Archive for Organization, Support, and Advice

What if the COVID-19 Narrative is a Lie?

Through experience, I have learned to heavily doubt and question nearly all narratives coming from governments.  However, when it comes to communist governments such as in China, one must be far more skeptical and not believe anything until proven otherwise.  This is the case with the Wuhan Pandemic designated COVID-19.  As it stands, we are led to believe that this virus spontaneously jumped from some unknown species to humans and began spreading through the population in China circa December 2019.  We already know for sure that China lied to the world about everything we can validate from the outside such as when it actually began to spread and the fact that it does spread from person-to-person contrary to China’s initial claims.  What this should tell you is if the easily verified “facts” coming from China were all lies, then it is reasonable to assume they have zero credibility, were covering up, and nothing they said can be believed.  Understanding this should lead a logical person to ask then, “If the Chinese narrative is a lie, then what are the implications?”  The implications are nothing short of massive and could upend everything we have been led to believe about the virus.

Nothing about this virus is what, as an armchair observer, I would consider “normal.”  I honestly do not care if I have an MD before or after my name.  I am a thinking person and reserve the right to use my own knowledge, experience, and study just like anyone else to deduce truth.  Further, let us be honest.  The “experts” have been wrong at about every point in this pandemic so we can dispense with any notion only the scientists can understand this virus.  At the top of my list is the inability to sustain immunity to the virus.  Although not unheard of, most people will develop a lasting immunity to a disease if they survive it.  With COVID-19, it is becoming clear that there is no long-term immunity conveyed.  In addition, this virus seems to affect the body in ways other “flus” usually do not.  For example, this disease goes far beyond the lungs and seems to effect one’s neurological system and heart.  Survivors of bad cases are debilitated for life.  I also find that it can travel and spread for weeks in asymptomatic patients while others get it and fall gravely ill noteworthy.  Why do some act as spreaders with little or no ill effects while others drop dead?  Looking at the bigger picture, I think that China’s lockdown of a billion people was an extreme response if not understood in context. 

This is not an exhaustive list of COVID-19 novel properties, but it certainly should raise questions about what we know and what we are dealing with.  One may expect to see one of these properties, but in aggregate, it suggests that there is something more sinister about this virus.  To me, I have only found one narrative that explains everything we are seeing.  To work, the narrative must explain the lies and coverups, the draconian response in China, and the unique properties of this virus.  Using this logic, my narrative says that the current narrative is false because it fails to explain what we are witnessing and therefore should not be believed as fact.  Everything the Establishment has told us has proved to be wrong or a lie later whether intentional disinformation or simply incompetence.  Second, I am becoming convinced that China was experimenting with deadly pathogens at a lab when one was released. 

The first big clue is location.  You cannot dismiss the fact that a major bioresearch facility is in precisely the place where the pandemic began.  The second clue is the initial claims about the spread beginning in a food market have all been debunked.  The third clue is that China lied and tried to coverup something that if innocent, did not require any coverup.  The fourth clue is the military lockdown of a billion people in China.  The fifth clue is the properties of this virus seem to be a chimera of desirable traits in a weaponized pathogen.  Based on this, I think it is fair to explore the possibility that this was a bioweapon under development.  It certainly should not be dismissed out of hand.  Anyone that says otherwise should be suspect in this conspiracy because by no means has that been ruled out.  A case in point is the World Health Organization, which while taking massive sums of money from China, was complicit in passing China’s false narrative to the world.  Whether this was deliberate or not is not material for this discussion. What’s material is that China was using its mouthpieces to present a false narrative for some specific reason that must be identified. Mainstream narratives also claim there are no signs its genetic code was artificially modified.  This is a big red herring designed to throw anyone off the track.  The qualifier is what jumps out at me.  What it does not say in fact is more telling.  Specifically, the narrative deliberately ignores the fact that no gene editing or artificial process are required to develop a bioweapon.  In fact, natural processes that can be accelerated in a lab would be a rather basic method to develop a bioweapon.  As such, drawing attention to the still unverified “fact” this disease did not show characteristics of gene splicing in no way removes the possibility it was still being developed in a lab.  This is classic misinformation because it makes a true claim that is intended to deceive versus disinformation, which is a factually untrue statement meant to deceive.  I do not see any of this as accidental or coincidental.  This is deliberate with very intended effects.   

The bioweapon theory would explain the coverup.  This theory would also explain why China did not hesitate to use the military to lockdown over a billion people.  Specifically, if China saw this as anything other than a weaponized virus that could have disastrous implications for its country, it would not have turned off its industry costing its economy trillions of dollars.  Let us be honest, China has for many years sought to reduce its population and actively kills dissidents and babies.  Losses from a flu by a communist government that killed an estimated 80 million of its own people simply would not trigger the military response we witnessed in China.  More likely, China knew exactly what it was dealing with and desperately acted to stop it.  Once it realized it could not stop or contain it, China sought to spread the damage to ensure the rest of the world was also brought down a notch.  China certainly could not afford to have its population and economy devastated while its competitors remained unscathed.  I believe this is why China locked down its borders, but actively exported its population via air travel to the far corners of the world.  Finally, and most consequential, this theory explains the unique qualities of how the virus spreads and effects a population.  As such, until such time as information comes forth that can conclusively refute this virus came from a lab, we need to treat it as a plausible explanation. 

