I am often asked how an insurgent (a.k.a. guerilla) force could successfully function against a modern police state. The answer to this complex challenge has taken on a mystique akin to the search for the Holy Grail. Many have come to believe that any resistance against these authoritative regimes leveraging the latest in surveillance technology is futile. This conclusion is false. Any modern police state can be successfully confronted and if necessary, overthrown. This is even more likely when a true critical mass of the populace is unified in their demand for the change. However, for those suffering under brutal regimes that were hoping for a simple panacea, I am sorry to disappoint you. This is a highly complicated and daunting operation that involves plans custom tailored to each unique regime. Even then, at the outset of resistance, the odds of success are not good making the endeavor highly risky. Most insurgencies are crushed in their infancies, but like newborns, those insurgencies that can survive for at least a year rapidly turn the tables and with each passing month statistically become more and more likely to succeed. Of those successful struggles against tyranny, one finds commonalities that will be applicable to any guerilla war. One of the most important of these is the use of Distributed Operations (DO). Read more
Archive for Militia
Shia Militias Preparing to Unleash Attacks against US

Members of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps
Photo: Wikimedia Commons
Events in the Middle East have progressed as LMS predicted and are now transitioning to the next stage of war. This is scary and you need to pay attention. Specifically, the proxy war being fought in Syria against ISIS is coming to a conclusion. However, this by no means peace will soon return to Syria. In fact, it may prove to be quite the opposite. After all, once the “proxy” is removed from a war, you just have a “war.” The end of the ISIS is our enemy “consensus” leaves major state militaries standing around pointing guns at each other trying to decide who to attack next. As long time subscribers of LMS know, this is a pivotal culminating point for events in the Middle East that I have extensively written and forewarned about. With the collapse of the conventional military forces of ISIS, the United States is now forced to find a new justification for its illegal occupation of Syria. Further, as Syria consolidates its gains and Iran strengthens its presence in the region, some of the main sponsors of ISIS such as Saudi Arabia and Israel are in full fledge panic. As a result, they are in desperate need of a pretext to “justify” removing Iranian influence in the region. This pretext will be created if it cannot be found. “Conveniently,” President Trump’s announcement to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and relocate the US Embassy is just such an artificial catalyst to provoke Shia attacks against American interests, which will then be used to justify a broader war against Iran. Make no mistake; the announcement will not go unanswered by the Islamic World and the Deep State is counting on it. Read more
The Syrian Civil War and the Downfall of the Trump Administration
Here is a free piece of political advice. When your enemies begin condoning your actions, you should be very worried. President Trump has for the first time enjoyed what he believes to be the “support” and approval of the Establishment after launching a cruise missile attack against a Syrian air base. However, he would be a fool to think they are cheering on his actions because they support his policy. In fact, the Establishment is really laughing as they lead him by his ego down the path to destruction in Syria. As I have repeatedly warned, the Syrian Civil War is a trap and will not just take down the Trump Administration, but will bring down the United States if it becomes entangled in the conflict. Read more
Probability for the use of nuclear weapons during the next four years nears 80%
I hate to continually bring you doom and gloom, but in short, the probability that nuclear weapons will be used within the next four years has spiked to its highest levels since the Cuban Missile Crisis. If you haven’t reviewed your contingency plans you should. However, this article is not meant to provide you with detailed bug out plans…search our site for those…it is meant to highlight the growing nuclear risks.
Let’s start with the good news if there is such a thing. Out of the most likely scenarios, only two involve nuclear weapons being used against the continental United States. These are worst case scenarios and involve a nuclear exchange with Russia and or China. The bad news is that the potential for nuclear war with both powers has sharply risen. With respect to Russia, if the US continues to press for regime change in Syria and uses military force, it will force a military confrontation with Russia that could spiral out of control and involve nuclear weapons. Respective of China, it is assessed as unlikely, but possible China would join forces with Russia and Iran against the US if a direct military confrontation breaks out in Syria. However, far more likely is the probability China joins forces with North Korea if a war breaks out and that leads to a nuclear exchange.
Note that North Korea is not listed. North Korea currently does not possess a viable capability to strike the United States. They are rumored to have the ability to detonate a nuclear weapon in space to cause an EMP, but the likelihood of them successfully carrying out this type of attack is very low due to their technical problems and the ability of the US to counter any attack. However, North Korea certainly has the ability to detonate a nuclear weapon on the Korean Peninsula and the chances of this are dramatically increasing. In fact, many analysts believe China no longer has the ability to reign in North Korea and the opportunity to avert a war is now close to zero. If true, there will be a war with North Korea within the next 24 months. Also one must consider North Korea has a full range of chemical and biological weapons that they most likely would use in the event of war prompting a nuclear response by the US. Adding to the danger is the fact any conventional land war in Korea could quickly cause over a million casualties. The costs would be too high for the US to tolerate and the war would quickly go nuclear, if not from the onset, contrary to what many people in the US may believe. As such, in the event of war with North Korea, it will be a nuclear war. If China remains out of the conflict, we will be relatively safe in the US. However, if China becomes involved, we will see many people die both abroad and domestically.
