Archive for New Cold War

Russia Destroys NASA Rocket as Predicted by Guiles Hendrik in June

NASA Rocket Explodes on Launch in Virginia

NASA Rocket Explodes on Launch in Virginia

Some would think major events like a space rocket being destroyed would be a rather unpredictable event and they would be wrong.  In June, Russia launched a rocket carrying sophisticated GPS cargo to establish an alternative network to the GPS operated by the United States.  This rocket launch posed a dangerous threat to US military dominance in targeting and guidance and came at the height of tensions with Russia over the Ukraine.  As such, it was no surprise when the rocket mysteriously malfunctioned and was destroyed during launch.  This major event was only briefly mentioned in Western news sources and even “professional” analysts failed to properly connect the dots.  In fact, the rocket’s failure wasn’t an accident it was sabotage.  Still though many amateurs would say that is a coincidence and they would be wrong.

Just a few hours ago news broke that a NASA-contracted rocket exploded on takeoff in Virginia.  (  For those that don’t understand how the geopolitical tit-for-tat game is played this may seem like just a very costly mechanical error.  After all, the space program is a dangerous business.  However, coincidences like this are all too predictable when we meddle with Russia.  Specifically, I warned in my post written on June 13,, 2014 that we should expect this exact retaliation.  In fact, in response to what looked look like a US cyber take down of the Russian rocket, I wrote, “our military space launches and vulnerable satellites may become logical targets for Russian retaliation so don’t be surprised if months from now our satellites experience failure or a new NGA satellite being launched fails to make it to orbit.”  Feel free to check out my article in its entirety at (

Just as I warned, Russia would extract a high price for our meddling.  However, don’t expect this angle to be played in the press or for the US to admit that Russian covert sabotage was behind the failed rocket.  However, you may see an uptick now in the anti-Russian propaganda being distributed from the White House in the coming weeks.  Nonetheless, I promise you that more than a few people are fuming mad and scrambling behind the scenes even as I write this post to figure out what vulnerability the Russian’s exploited to take down this rocket.  It is unfortunate private companies are bearing the cost of America’s New Cold War with Russia, but that shouldn’t come as a surprise either with the communist amateur hour in the White House.  What this means is that the New Cold War has just heated up.  Your proof this kind of covert action is taking place can be comparted to how we know things like gravity exist.  We can’t see it, but we can accurately predict how it will act on an object.  Disturbingly, this means you should expect more “coincidental” failures and outages going forward in both Russia and the US.  Because of the non-attributable nature of the attack, these activities will manifest heavily in the cyber realm.  As always, remember you heard it here first.

By Guiles Hendrik

October 28, 2014