Considering the theory as plausible, one must ask what the implications of this great lie would be.  In short, if this is a bioweapon, all bets are off.  We cannot approach a weaponized pathogen in the same way we deal with a traditional pathogen.  Therefore, accurate information is so important.  If this theory is correct, we must recognize that things like an effective vaccine could be a fantasy.  We need to also realize that there could be many long-term negative complications we have not even begun to identify.  This is why I recommend caution to anyone thinking that they are young and healthy and therefore not at risk.  The entire assumption is based on COVID-19 being a natural phenomenon and not a bioweapon.  If it turns out to be a bioweapon and the mainstream narrative was just one more lie in a string of lies, it may take years to discover that having the disease imparts other complications like a compromised immune systems such as with HIV/AIDS.  For example, there are plenty of conflicting studies and reports on whether this is a retrovirus and will flare back up later in life when your immune system and health is far less likely to be able to defeat it.  At minimum, if no immunity is conveyed, as long as the virus is in the population, it does not matter because you are at risk.  This disease may also mutate to a more lethal form, which you typically do not see in natural viruses, if it has been engineered as a weapon.  It could even cause your immune system to have horrible reactions to other pathogens or immunizations.  Remember too that that if this is a bioweapon, there is a strong motive for even our government to suppress the truth.  After all, once the virus is out, what benefit would there be to telling the population they were just exposed to a bioweapon?  Think about it.  A government seeks to control the population.  The fear and panic that would result from this knowledge would make everything that is happening now seem like nothing.  The government will put maintaining control above your safety every time.  The truth is we do not know much about the Wuhan Pandemic and should therefore explore this possibility since the implications are so dire.  These are real questions about real complications and not kooky beliefs.  Until we can definitely answer the questions posed in this article, I recommend being skeptical and taking all precautions very seriously.

By Guiles Hendrik,

July 20, 2020

The Role of Policing in Society Part I: How Big Government Spawns Hatred for the Police

I reject the narratives circulating in the media.  I reserve the right to think independently and dissent from what the nation is being intimidated into “believing.”  This is still a Right of free people.  The argument all cops are bad is absurd.  The argument that police are systemically racist is patently false…a fact we should all be proud to announce vice succumbing to political intimidation and pandering.  On the other side of the narrative, it is false to declare that all cops are good and beyond reproach.  Like all institutions, there are always some wrongdoers.  However, when we find these miscreants wearing blue, we should all agree to weed them out instead of insulating them from accountability, be it by a union or immunity.  Also false are the polarized arguments insisting at one extreme, we abolish the police, or at the other extreme, cops must be protected from all criticism.  Neither narrative is beneficial and neither serves to address the real problems underlying the growing animosity and distrust between the public and the police.  This is not accidental.  This is a classic false choice, a red herring, set up by subversive elites to effectively trick the public into division.  To be clear, the police writ large are still the good guys and appreciated by vastly more people than the mainstream media portrays through a campaign of relentless disinformation.  So, rather than rehashing ridiculous narratives, I hope I can inject some balance and reason back into this ideological divide, which has been engineered to rip apart the fabric of this great nation.  In Part I of my articles on policing in the United States, I address the root causes of conflict between the police and the public, which are by definition systemic, and how to reverse it at a macro level. 

To scope the argument, let me ask this question.  Is there a difference between law enforcement and the police?  I asked many police officers this question and the consensus answer, albeit nuanced, was they were the same.  Inherent in this consensus the two terms are synonymous is what I believe to be one of the greatest problems with “law enforcement.”  There is a huge difference between protecting citizens as citizens and enforcing any edict an insane bureaucrat may concoct as a paramilitary arm of the regime.  This divide can be traced directly back to the differing Franco-Continental and British views of policing pre-dating the 1700s.  The British ideas, captured in Sir Robert Peel’s Nine “Peelian Principles,” represent policing by the consent of the people.  The Franco-Continental view is one of authoritarian absolutism through law enforcement.  One is the champion of the people and respected and the other becomes the enemy of the people and detested.  Not surprisingly, governments left unchecked often create a Franco-Continental model of law enforcement instead of the citizen based British model of policing.  Being that the law enforcement model has been embraced by big government socialists around the world to force policies without the consent of citizens, I do not find it at all coincidental that this glaring distinction between policing and law enforcement has been eradicated in modern vernacular and discussion.  Equally true is that as our nation moves from policing by consent to policing by force, there will be growing resistance.  As such, when asked how to “fix” our police departments, my answer is simple.  It is not to outright defund the police or get rid of cops.  It is to remove law enforcement from the corrupting control of politicians and make the police directly answerable to the public, which they directly serve.  With this comes training, re-education, and a heavy scoping of the role police serve in society and how they perform their duties.          

In a perfect world, the public would elect competent officials that execute the duties of their office with the utmost integrity and the best interests of the public in mind.  The public would be well represented by their officials.  The elected official would be directly accountable to the citizens not just in theory, but in practice.  They would rigorously adhere to the legal precedents codified in the Constitution and jealously guard the Rights of the people enshrined in the Bill of Rights.  These representatives would craft legislation that improves the lives of the citizens and only when necessary, would they use the police to enforce these just laws in the defense of life, liberty, and property with the citizens’ consent. 

Then there is the real world where corrupt and utterly incompetent bureaucrats and politicians spend lifetimes enriching themselves and their close friends at the taxpayers’ expense.  These career politicians have an insatiable appetite for more power, which means bigger government.  How does government get bigger?  It creates more government organizations to churn out an endless supply of new laws and regulations that give the politicians more power, wealth, and protection.  To fund these all-consuming fiefdoms, the political elite need an ever increasing amount of money to be extorted from the public in a thousand different ways ranging from traffic cameras, highway tolls, and speed traps, to the 78,000 pages of tax codes and counting.  The bigger their government fiefdom becomes, the more inefficient it becomes.  The more inefficient it becomes the greater need for even more laws to raise even more revenue.  This leviathan left unchecked will create so many laws, regulations, codes, taxes, ordnances, and rules, life for the ordinary citizen becomes oppressive and the citizen soon sees the government as the enemy.   

