regime in place for now. This is highly unlikely and if Hillary Clinton is elected, all but impossible.
- I am forecasting that the US will continue to spread false anti-Assad and anti-Russian propaganda to drum up war sentiment in the US to prepare the public for the announcement airstrikes against Syrian military positions. If the neo-cons within the establishment get their way the air strikes will happen, but there will be an immediate cost to US forces. Russia will defend its positions on the ground and engage any US forces that directly threaten Russian lives and interests. In this event, it is possible we will witness the first combat losses of US Fifth Generation Fighters, which Washington is rightfully terrified will occur. The loss of these jets will show everyone how much superiority the US has lost against countries like China under Obama. This will jeopardize the multi-billion dollar acquisition program that has been riddled with corruption, failures, and delays. As such, it is far more likely Washington will lead with cruise missile and drone strikes that are easier to deny and hide if they fail to achieve their objectives, but are also much less likely to achieve decisive results.
Prepper Relocation Part IV: The Fatal Error of Relocating to an Isolated Region
One of the single biggest mistakes preppers make is that they buy into the myth that relocating to a small region in the North West corner of the United States is their “best” chance of survival. As you now know from my previous three articles in this series, this theory is inaccurate and is not based on any sound research. Further, it causes people to unnecessarily incur significant additional costs and difficulties when developing their preparedness plans. However, what you still may not know is that there is a large body of empirical evidence that repeatedly demonstrates people living in isolated, remote areas are often at the greatest risk during wide spread social chaos and collapse. Not coincidentally, these people also suffer some of the most hardships. Therefore, with respect to our contemporary situation in the United States, preppers relocating to Idaho with the explicit intent to escape an oppressive government and or are planning to escape widespread instability during a systemic collapse of the system might very well be signing their death warrants. Instead, contrary to contemporary prepping strategies, it would be better to be closer if not in the midst of a more densely populated area.
I understand what I just wrote probably sent many readers into anger and shock. Nonetheless, it is far better to get the right information now then to continue along a misguided path to destruction. No doubt, some readers will immediately discount what I am about to say because they are blinded by their own preconceived biases. I cannot help those people. Thankfully, the majority of my readers are intelligent thinking people that will quickly grasp the conclusions to be drawn from the evidence and modify their preparedness strategies accordingly. In fact, don’t take my word alone, I invite everyone to conduct their own independent research into our prepping assumptions and disseminate their findings.
My theories seem counterintuitive to the premise that the farther from people you are, the farther from harm you are. This is because the basic assumptions of this safety distance premise are flawed. As the theory goes, in the event of a collapse or major catastrophe, being located away from people in a remote, self-sufficient redoubt is your best chance. I have already discussed why the 300 mile rule is a useless metric and that the notion of a “Golden Horde” of refugees fleeing a city and destroying all in their wake is equally unfounded and completely untrue. The last pillar of this theory is that being isolated conveys additional survival benefits. To test it accurately, one must evaluate case studies from around the world and then correctly apply them to a realistic scenario domestically. Read more
Prepper Relocation Part III: A Letter to the Prepper Community
Before I post Part IV, I want to pause and recap the huge amount of ground already covered in parts one and two of this series (See links below to read and catch up). Previously, I showed that the most common assumptions preppers base their relocation decisions on are completely false and actually counterproductive to outright dangerous. The research I presented is groundbreaking within our community because it completely overturned the very foundation of what many have spent a lifetime basing their preps around. Understandably, some people within the prepper community have received the new information as radical heresy and immediately took to the defense. When new information is presented to any community, this visceral reaction is to be expected. After all, it challenged their entire basis for their preps and in this case, proved that much of their foundational assumptions were based on bad information. Read more
Prepper Relocation Part II: The Myth of a 300 Mile Radius and the Golden Horde
In part one of our series on “Prepper Relocation,” I directly addressed a common false logic amongst preppers that led to bad conclusions regarding why one should relocate to Idaho. Specifically, I challenged the idea that a bunker was a viable long term survival strategy for a major catastrophe many prep for such as nuclear war. Simply establishing a second residence in a modern first world location like Santiago, Singapore, or New Zealand offer far better options for survival, both physically and economically, than hiding in a hole while a nuclear war is carried out above you. Today, I continue the slaughter of the sacred cows and challenge the merits of relocating to a site far from other people. As I previously discussed, relocation isn’t a subject to take lightly. It may be the single most important decision a prepper makes and therefore any plan should be heavily vetted before time and money is invested in executing it. Therefore, one must consider counter arguments to contemporary “expert” recommendations. By leveraging the information in this series, you will be far better prepared to develop a personalized answer to what truly is you “best prepper place to relocate.”