While everyone is distracted with their own problems, tensions are once again rising between Pakistan and India. Both countries have nuclear weapons and events could flare into open conflict again and lead to the use of nuclear weapons. However, the probability of this is low over the next four years.
Finally, Israel must be assessed. Israel will not tolerate Iran developing a nuclear weapons capability. Should Israel become convinced that Iran has continued with its weapons development, it will use tactical nuclear weapons to neutralize the program. Fortunately, Israel and the US have once again moved closer and will likely coordinate on any war with Iran allowing the US time to de-escalate the situation or at least get out of the way before Israel launches an attack. This is a wild card scenario because the probability is highly dependent upon other events across the world. Should the US press with regime change in Syria, Iran will most likely use its 122,000 Shia militiamen in Iraq to overrun the Green Zone and attack US forces in Iraq and then Syria. This could quickly force the US out of the Middle East leaving Israel to fend for itself increasing the probability of a war with Iran. However, should the US destroy North Korea’s nuclear weapons program, it will greatly decrease the odds of war with Iran. Most don’t realize this hidden fact, but Iran has off-shored its nuclear program to North Korea where it has been conducting its weapons development unabated. Should North Korea be allowed to continue its program, Iran by default will gain a nuclear weapons capability. Should North Korea be stopped, Iran will also be severely set back.
In conclusion, for the first time in decades, the probabilities for various scenarios where nuclear weapons are used are increasing dramatically across the board. It is alarming and experts are taking note. In fact, the odds are now so high, it is safe to assess that a nuclear device will most likely be used within the next four years. If this conclusion doesn’t get your attention, there is probably nothing that can be said to wake you from your brain dead zombielike existence. Now is the time to get your Plan B ready because events could spiral quickly out of control in the very near future.
By Guiles Hendrik
April 10, 2017
Swamp Dupes President Trump into Expanding US War into Syria
Let me get right to the point. President Trump is a complete moron if he honestly believes his military advisors are setting him up for success. I want President Trump to succeed, but until he gets better advisors, he will self-destruct. By ordering a surge of US military forces into Syria without any long term strategy or plan, he is effectively forcing America into the middle of an ugly civil war that will cost our nation dearly. Further, by directly entering the Syrian Civil War, President Trump has committed our nation to yet another unnecessary and unconstitutional war without making the case to the American people or obtaining congressional approval. This won’t just be a massive military mistake; it will be a political disaster. President Trump has no idea that as the US gets sucked further and further into this war, the failure of “his” war will arm his political enemies with everything they need to ultimately cripple his administration. By listening to the generals, President Trump has, within a month of taking office, committed the US to an even more disastrous war than his predecessors, which he will lose, and quite possibly destroy his administration. Brilliant! Read more
The Future of Drone Warfare
Those of you that have followed my site known I have keenly tracked and been a part of autonomous drone development. The implications of this revolution in warfare are staggering. All too often I hear some well-intentioned, but woefully ill-informed person state that their “counter-drone” weapon is a shotgun. Rather than explain how wrong…and in a real life engagement, dead…these people are, I just want to show a video of a recent military drone test, which evaluated swarming technology. As you watch, keep in mind each one of these drones will one day be able to independently identify, select, target, engage, and kill with precision day or night, from potentially miles away. Using the swarming technology being developed, a precision strike of drones will eventually be conducted in a manner that independently targets and kills every living thing on a military base simultaneously. Let that reality sink in for a bit. Now sit back and watch this clip.