This growth of government directly impacts how police are seen by the public they serve.  Bigger and bigger government requires the need for more and more enforcement capacity.  This is an inherent problem that defines the violence and tyranny of big government, which soon becomes synonymous with Socialism.  To sustain the government, police are placed on the front lines of revenue generation, which immediately makes them the object of scorn for the financially extorted public.  Yes, it is true that it is the “elected” politicians of the “people” that created these taxes, but the fact is lost on the individual who only sees the officer in blue writing the ticket.  Some examples of how law enforcement become the face of revenue collection include enforcing ridiculous taxes on cigarettes, issuing frivolous traffic tickets, and enforcing tolls on highways paid for a thousand times over by taxpayers.  We may dress this up better, but a man with a gun enforcing the extraction of a $40 toll on Interstate 66 from the father trying to get to work is little different in practice to the ordinary citizen than the highwayman of old that held up travelers at gun point and robbed them face-to-face.  In addition to revenue collection, law enforcement is tasked with all manner of intrusive actions into people’s lives.  The list of egregious abuses grows by the day and includes everything from civil asset forfeiture better known as state sponsored theft to raiding homes in the middle of the night killing innocent citizens through gross negligence.  Whether arresting a six-year-old for a playground scuffle or unconstitutionally disarming innocent citizens without due process, the root of these outrages grows from too much government.  This insatiable growth of government ultimately pits the organs of state sanctioned force against the people it was designed originally to serve.  It is at this juncture when our men and women in blue must ask who they serve and whether they are representing law enforcement and the bureaucrats or police and the people. 

Our nation is at cross-roads.  Do we want police, or do we want law enforcement?  My question to our officers in blue is will you force the corrupt politicians with their overzealous rules to capitulate or will you continue to protect and empower them?  Will you serve by the consent of the people or the decree of the bureaucrats that despise the police, yet use law enforcement for their benefit?  You, the men and women in blue, have the power to be the champions of the people by denying the political elite the ability to force their oppressive ideologies on the public.  You are their enforcement capability.  Without your consent, their edicts are hollow.  Who do you serve?  Are you going to stand in formation all night long getting pelted with bricks and bottles of urine as your neighborhoods burn because some corrupt councilman dictated a stand-down order?  Are the only arrests you make going to be the father that pulled a gun to protect his family as the mob attacked him, burned his business, and trashed his car?  If so, in spite of the disinformation and propaganda in the mainstream media, which does not represent the actual attitudes and values of the majority in the nation that want to support the police, you have not only have lost the people, but have become the willing dupes of an elite that despises you.  Instead of selectively enforcing the law based on intimidation and pressure from radical politicians, I challenge all officers across this nation to push back, use discretion, and exercise their right to dissent by not engaging in inequitably practices that alienate the public.  Equally important, if communities genuinely want change in our policing practices…and I do, I challenge the citizens to replace career politicians, roll back the insane number of intrusive and unnecessary rules, and remove the control of the police departments from these governing bodies.  Our nation desperately needs checks and balances and for all too long, the big city police departments have been hamstrung by corrupt officials unfit to wear a badge.  Make the departments and their budgets independent.  Make the police chiefs elected officials.  Make the governments stop using the police to enforce revenue collection and all other non-criminal matters.  As Sir Robert Peel advocated, make the police the citizens and the citizens the police.      

By Guiles Hendrik,

July 14, 2020

Sir Robert Peel’s Nine Principles:

  1. To prevent crime and disorder, as an alternative to their repression by military force and severity of legal punishment.
  2. To recognise always that the power of the police to fulfill their functions and duties is dependent on public approval of their existence, actions and behaviour, and on their ability to secure and maintain public respect.
  3. To recognise always that to secure and maintain the respect and approval of the public means also the securing of the willing co-operation of the public in the task of securing observance of laws.
  4. To recognise always that the extent to which the co-operation of the public can be secured diminishes proportionately the necessity of the use of physical force and compulsion for achieving police objectives.
  5. To seek and preserve public favour, not by pandering to public opinion, but by constantly demonstrating absolutely impartial service to law, in complete independence of policy, and without regard to the justice or injustice of the substance of individual laws, by ready offering of individual service and friendship to all members of the public without regard to their wealth or social standing, by ready exercise of courtesy and friendly good humour, and by ready offering of individual sacrifice in protecting and preserving life.
  6. To use physical force only when the exercise of persuasion, advice and warning is found to be insufficient to obtain public co-operation to an extent necessary to secure observance of law or to restore order, and to use only the minimum degree of physical force which is necessary on any particular occasion for achieving a police objective.
  7. To maintain at all times a relationship with the public that gives reality to the historic tradition that the police are the public and that the public are the police, the police being only members of the public who are paid to give full-time attention to duties which are incumbent on every citizen in the interests of community welfare and existence.
  8. To recognise always the need for strict adherence to police-executive functions, and to refrain from even seeming to usurp the powers of the judiciary of avenging individuals or the State, and of authoritatively judging guilt and punishing the guilty.
  9. To recognise always that the test of police efficiency is the absence of crime and disorder, and not the visible evidence of police action in dealing with them.

The 2019-nCoV Wuhan Novel Coronavirus: Where we stand, what is to come, and what should you do

By now, unless you are already off-grid, you know that a viral outbreak, which began in China, has now gone global. There should be no doubt this is going to cause massive disruptions across the globe, yet due to what many politely refer to as “normalcy bias,” Americans appear oblivious. Even those that are paying attention seem to be under an illusion that the government has a secret plan that will spare the United States from the chaos now spreading across China. Now, as the numbers of infected explode exponentially higher globally, the questions people should be asking are what should I do and when. This is no longer any question of “if” this virus is going to become a pandemic. This pandemic will be a game changer that cannot be averted. So now what?

What should we do is the question I hear most often? As we sit on the eve of a truly global catastrophe, I can’t help thinking that this has eerie similarities to how Americans ignored the warnings as Hurricane Katrina barreled toward the Gulf Coast. In spite of what were very clear warnings and indications Hurricane Katrina was going to cause massive damage, people chose to ignore the ugly reality. Instead of taking action, they found comfort in creating a false reality where nothing changed and everything was going to be okay. Those people died as the levies burst and Katrina’s storm surge poured into the low-lying neighborhoods of New Orleans. The normalcy bias is lethal and you must break free of it mentally. For what it’s worth, Wikipedia defines normalcy bias as “a tendency for people to believe that things will always function the way they have normally functioned and therefore underestimate both the likelihood of a disaster and its possible effects.” The site goes on to claim up to 70% of people display a normalcy bias during a disaster. Americans more than any other people seem to be taught from birth that they have a “right” to happiness and will willfully ignore reality. In fact, many Americans will simply refuse to listen to bad news if it doesn’t fit their created “reality.” Unfortunately for them, denial of reality has never made a person immune from the consequences of reality. As such, the first thing you need to do is realize the gravity of the situation.