Contemporary prepper logic states that the farther your relocation site is from dense centers of population, the better. In fact, the magic number often touted is that you must be at least 300 miles from any major population center. However, is this really the case? This is very important because if 300 miles is accurate, it severely constrains your relocation options. If it is not a valid constraint, then suddenly you have many good options for relocation depending on the specific scenario you are prepping for. As such, let’s examine what that conclusion is premised upon. Breaking the theory down, you have two main hypotheses to vet. The first is that 300 miles provides a necessary and adequate buffer from an urban center. The second is that from said urban area a horde of starving refugees will emerge and overrun your redoubt.
Let me be the first to tell you neither hypothesis constituting this prepper theory, which to date has been held up as prepper law, is valid. Read more
Prepper Relocation Part I: Questioning the Common Logic
I routinely read articles online where individuals pontificate about where the best places for preppers to live or relocate too are. What I don’t usually see is any real cognitive effort to do a realistic analysis and assessment. This should be a red flag. Selecting your relocation site is one of the most important decisions a prepper must make. It is too important to be made on hearsay and opinions. Therefore, I am going to question that contemporary prepper relocation logic. I am going to debunk common myths and offer better alternatives that will help you develop a personalized answer to what truly is you “best prepper place to relocate.” When this series is complete, you will be armed with critical information necessary for identifying your ideal relocation spot. Don’t be surprised if after this eye opening series your philosophy on how you previously evaluated and envisioned your relocation site looks completely different.
Most preparedness “experts” would define the common prepper relocation logic is to find a place as far as possible from other people in an area still suitable for an off-grid, self-sustaining lifestyle. This implies the location has ample water, good soil, and a good growing season. Add a couple wild card factors like being outside the blast radius and fallout pattern of a nuclear detonation and avoiding known earthquake prone areas and most preppers conclude that Idaho is the choice destination. James Wesley Rawles, a man well known and respected throughout the prepper community and a recognized expert on the field is a big advocate of this relocation option. In Rawles’ defense, Idaho may indeed be a good location for some preppers for some reasons. However, Rawles and many others are basing many of their primary assumptions on outdated information, obsolete tactics and techniques, and generally old school logic that when tested in real world scenarios, fails. I don’t take this indictment lightly. If we get this wrong, we die and that is why it is so important we first question some of the fundamental assumptions the conventional prepper relocation plan is based upon. Read more
Are you prepared for the “Day of Rage?”
Tomorrow, Friday July 15th has been announced as a “day of rage” to protest perceived social injustices across the nation. Most major metropolitan areas have been identified as areas targeted by possible protests. Now, just because a day of rage is called for online, it doesn’t mean anyone will turn out. However, based on past Black Lives Matter (BLM) events that turned violent, it would be wise to take precautions out of an abundance of caution. So what should you do if you happen to live, work, or pass through these named areas?