Guiles Hendrik
February 27, 2017
Unity of Effort in Patriot Movement
If there is something to be learned from this last election it is you seek or swim politically as a team. The groups that are able to put differences aside for a common cause repeatedly achieve far greater goals than splinter factions alone. This has been a problem that has plagued the Patriot Movement where issues like ego, societal rejection, and hard headed “rugged individualism” have become chronic self-defeating diseases. This isn’t to say that we sacrifice our morals and ethics for the sake of unity, but it is important to understand what is critical and what isn’t when it comes to winning the long war of ideology. Collectively, if we can move closer to achieving our objectives we are better off rallying together. This isn’t without consequences and pitfalls though. As we have seen, our major political parties have been hijacked by elitist interests to the point that rallying to a false idol for “party unity” will do far more damage than good. We must once again remember what it means to be American and define our core values and principles. These moral underpinnings must be our guides and what we rally to instead of a hijacked political party or fallible individual. This is a far more enduring strategy. Without this solid foundation based in moral and ethical truth we will be continuously misled, divided, and ultimately fail. Read more
Prepper Relocation Part V: The True Best Places to Relocate
Over the past two weeks, I have released a series on prepper relocation that completely changes the old conventional theories that drove prepper relocation strategies (See: http://www.lastminutesurvival.com/?s=prepper+relocation). The key takeaway you learned from the research is that you do not need to relocate to a remote region to survive. In fact, it is actually counterproductive to be too isolated. Now that you know relocation to a place like Idaho is no longer necessary and even counterproductive, where are the best places to relocate? The good news is that you have far greater options depending on what you are prepping for in light of the results of my research. In today’s conclusion to the five part series, I will introduce you to both domestic and international options that are readily available to anyone looking for a thorough, full spectrum relocation strategy that will work even under the most extreme situations. Read more
Prepper Relocation Part IV: The Fatal Error of Relocating to an Isolated Region
One of the single biggest mistakes preppers make is that they buy into the myth that relocating to a small region in the North West corner of the United States is their “best” chance of survival. As you now know from my previous three articles in this series, this theory is inaccurate and is not based on any sound research. Further, it causes people to unnecessarily incur significant additional costs and difficulties when developing their preparedness plans. However, what you still may not know is that there is a large body of empirical evidence that repeatedly demonstrates people living in isolated, remote areas are often at the greatest risk during wide spread social chaos and collapse. Not coincidentally, these people also suffer some of the most hardships. Therefore, with respect to our contemporary situation in the United States, preppers relocating to Idaho with the explicit intent to escape an oppressive government and or are planning to escape widespread instability during a systemic collapse of the system might very well be signing their death warrants. Instead, contrary to contemporary prepping strategies, it would be better to be closer if not in the midst of a more densely populated area.
I understand what I just wrote probably sent many readers into anger and shock. Nonetheless, it is far better to get the right information now then to continue along a misguided path to destruction. No doubt, some readers will immediately discount what I am about to say because they are blinded by their own preconceived biases. I cannot help those people. Thankfully, the majority of my readers are intelligent thinking people that will quickly grasp the conclusions to be drawn from the evidence and modify their preparedness strategies accordingly. In fact, don’t take my word alone, I invite everyone to conduct their own independent research into our prepping assumptions and disseminate their findings.
My theories seem counterintuitive to the premise that the farther from people you are, the farther from harm you are. This is because the basic assumptions of this safety distance premise are flawed. As the theory goes, in the event of a collapse or major catastrophe, being located away from people in a remote, self-sufficient redoubt is your best chance. I have already discussed why the 300 mile rule is a useless metric and that the notion of a “Golden Horde” of refugees fleeing a city and destroying all in their wake is equally unfounded and completely untrue. The last pillar of this theory is that being isolated conveys additional survival benefits. To test it accurately, one must evaluate case studies from around the world and then correctly apply them to a realistic scenario domestically. Read more
US Back to War with Iraqis AGAIN: All Sides Merge to Attack US Troops

al-Sadr Poster. Source: http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/world/para/images/al-sadr_madhi-army_040915-a-3133c-041.jpg
Those of us that fought in Iraq are well aware of the potent militia force, known at the time as the Mahdi Army, controlled by the Iraqi Shiite Cleric Moqtada al-Sadr. Al-Sadr is a leading Shiite figure in Iraq and controls a militia with tens of thousands of fighters. He is also viewed as the leader of Iran’s proxy force inside of Iraq. Al-Sadr’s fighters at one point during the Iraq War became one of the most potent enemies facing America and inflicted a considerable amount of casualties on the US. Now al-Sadr is calling again for his followers to attack US forces in Iraq “fighting” ISIL. His call for war against the “American Occupiers” signals an ominous policy change in Iraq that will result in dead Americans and could trigger another full scale war with the US. (See: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-mideast-crisis-iraq-usa-idUSKCN0ZX0XL )
Al-Sadr’s instructions to attack US troops in Iraq will not go unanswered by his followers. Unlike other groups in Iraq, al-Sadr’s militia is motivated and well-armed, trained, and equipped. Read more
The problem isn’t Islamic Terrorism it is guns according to Emperor Obama
I wrote the following paragraph on October 19th this year as the first of a three part series explaining exactly how gun control and then confiscation would be enacted across the US. After President Obama’s speech tonight indicting the Second Amendment as the root cause of terrorism inside the US, I thought it was a good time to reintroduce my three part series.