How bad will it get is the natural follow-up question. The truth is no one totally knows, but we do have some good insights based on what is occurring in the rest of the world. No one should be under any illusion that people are going to be forced to stay home in mass quarantines of entire cities and regions. All public gatherings will be cancelled. All non-essential travel will be cancelled. Most if not all public transit will be shut down. Businesses and schools will be forced to close. Hospitals will be overrun. Supply shortages will become acute. The global economy will lose trillions. Social unrest is bound to break out and at least limited martial law may be imposed in some of our major cities. The cumulative effect will be big enough to shake up the global order of things. Further, remember disease is an equal opportunity killer and doesn’t discriminate based on your level of wealth. Without doubt, many older people will die. Some of these people will be elites. If you take the government’s numbers at face value, this virus kills approximately 2.2% of those infected. However, of those infected, it kills a much higher number of the elderly and people with pre-existing conditions such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. Take a look at our ruling elites around the world. How many fit that category. By time this is all over, many of them could be dead if a vaccine isn’t quickly developed.

At this point, you are already better off than 70% of the population if Wikipedia is to be believed because you now have internalized as fact, things are not going to be the same. You have overcome the normalcy bias. This is key because now you can properly appreciate the growing body of information to know what post outbreak life will be like. That hurdle is literally the most difficult mental jump for most Americans so congratulations. Now, with your eyes opened, you are ready to make a plan and take action. Let’s look more specifically at key areas and discuss what can be done.

The economic impact is going to be massive. There is just no avoiding this one. The stock market is going to crater so consider liquidating equities that aren’t long hold or gold related. After the markets dropped today, it may be too late to sell your stocks and you have to ride out the storm. For those savvy enough to trade options or short stocks you already know there is money to be made as the market goes down. At minimum, the best advice for most people is to simply start pulling out cash. Keep only what you need in your accounts. As the virus spreads, banks could quickly become insolvent. This will almost undoubtedly lead to banking holidays, freezes, and collapses.

Supply chain disruptions will also become common. Businesses will be forced to shut down operations. China to some degree can attempt to force workers to go back to work (doesn’t appear even in China this has been successful), but for liability reasons alone, forcing employees to come to work in the West is a non-starter. This will quickly lead to widespread supply shortages. Anything you think you will need to hunker down and wait out the storm, you should stock up on now. Based on China, one should prepare to go months, not weeks, without essential supplies if you want to avoid sick people. Further, do not rely on delivery services. As soon as the first stock worker at a fulfillment center falls ill, Amazon and others will be forced to reduce or suspend operations. At the top of your list should be essential medications and non-perishable food stuffs. You can tolerate a lot on a full belly, but once you become hungry, things get ugly fast. In particular, Americans simply do not know what it’s like to go without or starve. Expect people to be very angry if they can’t get their soymilk and beer.

Censorship and false information always go hand-and-hand with major disasters. Let’s start with the internet, news, and tech companies.  China has deleted all but a very few stories that were smuggled out.  Even the doctor that initially called attention to the virus was suppressed and ultimately died in China.  It’s not just China though.  In the West, a popular site called Zero Hedge was banned on Twitter for simply suggesting there could be a link between the virus and scientists in China that had worked on similar pathogens  Most would not have even cared or noticed, but it was enough to send the censors into a frenzy.  Why not allow the readers to make up their own minds?  You see, during a crisis, the governments must control the narrative.  Truth has to be what they create or it will be censored.  We have words for this…propaganda, misinformation, and disinformation.  This isn’t good for you or society and certainly hasn’t helped us prepare for the pandemic.  We have already seen China manipulating data and outright lying about the severity of the outbreak. Further, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization (WHO) have been anything but candid. The WHO in particular seems to be parroting communist party lines and kowtowing China’s demands at the expense of sensitizing the rest of the world to the severity of the crisis. Back home, the CDC hasn’t done Americans any favors either and appears far more interested in suppressing the actual number of infected than preparing Americans. Remember, it is always in the government’s interest to attempt to maintain order to maintain their power. Their interest is status quo. If people get upset and unrest breaks-out, they are not there to help you.  They are there to control you. They are there to ensure they stay in power. In almost every case, this means you are the one that will have to suffer for the “greater good.”

Don’t plan on the government helping you. The government doesn’t have a magic bullet. They simply can’t help everyone. Further, they aren’t good at it as demonstrated by the Department of State’s botched medical evacuations of Americans from China and the Diamond Princess cruise ship in Japan. Instead of helping, expect the government to act in a broad heavy-handed fashion such as locking down entire cities irrespective of the interests of the citizens. Depending on where you happen to be, this may prevent you from escaping the pandemic. In fact, like the people quarantined to the cruise ship, the government’s actions put them at far greater risk. Partial and then full quarantines are almost a certainty and Americans are not going to like it. Also, the “government” isn’t some far off group of superhumans that are immune to this disease. We will be lucky if the garbage men show up to work in most areas. As soon as a soldier shows up on base or at the Pentagon with this virus, the whole place will be closed down. Congress is certainly not going to hold session in D.C. with a major pandemic spreading. Even the White House will be forced to shut its doors and move to an offsite location. Contractors and staffers definitely are not going to be there to support operations. The point is there will be very few people left at work to steer this ship and you are not going to be their priority.

Families are going to be forced to make tough decisions. I can’t make these decisions for you, but you should consider them now. Do you stay together because you or your spouse has an essential job or do you bug out separately? Do you avoid your parents because they are more susceptible to the virus? What about your kids? Who is going to stay home to take care of them? The first child that shows up sick in school will also cause an instant exodus. I doubt many school systems in the U.S. will be able to complete this year without a major disruption. How about pets? Do you have enough feed on-hand to sustain them through a long quarantine?