I have written many pieces over the years explaining how to prepare for the mobs rioting and burning our cities during times of social unrest. Per my piece in June, I detailed how to defend against fire, which may be your most pressing threat during a riot. (See: http://www.lastminutesurvival.com/2016/06/06/how-to-protect-your-home-from-rioting-mobs-using-fire-as-a-weapon/ ) I also have discussed in detail how to organize your community into a common defense since private citizens, NOT law enforcement have proven time and again to be your best defense for life and property against the mob. (See stories listed at: http://www.lastminutesurvival.com/?s=ferguson) For extremely bad situations, we have also put together the Civilian Response Force composed of volunteer citizens from across to the nation willing to help those located in high threat or disaster areas. (See: http://www.lastminutesurvival.com/2015/01/21/lms-civilian-response-team-ferguson-conundrum-solved-by-community-security/) All of these articles present a coherent comprehensive strategy for the defense of you and your community and should be reviewed in detail.
Specific to those needing to make “last minute” preparations for tomorrow’s planned “day of rage” touted as a “peaceful” event, I would recommend the following.
Family: Get any non-essential family members out of the danger area. If you can, have them stay with family or friends until you know it is safe to return. Before parting ways, make sure everyone knows your plan in the event you need to bug out and ensure that includes a “no-comms” plan.
Fire: Go to Costco or similar store and make a bulk purchase of fire extinguishers. Chemical extinguishers that work on gasoline/petroleum and electrical fires are optimum. Place these extinguishers in easy to access locations close to any windows and doors of your home and on all levels of your home. If you have any combustible material around your house, remove it. Be especially vigilant to get rid of gas cans and such in easily accessible locations like sheds and outbuildings that a rioting mob could easily access.
Preparations for Defense: Prep your kit for either bugging out or the defense. Weapons, ammunition, and any other associated items like body armor should be staged and ready if the situation deteriorates and dictates the need to defend your home and family. If the situation becomes hopeless (block is engulfed in fire, overrun, etc.) be prepared to bug out. Have a go bag staged and multiple evacuation routes and options ready for execution. Make sure you let at least one other trusted person know your whereabouts and plans should you need to execute a bug out.
Medical: Inventory, update, prep, and stage any medical equipment you have or intend to use in a casualty collection point. This should be somewhere safe in your home and could be a safe room, basement, or internal room with no windows and doors. The most critical items such as tourniquets should be staged and at the ready.
Vehicles: Any vehicles that you cannot store inside a locked garage should be driven and stored outside of the area of disorder. Vehicles left along streets are likely to be vandalized, stolen, or torched during riots. If you chose to keep a vehicle at your residence, make sure it is prepared to be used to bug out on short order. That means any tools, extraction equipment, and hardening should be complete. Any maintenance should be done. Make sure the vehicle is fully gassed. Also make sure your spare tire(s) are easily accessible and your tire change equipment is staged if you don’t use run flat tires.
Community: Now is a good time to coordinate your plans with likeminded individuals in your neighborhood. Optimally, there are at least a few other people on your block that will be prepared and ready to react if your area is targeted by the mob. Have a plan to communicate, react, and provide mutual support. If you are short on manpower, access your prepper network for friends from out of town willing to come into town and establish security at and around your home. Respective of the rest of the neighborhood, assume they are sympathetic to other causes and even possibly hostile to anyone bearing arms in defense of their homes and family so keep a low profile unless the situation dictates.
Travel/Business: If you do not live in said high threat area, but must travel through it or work in the immediate area, you must also take precautions. Make sure you have your bug out bag with you and your primary, alternative, and emergency evacuation plans are made and ready to execute. Monitor the radio for signs of trouble and have your cell phone with a backup battery ready. Make sure you dress appropriately and assume you may have to move miles on foot.
Be safe by being prepared.
By Guiles Hendrik
July 14, 2016
How to protect your home from rioting mobs using fire as a weapon

Fire at the US Consulate, Benghazi, Libya. Source: www.aljazeera.com
As the presidential political landscape takes shape, even a passive observer can tell it is looking like a violent year. I have been taking careful notes on these developments and it should have you worried if you live in an urban area. In particular, it has caused me to review preparations to counter fire dangers. I have seen firsthand how fire can be used as a weapon either intentionally or inadvertently and it has awesome destructive force. More specifically, in an urban setting, out of control fires can quickly spread and consume entire blocks in firestorms. Now, think about your home. How well is it protected and how prepared are you if fire is used directly or indirectly against your home? More specifically, if the fire department can’t or won’t respond to your home because of riots and anarchy, will you be able to prevent fire from destroying it?