As we wait for the latest round of unconstitutional acts by President Obama respective of his so called new “executive orders” on gun control, which would be better described as edicts, the only question is how far the President will overstep his constitutional authority this time. In some ways, I hope he oversteps and the backlash catches the Left by surprise and sets them back significantly in the elections. However, the people we are dealing with are not political amateurs and are masters of spin so I would expect the long war to continue against our nation and culture. To this end, I would expect more highly politicized false flags used to finalize the “justification” for gun control in the near future. To those of us not in a propaganda induced coma, we will see that these false flag events exactly for what they are. We will intuitively know they were not the result of guns; but rather, the result of a nation that has allowed itself to lose its cultural identity and moral foundations, a nation that has become addicted to violence and mind altering drugs, a nation that has been subverted from the inside. http://www.lastminutesurvival.com/2015/10/19/gun-confiscation-goes-mainstream-tyranny-in-the-land-of-the-free/
I have to admit, I am sounding very redundant when I say “I told you so,” but only through making repetitive connections will many of the masses understand that what is going on is not random. Random acts by their very nature cannot be accurately predicted. However, when something such as the elite’s gun control agenda can be predicted so specifically in advance, one must at least consider the fact that this is indeed a planned and highly orchestrated effort from the top to disarm and subjugate the United States. I am sure some of you that have just started reading my articles will be asking how exactly then will this occur. Well, I detailed the general progression of this plot below in Parts II and III of my series on gun control. If you are concerned about being disarmed, and you should be, then you need to read all three posts, which lay out the elitist agenda, how it will unfold, and how you can resist it.
Guiles Hendrik
December 6, 2015
Part III: Gun Confiscation Goes Mainstream: Tyranny in the Land of the “Free”
Post Confiscation Orders and the Resistance
When the government decrees you must turn in your weapons, the question is whether you will comply or resist. Consider this question carefully because the implications and consequences will not just affect you, but generations. Make no mistake, firearms, once confiscated, will never be returned. They will be destroyed. The companies that make them will be put out of business, their machinery sold, and their employees put out of work. Guns and gun related activities form a multibillion dollar American industry and our economy will immediately suffer. Far worse though will be the right to bear arms as we currently enjoy it will not be reinstated until after our nation suffers incredible pain and hardship if we ever get it back. Once America disarms, there will be no going back no matter whether the government turns benevolent or brutal because the ultimate means of popular resistance will have been foolishly discarded. Fortunately, contrary to what the government propaganda would like you to believe; we actually have an enormous amount of power to successfully resist any confiscation attempt and can, if we collectively act, non-violently stop this draconian movement. Read more
Part II of The Gun Confiscation Goes Mainstream: Tyranny in the Land of the “Free”
Part II: The Gun Ban is Announced
Last night I spoke of how to resist encroaching gun control laws and regulation. However, I admitted that we are fighting a rigged game and that I fully expect to see a gun ban in the near future. As this ban goes into effect, you can expect to see it follow a set pattern. However, unlike other countries around the world to include Australia, Canada, and the U.K., the US will not follow the script, which I will discuss in “Part III: Resistance.” In short, gun confiscation means major chaos is in the future for the US. Unfortunately, I don’t think this is avoidable at this point so it is best to spend your time preparing. Here is how you can expect it to play out.
The march toward total gun confiscation in the US has been a gradual one. It hasn’t been an easy fight and has been resisted the entire way by sensible Americans. In fact, recently, the pro-gun lobby has won numerous major successes in court. Nonetheless, today we are still standing on the edge of the gun ban cliff and looking into the abyss as a free nation. Taking stock of the situation, we must recognize some hard facts working in favor of the elitist cabal dedicated to your total disarmament. The ballot boxes have been stacked by illegitimate voters, the system to include judges and educators is now filled with Leftist operatives, the latest generation to come of age has been brainwashed to view all guns as evil, our population has lost its morality, and we no longer collectively view an armed populace as a necessary element of a free state. As bad, the majority of our population is constantly is some state of drug induced mental paralysis whether by illegal drugs such as heroin and marijuana or legal drugs such as alcohol and anti-depressants. This mass sedation makes the population far easier to manipulate, control, and ultimately convince to willingly enter oppression and slavery. We are so close to a gun ban that if only a handful of seats change hands in the House and Senate an avalanche of new gun control legislation to include the UN’s Gun Ban Treaty will move forward. Further, it is probable that even with a Republican controlled Congress they will still sell out their constituents and side with elitist interests by embracing gun control. To illustrate this point, remember Mitt Romney had a far worse record of gun control than even Bill Clinton. As such, don’t be surprised when another major “mass shooting” event is staged and used to justify the final push to ban firearms in the US irrespective of who “controls” Congress and sits in the White House.