Where to from here? Is it time to bug out? You ultimately have to make the call. The virus can take weeks to show so by the time “everyone” is sick, it will be too late to bug out. If you are going to go, this week is probably getting close to check-out time if you live in any major city in the U.S. If you are solo or want to risk it, you may get another week, but quarantines can be enacted very rapidly. Now is the time to get things in order, check your gear, restock essentials, and make your plan. Very soon, it will be time to cash out, pack out, and get out.


By Guiles Hendrik
February 24, 2020

Distributed Operations: Keys to Countering the Modern Police State

I am often asked how an insurgent (a.k.a. guerilla) force could successfully function against a modern police state. The answer to this complex challenge has taken on a mystique akin to the search for the Holy Grail. Many have come to believe that any resistance against these authoritative regimes leveraging the latest in surveillance technology is futile. This conclusion is false. Any modern police state can be successfully confronted and if necessary, overthrown. This is even more likely when a true critical mass of the populace is unified in their demand for the change. However, for those suffering under brutal regimes that were hoping for a simple panacea, I am sorry to disappoint you. This is a highly complicated and daunting operation that involves plans custom tailored to each unique regime. Even then, at the outset of resistance, the odds of success are not good making the endeavor highly risky. Most insurgencies are crushed in their infancies, but like newborns, those insurgencies that can survive for at least a year rapidly turn the tables and with each passing month statistically become more and more likely to succeed. Of those successful struggles against tyranny, one finds commonalities that will be applicable to any guerilla war. One of the most important of these is the use of Distributed Operations (DO). Read more

How to Protect Your Credit Cards from Latest Theft Techniques

Today, I wanted to talk briefly about simple ways to protect your privacy and money from the latest trends in identity theft.  Both Big Brother and well-organized criminal elements target you for your information, but some of these thefts are far more prevalent and intrusive.  Credit card theft is one that is top on my list.  In fact, it is safe to say many of us at one point or another have already had our credit card information stolen.  At best, this is a huge annoyance and a costly problem for banks and consumers, but at worst, you could have your savings wiped out and identity stolen.  To protect our accounts, banks continue to add new security features to cards, but as users, we too have to be aware of the latest trends in theft and take action.  Let’s discuss a new theft technique most of you are completely unaware of: How thieves get your pin codes and how to prevent it. Read more

Left-wing Terrorism Starts Second American Revolution

This week, the escalating communist revolution in the United States, graduated to full scale political assassination.  This was left-wing domestic terrorism.  For Americans, this was a watershed moment and a wake-up call.  Now many are asking; “Where does this lead?”  Your answer, whether you are ready to open your eyes or not, is the Second American Revolution.  This revolution will be far bloodier, far costlier, and more globally detrimental than any previous revolution if not stopped now. Read more

The Future of Drone Warfare

Those of you that have followed my site known I have keenly tracked and been a part of autonomous drone development.  The implications of this revolution in warfare are staggering.  All too often I hear some well-intentioned, but woefully ill-informed person state that their “counter-drone” weapon is a shotgun.  Rather than explain how wrong…and in a real life engagement, dead…these people are, I just want to show a video of a recent military drone test, which evaluated swarming technology.  As you watch, keep in mind each one of these drones will one day be able to independently identify, select, target, engage, and kill with precision day or night, from potentially miles away.  Using the swarming technology being developed, a precision strike of drones will eventually be conducted in a manner that independently targets and kills every living thing on a military base simultaneously.  Let that reality sink in for a bit.  Now sit back and watch this clip.

Guiles Hendrik

February 27, 2017


Micro Drone Swarm Launched From F/A-18 Super Hornet


Lessons Learned from J20 Protests at Trump Inauguration

Before the Inauguration of President Trump fades into memory, I wanted to capture some the important lessons learned.  Please feel free to post on chat boards and begin discussions because this list is by no means all encompassing.  Instead, it is short run down of salient lessons learned to date that were under reported or appreciated.  I would love to see a fully consolidated after action list and would be happy to post it should someone want to submit one.