If you are like most people, you never put much thought into the question I pose. If not, now is the time. It is especially important if you live in an urban area and your home is connected or a part of other buildings. Beginning this summer, the radical extremist foot soldiers of the Left are being marshaled for wide spread violence against civilian targets. Read more
Fire starters for survival: The lighter versus the fire steel
I get asked a lot about what my preferred techniques and tools are for starting a fire. Many items are on the market from old school flint and steel to lighters, matches, and magnesium fire steels that shower your tinder with hot sparks. So for “last minute survival,” what would be my best choice if I could only choose one? Further, why are there so many fire steel “sparker” devices? Are they really that good and should I have one? The good news is I have a definitive answer for you so read on.
My answer is that in a survival situation, your best fire starter is whatever gets the fire reliably started in the quickest and most energy efficient manner. What works is what I carry and that is a simple lighter. In fact, it is one of the three items I never go anywhere without and always have on my person. What I have witnessed in the real world over and over is that for the average person, a simple lighter is by far your best choice. Even when instructing experienced outdoorsman, the lighter is still the choice fire starter and the one that most people see the quickest and most consistent success when starting a fire. This isn’t an accident. The lighter is very convenient, works well, and most people are comfortable operating one even in complete darkness. Lighters are also very forgiving and can allow one to maintain the flame to light larger tinder items that spark type ignition methods are not capable of igniting. Lighters are small and light enough that a person can carry a small backup lighter in a waterproof container in their pack and still always have a primary on their person. Further, you can operate a lighter even when your dexterity is diminished such as during the mid to late stages of hypothermia when getting a fire started immediately is critical to survival. Lighters also can still operate after being wet if allowed to dry out and they can also provide some temporary light. They don’t get soggy and absorb moisture like matches. Finally, lighters are available all over the world and are one of the cheapest fire starting tools available. Read more
Left-Hander Immediate Action for the AR-15: The Owen LIA Method©
If you run an AR style weapon then you should be intimately familiar with the “tap, rack, bang” method of immediate action. When a stoppage occurs, both civilian and military shooters are taught to come off the forearm of the rifle with the non-firing hand and “tap” the magazine, then “rack” the slide, and then sight back in and attempt to fire. This method works great “if” you are right handed. However, if you happen to shoot left handed, not only is this method awkward and slow, but the shooter often fails to completely rack the charging handle to the rear and almost always wastes precious time trying to get back on the sites after completing immediate action. For left handers, there is a better way to conduct immediate action that is lightning fast and far more effective. I call it the Owen Left-handed Immediate Action Method© or Owen LIA Method© for short.
To conduct the Owen LIA Method© when a stoppage occurs, the left-handed shooter will Read more
Are you prepared to survive an active shooter style terrorist attack?
Not so ironically, I was in the process of writing an entire piece on how Islamic terrorist cells were already operating inside the United States and then the events in California occurred. The Islamic terrorist attack pre-empted the article’s publishing and unfortunately proved the point I was making so I have since scrapped the article and instead decided to talk directly about preparing for and surviving an active shooter situation. The events in Paris, Colorado, and California are all examples of active shooter scenarios and mark a deadly change of tactics that now show a bias for soft targets in gun free zones. This knowledge alone will help you prepare yourself and your family to survive in the event you find yourself confronted and possibly trapped in the midst of an attack. To survive, consider these simple points.