When the order is given for Americans to disarm and turn in their weapons, it will come in phases just like it has occurred repeatedly in other countries. Read more
Gun Confiscation Goes Mainstream: Tyranny in the Land of the “Free”
Part I: Before the Ban
When a leading presidential contender can come out and openly suggest we should begin gun confiscation in the United States and her statements are treated as legitimate we have major problems. Instead of being run off stage as a treasonous traitor, Hillary Clinton was lauded as wonderful “progressive” for her insistence that it is time for guns to be banned in the US like in Australia. Anyone that thinks Hillary Clinton has your best interests in mind when she politicizes tragedy to push not just a gun “control” agenda, but an outright gun “ban” is insane. Let’s be honest, her policy is all about total power and control. Life under Hillary Clinton’s rule is a world of tyranny. So what can we expect, how will a gun ban happen, and is there anything I can do about it? I discuss these topics in this two part series.
It should come as no surprise to my readers that the Left has long sought to achieve a total gun ban. The communist insurrectionist forces in the US knew they couldn’t do this all at once or they would risk being exposed and run out of the country. Instead, they camouflaged their intentions as a humanitarian movement to protect you and incrementally began banning and regulating out of existence every weapon, bullet, and means of producing, selling, or buying the former items. Further, in a closely coordinated propaganda campaign for your mind, the Left cleverly has been bombarding American minds daily with disinformation designed to convince Americans that by disarming they would achieve a better life. Of course you are awake and know this to be patently false. However, it is now clear the time has come when the Left feels comfortable that you have been brainwashed enough that they can lift the veil and begin to openly discuss their true intentions. Read more
Wake Up America: A “State of Emergency” in Ferguson is a nice way to say “Martial Law” and the police chief wants to disarm you!
The news this week again highlighted Ferguson, Missouri as new riots and protests broke loose. In response, a “state of emergency” was declared. People need to wake up and realize what is really going on is martial law is now being routinely declared. Disturbingly, people are being conditioned to accept imposition of martial law as a legitimate response to everything from a snowstorm to a lawful protest. Just like martial law, these states of emergency are being used to unlawfully justify a suspension of the Bill of Rights and to disarm the public.
If anyone had any doubts about the government’s intent to suspend civil rights during martial law/state of emergency, look no further than Ferguson. The government is using the presence of armed private security, requested by business owners left helpless by the government, as an excuse to ban firearms during these states of emergency. This situation echoes the unconstitutional abuses that occurred at the hands of government forces after Hurricane Katrina. As many media outlets reported (See: http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2015/08/11/who-are-the-oath-keepers-and-why-has-the-armed-group-returned-to-ferguson/) it is clear that the police and government view anyone trying to protect their own lives, families, homes, and businesses via the lawful open carry of weapons as the bad guys. St. Louis County Police Chief Jon Belmar went so far as to say “Their presence was both unnecessary and inflammatory” and that they were working with the “prosecuting attorney’s office” to see if they could bring charges against these brave citizens. In fact, the government’s angle is that during a state of emergency (read martial law) people are not allowed to be armed and therefore must be disarmed. Read more
‘Militia’ Redefined

A message from our friends.
Check them out at…
“Official Militia Gear was created when a group of brothers, sitting around a table after training one late Friday night, were discussing the negative connotations associated with the word “Militia”. We decided that we that needed to find a way to change the stigmas associated with Militias. Our common purpose, core beliefs, brotherhood and unity spawned something we already knew.
The Militia, as defined in the Militia Act of 1903, was to “consist of all able-bodied men age 17-45″ that were not already part of the organized armed forces. With current laws regarding equality, that could technically be expanded to encompass everyone, regardless of age, ethnicity, or sex. That means WE ARE ALL THE MILITIA!
Our goal as a brand is to build awareness and get more Americans training! We all own guns, but we should also be proficient with them. Without a skilled professional behind them, our tools are worthless.
Our goal as a company is to carry the best products available! We want you to be able to take our gear, and eventually our guns, into the field with you and put them to use. We will only deliver products we can stand behind. Guns and gear that will hold up to the rigors of heavy, day-to-day use. If its hot, we train. If its cold, we train. If its wet, we train. You shouldn’t have to worry about your gear failing you when you need it the most!
We hope you enjoy this site as we grow. As always, we appreciate you stopping by and look forward to meeting you someday.
For Freedom,
Official Militia Gear Team”
Check them out on Facebook too at: https://www.facebook.com/officialmilitiagear