  • The key takeaway from the Trump Inauguration is that the Left failed. The inauguration was the single best chance Trump’s opposition had to unite and take decisive action against the new president.  The propaganda, anger, and vitriol in the run up to President Trump’s inauguration were unprecedented in our lifetimes.  Nonetheless, the Left utterly failed to stop anything.  The protestors looked like nothing more than a motley band of moronic, spoiled brats with a penchant for destructive behavior.  It was a truly embarrassing show of “force.”
  • The Left is far weaker than they try to present. Their numbers they mustered on the streets amounted to small bands of Soros hired anarchists and was far below even the lowest estimates presented by the media.  Any large scale national resistance movement by the Left is currently impossible with their current numbers and capabilities irrespective of Soros funding.
  • Anarchists are still targeting downtown business districts close to mass transportation hubs. This is important for future planning and preparation purposes.  In the case of DC, the majority of protests materialized in the vicinity of the main train station (Union Station) and Metro Station, which is the second largest metro hub in DC outside of Union Station.
  • Violent protestors are cowards and fear strong opposition. When confronted by individuals prepared and capable of self-defense, the Leftists resigned themselves to shouting obscenities, but avoided further escalation.  In the few examples where they miscalculated and tried to attack a competent solo individual, they uniformly had their butts kicked.  The pro-Trump biker groups were a strong testament to this effect.  It is clear the Left is in fear of groups willing and capable of proportionally responding with like violence should they try to attack anyone.
  • Violent protestors prey on the weak. A review of the attacks and destruction that occurred during the DC protests/riots shows that victims were not chosen at random.  Solo individuals and unguarded/unprotected property were the primary targets of the mob.  In many cases, women attempting to simply go to work were attacked.  One of the most egregious cases involved a violent mob attack and beating of a lady walking with a cane, which left her hospitalized.
  • Attendees wearing Trump attire were targeted if they appeared weak or in small numbers.
  • A screening of dozens of videos of attacks committed by rioters and protestors overwhelming demonstrated none had professional martial arts training. The individuals uniformly attacked people they thought they could bully and easily overpower, but never displayed any degree of competence in hand-to-hand combat.
  • The mob was easiest to penetrate by simply donning black attire. Our operatives wore black hoodies with black cargo pants and were able to easily infiltrate the mobs of anarchists.
  • By dressing like the anarchists (all black, face obscured, adorned with communist symbols), it was easy to target, approach, and “remove” anyone that appeared to be a major agitator in any said group. This tactic proved very effective at dispersing mobs and disrupting the protestors/rioters.  Critical to this tactic were speed and surprise.  Once action was necessary, infiltrators needed to neutralize the threat rapidly and then make an escape through the crowd to a secure area before anyone realized what was going on.
  • Preparing for a confrontation in high-pro kit was suitable for group shows of force for property defense, but was of limited utility in disrupting the mobs. Anyone wearing kit was too high profile to penetrate the mob of rioters and immediately drew the focus of hostilities.
  • Do not park any vehicles along streets. Roving mobs of anarchists blocks from the center of hostilities were seen randomly vandalizing property.
  • Keep plenty of fire extinguishers available. Fire is still the most dangerous threat widely faced.  Extinguishers also make a great (and perfectly legal) area dispersal or screening agent.  In fact, we found that simply discharging an extinguisher provided far better obscuration than typical smoke generating devices.
  • The police didn’t intervene except in the most egregious cases. They must maintain their lines for safety and security and have to preserve their limited manpower.  Riot trained police know that they must maintain a tight cohort.  Getting separated is extremely dangerous for an officer.  In DC, when they did make an arrest, they did it in a big group.
  • The police in DC used good discretion. If anything, most people wanted them to act more aggressively against the rioters.  In every case we witnessed, which included fights between pro and anti-Trump attendees, the true agitator(s) were arrested.
  • Don’t expect the police to be able to help you during major protests and riots. Their manpower is dedicated to protecting key infrastructure and persons…not you and your property.
  • Don’t expect the police to leave their lines immediately and come to your aid to break up a confrontation with violent anarchists. Police stood by and did not intervene in most of the minor assaults we witnessed.  That said, we witnessed a woman assaulted by a weaselly, male (barely) protestor trying to block her access to a venue and she decked the protestor.  The protestors screamed for her arrest, but the police took no action.  The lady then proceeded unmolested on to her destination.

This is a short list of some of the highlights of our observation teams last week.  Again, we ask that you post this to discussion boards.  We want to capture all of the lessons learned.  Each of these bullets provides plenty of fodder for further discussion and value to planning and preparation for future events involving mass civil unrest.


By Guiles Hendrik

January 27, 2017

Radical Leftists Stock Up on Guns Preparing for Violent Resistance to Trump

Oh how quickly the roles have changed.  Just a year ago, only crazy “deplorables” were clinging to their bibles and guns.  Now it looks as though the Leftists are suddenly glad they didn’t ban all firearms and are arming themselves by the thousands.  However, I seriously doubt this salient point resonated and I would be curious to know if they are suddenly swelling the ranks of the NRA…Yes, I doubt it too.  Nonetheless, from where we stood just six months ago, the radical elements within the political Left are now suddenly far more, not less, dangerous.  I am writing today to warn fellow patriots that the war is not won.  It has only begun and elements on the Left are actively plotting a violent resistance to President Trump’s Administration.  Read more

State Governments Passing Laws to Abolish Private Property Rights

The level of encroachment of government into our lives correlates very closely to the amount of freedom a person enjoys.  It should come as no surprise that the more the government dictates every aspect of a person’s life, the less freedom that person has.  Dating as far back as early English Common Law, it has been recognized and well established that without respect for property rights there can be no freedom.  Alarmingly, over the last year, state and federal governments have massively expanded the scope of intrusion into our lives and all but abolished the last vestiges of property “rights.”  As a result, the number of examples of egregious violations of rights has been piling up.  Three cases in particular highlight the utter destruction of property rights.  Read more

Unity of Effort in Patriot Movement

If there is something to be learned from this last election it is you seek or swim politically as a team.  The groups that are able to put differences aside for a common cause repeatedly achieve far greater goals than splinter factions alone.  This has been a problem that has plagued the Patriot Movement where issues like ego, societal rejection, and hard headed “rugged individualism” have become chronic self-defeating diseases.  This isn’t to say that we sacrifice our morals and ethics for the sake of unity, but it is important to understand what is critical and what isn’t when it comes to winning the long war of ideology.  Collectively, if we can move closer to achieving our objectives we are better off rallying together.  This isn’t without consequences and pitfalls though.  As we have seen, our major political parties have been hijacked by elitist interests to the point that rallying to a false idol for “party unity” will do far more damage than good.  We must once again remember what it means to be American and define our core values and principles.  These moral underpinnings must be our guides and what we rally to instead of a hijacked political party or fallible individual.  This is a far more enduring strategy.  Without this solid foundation based in moral and ethical truth we will be continuously misled, divided, and ultimately fail. Read more

Is a Violent Anti-Trump Revolution Possible in the US?

Most of you have read a lot of articles and reports lately concerning escalating protests and violence across the country.  Many of you are rightfully asking how far this will go.  I have seen a number of reports that essentially dismiss the possibility of an armed rebellion beginning in America.  They are wrong.  People need to wake up.  The United State has already passed through the proto-revolutionary phase and is now involved in an active low level insurgency that has the potential to quickly spread should the proper conditions present.  The question isn’t whether or not a violent revolution could start in the US.  The question is how bad will it get.  Make no mistake; we are at war with a violent, leftist insurgency right now.