Preparation is key to a successful outcome whether it be in war, a sports game, or a job interview. It is no different when it comes to self-preservation in the face of an active shooter. One must be mentally prepared to fight to the death. The first time you think about what you would do while at school or work or shopping when shots start ringing out should not be when it actually happens. Working through the problem sets in your head beforehand will enable you to act much more quickly and decisively under high stress, which is vital for survival. You should also constantly maintain a state of mild vigilance and never completely ignore your situational awareness. Take note of where exits are. Observe the people around you and their dispositions. Be aware enough to know if something doesn’t seem right or if it is out of place. If you get a gut feeling something isn’t right, exit immediately and leave the area. Read more
Part III: Gun Confiscation Goes Mainstream: Tyranny in the Land of the “Free”
Post Confiscation Orders and the Resistance
When the government decrees you must turn in your weapons, the question is whether you will comply or resist. Consider this question carefully because the implications and consequences will not just affect you, but generations. Make no mistake, firearms, once confiscated, will never be returned. They will be destroyed. The companies that make them will be put out of business, their machinery sold, and their employees put out of work. Guns and gun related activities form a multibillion dollar American industry and our economy will immediately suffer. Far worse though will be the right to bear arms as we currently enjoy it will not be reinstated until after our nation suffers incredible pain and hardship if we ever get it back. Once America disarms, there will be no going back no matter whether the government turns benevolent or brutal because the ultimate means of popular resistance will have been foolishly discarded. Fortunately, contrary to what the government propaganda would like you to believe; we actually have an enormous amount of power to successfully resist any confiscation attempt and can, if we collectively act, non-violently stop this draconian movement. Read more
Food Confiscation: How to protect your food stores and production from government confiscation
Did you know that if you have even a small subsistence farm to grow and or raise food for your family it all could be confiscated. Did you know the government is currently trying to identify and register all food producers to support this goal? Whether you are aware or not, at any time the president deems necessary, the US can now confiscate key resources in the name of national security. In particular, the food you worked hard to grow or raise could be seized. Naturally, it makes no sense to spend your time and money developing a farming capability to insulate your family from hard times only to have it seized. By following a few basic rules, you can help to protect your food supply and ensure those that helped cause the collapse and refused to prepare aren’t fed on your watch.
President Obama also nationalized our nation’s food supply through executive order. (See: https://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2012/03/16/executive-order-national-defense-resources-preparedness) This executive order effectively orders the heads of various agencies to include the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) to identify critical resources under their purview and develop policies on how to ensure their production and procurement during national emergencies. As with most government regulation, this order on the surface doesn’t sound too draconian. However, the devil is in the details regarding its implementation. In order for the USDA to “secure” the US food supply, it becomes necessary to identify everyone involved in food production. Once identified, then upon order, the USDA can send nationalized goon squads to confiscate any and all “critical resources” deemed necessary for national security. National security may very soon include declaring “preppers” “extremists and depriving them of their stores of food. In this particular case, it could involve your entire crop. Read more
Jade Helm Explained: What it is, what it isn’t, and what you can do to resist.
Many of my readers have been asking about the upcoming Jade Helm exercise. Naturally, citizens should have a healthy suspicion of any military exercises and especially ones that appear to target a domestic threat. However, is the hysteria really warranted or is it all being overly hyped? I have remained mute on this issue because I was hoping the military would through official channels come clean and explain the true nature of the exercise, which is better described as an operation. Of course this has not happened and there are deliberate reasons why the military has remained opaque. As such, I want to explain the operation in a way that to date hasn’t been reported. The truth about the exercise is it is really an operation and there are reasons for real concern, but also, there is a large degree of hype that has clouded the public’s understanding. Nonetheless, Jade Helm is just a symptom of far bigger conspiracies unfolding across the US government. To be prepared, you will need to understand the dynamic currently afoot, which is far bigger than any one exercise. Read more
Gun Owners: Critical knowledge to protect yourself from gun confiscation
If you own a short-barreled rifle (SBR) or other controlled device such as a suppressor or have any registered firearm, this article has critical information for you. As you should be well aware, more and more states are beginning to confiscate firearms for the smallest of infractions. In fact, one may only need to say the wrong thing during a doctor’s visit or have you child play with a water pistol in public to trigger the police visiting your house with a warrant to confiscate your firearms. Furthermore, if you own an SBR or Class III firearm/component, you can be inspected at any time. To protect yourself and your firearms, every gun owner should follow the practices listed below. Read more