Let’s begin with a quick history lesson.  President Obama began his political career in the living room of a domestic terrorist, Bill Ayers.  Read more

Election Fraud Alert: Democrats’ Plan to Steal Election Using Electoral College Gaining Support

Last Minute Survival exclusively warned before the election that Democrat Party operatives planned to steal the election “legally” by pressuring Democrat appointed electors to vote for Hillary irrespective of their state’s election outcome.  See:  I was the only one warning of this.  I specifically called out the states of Michigan and Pennsylvania to watch for this attempt since I assessed them as likely to vote for Trump even though most of their electors were chosen by Democrats.  We now know that I was right to focus on these two states as they did vote for Trump and are now being heavily pressured to vote for Hillary.

LMS then posted an update to show that indeed the Democrat’s plan I had exposed to steal the Electoral College had built support and Read more

Prepper Relocation Part V: The True Best Places to Relocate

Over the past two weeks, I have released a series on prepper relocation that completely changes the old conventional theories that drove prepper relocation strategies (See:  The key takeaway you learned from the research is that you do not need to relocate to a remote region to survive.  In fact, it is actually counterproductive to be too isolated.  Now that you know relocation to a place like Idaho is no longer necessary and even counterproductive, where are the best places to relocate?  The good news is that you have far greater options depending on what you are prepping for in light of the results of my research.  In today’s conclusion to the five part series, I will introduce you to both domestic and international options that are readily available to anyone looking for a thorough, full spectrum relocation strategy that will work even under the most extreme situations.  Read more

Prepper Relocation Part IV: The Fatal Error of Relocating to an Isolated Region

One of the single biggest mistakes preppers make is that they buy into the myth that relocating to a small region in the North West corner of the United States is their “best” chance of survival.  As you now know from my previous three articles in this series, this theory is inaccurate and is not based on any sound research.  Further, it causes people to unnecessarily incur significant additional costs and difficulties when developing their preparedness plans. However, what you still may not know is that there is a large body of empirical evidence that repeatedly demonstrates people living in isolated, remote areas are often at the greatest risk during wide spread social chaos and collapse.  Not coincidentally, these people also suffer some of the most hardships.  Therefore, with respect to our contemporary situation in the United States, preppers relocating to Idaho with the explicit intent to escape an oppressive government and or are planning to escape widespread instability during a systemic collapse of the system might very well be signing their death warrants.  Instead, contrary to contemporary prepping strategies, it would be better to be closer if not in the midst of a more densely populated area.

I understand what I just wrote probably sent many readers into anger and shock.  Nonetheless, it is far better to get the right information now then to continue along a misguided path to destruction.  No doubt, some readers will immediately discount what I am about to say because they are blinded by their own preconceived biases.  I cannot help those people.  Thankfully, the majority of my readers are intelligent thinking people that will quickly grasp the conclusions to be drawn from the evidence and modify their preparedness strategies accordingly.  In fact, don’t take my word alone, I invite everyone to conduct their own independent research into our prepping assumptions and disseminate their findings.

My theories seem counterintuitive to the premise that the farther from people you are, the farther from harm you are.  This is because the basic assumptions of this safety distance premise are flawed.  As the theory goes, in the event of a collapse or major catastrophe, being located away from people in a remote, self-sufficient redoubt is your best chance.  I have already discussed why the 300 mile rule is a useless metric and that the notion of a “Golden Horde” of refugees fleeing a city and destroying all in their wake is equally unfounded and completely untrue.  The last pillar of this theory is that being isolated conveys additional survival benefits.  To test it accurately, one must evaluate case studies from around the world and then correctly apply them to a realistic scenario domestically.  Read more

Prepper Relocation Part III: A Letter to the Prepper Community

Before I post Part IV, I want to pause and recap the huge amount of ground already covered in parts one and two of this series (See links below to read and catch up).  Previously, I showed that the most common assumptions preppers base their relocation decisions on are completely false and actually counterproductive to outright dangerous.  The research I presented is groundbreaking within our community because it completely overturned the very foundation of what many have spent a lifetime basing their preps around.  Understandably, some people within the prepper community have received the new information as radical heresy and immediately took to the defense.  When new information is presented to any community, this visceral reaction is to be expected.  After all, it challenged their entire basis for their preps and in this case, proved that much of their foundational assumptions were based on bad information. Read more

Prepper Relocation Part I: Questioning the Common Logic

I routinely read articles online where individuals pontificate about where the best places for preppers to live or relocate too are.  What I don’t usually see is any real cognitive effort to do a realistic analysis and assessment. This should be a red flag.  Selecting your relocation site is one of the most important decisions a prepper must make.  It is too important to be made on hearsay and opinions.  Therefore, I am going to question that contemporary prepper relocation logic.  I am going to debunk common myths and offer better alternatives that will help you develop a personalized answer to what truly is you “best prepper place to relocate.”  When this series is complete, you will be armed with critical information necessary for identifying your ideal relocation spot.  Don’t be surprised if after this eye opening series your philosophy on how you previously evaluated and envisioned your relocation site looks completely different.

Most preparedness “experts” would define the common prepper relocation logic is to find a place as far as possible from other people in an area still suitable for an off-grid, self-sustaining lifestyle.  This implies the location has ample water, good soil, and a good growing season.  Add a couple wild card factors like being outside the blast radius and fallout pattern of a nuclear detonation and avoiding known earthquake prone areas and most preppers conclude that Idaho is the choice destination.  James Wesley Rawles, a man well known and respected throughout the prepper community and a recognized expert on the field is a big advocate of this relocation option.  In Rawles’ defense, Idaho may indeed be a good location for some preppers for some reasons.  However, Rawles and many others are basing many of their primary assumptions on outdated information, obsolete tactics and techniques, and generally old school logic that when tested in real world scenarios, fails.  I don’t take this indictment lightly.  If we get this wrong, we die and that is why it is so important we first question some of the fundamental assumptions the conventional prepper relocation plan is based upon.  Read more

Massachusetts Creates Draconian Template to Massively Expand Gun Bans in States

Banned in Massachusetts: "Compliant Rifles" Image Source:

Banned in Massachusetts: “Compliant Rifles” Image Source:

Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey announced Wednesday that she will enforce a ban on the sale of what she called “copycat” assault-style weapons, effective immediately.  This new interpretation of gun law obliterates a decades old precedent on “compliant guns.”   Not only did it make tens if not hundreds of thousands of weapons in Massachusetts illegal, but it will soon be copied in other anti-gun states and cities across the nation.  Make no mistake, the anti-gun movement is alive and well and ready to seize every last firearm in our nation if given the change. Read more

The plan to suspend open carry at the RNC is a dangerous setup

After the assassination of three police officers in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Fox News began broadcasting comments from various “conservative” commentators demanding that Ohio’s open carry law be suspended in Cleveland for the duration of the Republic Convention.  This was a very scary precedent that Fox News seemed all too happy to endorse.  Thankfully, Ohio Governor John Kasich denied the request on quite legitimate grounds.  However, I fear something more insidious is afoot.

The mere consideration that laws protecting basic Constitutional Rights should be suspended is terrifying.  Let’s consider the precedent dictatorial police union leaders are setting by calling for the suspension of open carry in Ohio.  First of all, those calling for the ban base their demand for emergency powers on the fact three police officers over a thousand miles away were killed in a nation of over 320 million people.  If the bar in our nation for the institution of martial law is the death of three officers, we will be living under military rule by August.  What happened in Dallas and Baton Rouge is horrific.  However, if anyone thinks that draconian actions and suspension of our rights will make things better, they are not just stupid, but treasonous.  Our “rights” are not granted so they can be denied when we need them the most.  That is precisely when things are dangerous and difficult.

Second, Governor Kasich does not have the power to pick and choose which laws he would like to see enforced or not.  Can you imagine an executive such as President Obama with the ability to declare a state of emergency because of three deaths?  I am sure Obama could have it arranged and would certainly love for the public to give him the authority to immediately and arbitrarily suspend whatever laws he doesn’t like.  However, I am curious why anyone would think the man that has in a large part engineered and instigated this violence will do anything to stop it if he is awarded with more power? Read more

Are you prepared for the “Day of Rage?”

Tomorrow, Friday July 15th has been announced as a “day of rage” to protest perceived social injustices across the nation.  Most major metropolitan areas have been identified as areas targeted by possible protests.  Now, just because a day of rage is called for online, it doesn’t mean anyone will turn out.  However, based on past Black Lives Matter (BLM) events that turned violent, it would be wise to take precautions out of an abundance of caution.  So what should you do if you happen to live, work, or pass through these named areas?

I have written many pieces over the years explaining how to prepare for the mobs rioting and burning our cities during times of social unrest.  Per my piece in June, I detailed how to defend against fire, which may be your most pressing threat during a riot.  (See: )  I also have discussed in detail how to organize your community into a common defense since private citizens, NOT law enforcement have proven time and again to be your best defense for life and property against the mob.  (See stories listed at:  For extremely bad situations, we have also put together the Civilian Response Force composed of volunteer citizens from across to the nation willing to help those located in high threat or disaster areas.  (See:  All of these articles present a coherent comprehensive strategy for the defense of you and your community and should be reviewed in detail.

Specific to those needing to make “last minute” preparations for tomorrow’s planned “day of rage” touted as a “peaceful” event, I would recommend the following.

Family:  Get any non-essential family members out of the danger area.  If you can, have them stay with family or friends until you know it is safe to return.  Before parting ways, make sure everyone knows your plan in the event you need to bug out and ensure that includes a “no-comms” plan.

Fire:  Go to Costco or similar store and make a bulk purchase of fire extinguishers.  Chemical extinguishers that work on gasoline/petroleum and electrical fires are optimum.  Place these extinguishers in easy to access locations close to any windows and doors of your home and on all levels of your home.  If you have any combustible material around your house, remove it.  Be especially vigilant to get rid of gas cans and such in easily accessible locations like sheds and outbuildings that a rioting mob could easily access.

Preparations for Defense:  Prep your kit for either bugging out or the defense.  Weapons, ammunition, and any other associated items like body armor should be staged and ready if the situation deteriorates and dictates the need to defend your home and family.  If the situation becomes hopeless (block is engulfed in fire, overrun, etc.) be prepared to bug out.  Have a go bag staged and multiple evacuation routes and options ready for execution.  Make sure you let at least one other trusted person know your whereabouts and plans should you need to execute a bug out.

Medical:  Inventory, update, prep, and stage any medical equipment you have or intend to use in a casualty collection point.  This should be somewhere safe in your home and could be a safe room, basement, or internal room with no windows and doors.  The most critical items such as tourniquets should be staged and at the ready.

Vehicles:  Any vehicles that you cannot store inside a locked garage should be driven and stored outside of the area of disorder.  Vehicles left along streets are likely to be vandalized, stolen, or torched during riots.  If you chose to keep a vehicle at your residence, make sure it is prepared to be used to bug out on short order.  That means any tools, extraction equipment, and hardening should be complete.  Any maintenance should be done.  Make sure the vehicle is fully gassed.  Also make sure your spare tire(s) are easily accessible and your tire change equipment is staged if you don’t use run flat tires.

Community:  Now is a good time to coordinate your plans with likeminded individuals in your neighborhood.  Optimally, there are at least a few other people on your block that will be prepared and ready to react if your area is targeted by the mob.  Have a plan to communicate, react, and provide mutual support.  If you are short on manpower, access your prepper network for friends from out of town willing to come into town and establish security at and around your home.  Respective of the rest of the neighborhood, assume they are sympathetic to other causes and even possibly hostile to anyone bearing arms in defense of their homes and family so keep a low profile unless the situation dictates.

Travel/Business:  If you do not live in said high threat area, but must travel through it or work in the immediate area, you must also take precautions.  Make sure you have your bug out bag with you and your primary, alternative, and emergency evacuation plans are made and ready to execute.  Monitor the radio for signs of trouble and have your cell phone with a backup battery ready.  Make sure you dress appropriately and assume you may have to move miles on foot.

Be safe by being prepared.


By Guiles Hendrik

July 14, 2016


More reading: