Archive for Elitist Establishment

Will the Covert War Against Iran Go Overt?

Being that the media is in lockstep on reporting only a handful of issues (Pandemic, Trump is bad, Social Justice), most have missed the fact that almost daily now, a highly sensitive and/or strategic sites in Iran have mysteriously gone up in flames…or more precisely, in explosions.  The highly coordinated fashion at which these sensitive Iranian sites were attacked has all the hallmarks of state level sponsorship.  Iran no doubt knows this and by this time has identified the sponsors behind the attacks as Israel and the United States.  Even if this was a false flag by a third-party actor, the result will be the same.  Iran must decisively retaliate.  When it does, it very well may trigger the war Israel and their Deep State allies in Washington have sought.  Further, the Trump Administration needs an issue more than ever to refocus the nation from the current domestic issues.  A war with Iran would certainly do it.  Unfortunately, any war with Iran will be disastrous for all parties.  Iran will be smashed, but the cost to the United States doing it will make it a Pyrrhic victory at best. 

A quick summary of sites hit in Iran include the Natanz nuclear facility, a missile facility, a power plant, a medical facility, industrial sites, and now the Port of Bushehr with seven ships aflame.  The incidents happened all within approximately a month timeframe making any argument of random bad luck ludicrous.  This is a deliberate campaign being covertly waged to cripple Iran.  My point is not to justify or condemn the attacks, but rather, to warn that there are always consequences.  In fact, I do not find it coincidental that just days after the USS Bonhomme Richard was engulfed in flames and is currently burning to the water line while at port in San Diego, seven Iranian ships in port at Bushehr went up in flames today.  Through the lens of covert tit-for-tat, this is no coincidence.  In addition, it is only a matter of time before there is a showdown between the United States and Iran over its oil tankers supplying Venezuela.  President Trump has gone so far as to hint that major action against Venezuela, an ally of Iran, will occur soon without elaborating.  My guess is the two issues…Iran and Venezuela, will be jointly addressed in whatever action President Trump orders.   

Now, for the “so what” factor.  I have written a book’s worth of articles on the implications of a major war with Iran (search keyword “Iran”) and the takeaway is all negative.  Iran will suffer massive devastation, the Middle East will explode into greater turmoil, and the costs (lives, money, material, and influence) to America will render it impotent in the region opening a vacuum for China and Russia to exploit.  Further, America will not escape unscathed domestically.  Price spikes, shortages, attacks, and social unrest will all be baked into the consequences.  For those that want to get biblical, yes, there is also reference to this in the Book of Daniel and it is the trigger for what you read in the Book of Revelation.  If that does not reach your “it matters” threshold, it should.  Neither you nor I can stop this (what I believe is a nearly certain major war with Iran), but we can prepare.  If you have not looked at your preps and relocation plans, you should.  As with the stock markets, you cannot call the precise timing, but by paying attention to the fundamentals, you know when a market is poised to crash. 

By Guiles Hendrick,

July 15, 2020

Distributed Operations: Keys to Countering the Modern Police State

I am often asked how an insurgent (a.k.a. guerilla) force could successfully function against a modern police state. The answer to this complex challenge has taken on a mystique akin to the search for the Holy Grail. Many have come to believe that any resistance against these authoritative regimes leveraging the latest in surveillance technology is futile. This conclusion is false. Any modern police state can be successfully confronted and if necessary, overthrown. This is even more likely when a true critical mass of the populace is unified in their demand for the change. However, for those suffering under brutal regimes that were hoping for a simple panacea, I am sorry to disappoint you. This is a highly complicated and daunting operation that involves plans custom tailored to each unique regime. Even then, at the outset of resistance, the odds of success are not good making the endeavor highly risky. Most insurgencies are crushed in their infancies, but like newborns, those insurgencies that can survive for at least a year rapidly turn the tables and with each passing month statistically become more and more likely to succeed. Of those successful struggles against tyranny, one finds commonalities that will be applicable to any guerilla war. One of the most important of these is the use of Distributed Operations (DO). Read more

Game over in Syria or a new crisis around the corner?

LMS has extensively covered the conflict in Syria where we have witnessed the great game of global elites jockeying for control.  This relatively small patch of land has been victimized by proxy war, state-sponsored terrorism, false-flag chemical attacks, and even brought the US the closest it has been to nuclear war with Russia since the Cuban Missile Crisis, yet few Americans have cared to pay even the slightest attention.  After all, didn’t we “defeat” ISIS and all is well?  The truth is this may be the calm before the storm and a new far bigger conflict is right around the corner.    Read more

Whose Clearance Will Trump Revoke Next?

Let me be very direct regarding the stripping of former CIA Director John Brennan’s security clearance.  It was long overdue and no one has any “right” to a clearance.  None of the folks spending a lifetime of honest work in the intelligence world retains a clearance after leaving and neither should the director, which knows far less than career operatives.  In fact, Brennan never should have had a clearance and the only contact he should have had with our intelligence community is if he was a subject of collection for anti-American activities.  This is not debatable.  The only question to settle now is who is next.

Brennan is and always has been a hostile anti-American activist.  The fact that Brennan is a proud, self-admitted communist that supported Soviet activities during the height of the Cold War should have landed him in jail.  Instead, because of the remarkable corruption and penetration of communists to the most senior echelons of our society, he was appointed to be the head of the CIA.  This coup should have been an alarm sounding defeat for liberty and our Republic, yet not a word of dissent or outrage was publicly raised.  The CIA’s entire existence could be summed up by a mission to battle the communist ideology, but instead, communist “s” (Yes, Leon Panetta also had close Soviet/Russian ties and many links to the Marxist ideology…like being named Leon after Trotsky.) were put in charge and the ranks purged and stocked with radical left-wing ideologues.  Not only was Brennan put in charge of the agency allegedly created to defeat his exact ideology, but the political elites, media, and rank and file CIA officers applauded his appointment leaving no doubt about how thoroughly penetrated our society had become by Communists in a true McCarthyist sense.  Now, they vociferously chastise President Trump for what has proved to be phony Russian collusion.  How rich?  The organization that was run by Soviet loving communists and was instrumental in the creation of the fake Russian Dossier through actual collusion with Russians is pointing fingers at President Trump.

Let’s not also forget that Brennan is a perjurer and one of the most disastrous directors in memory.  In particular, he repeatedly lied about his knowledge and involvement in the CIA’s computer hacking and spying on the Senate Intelligence Committee.  This was one of the most egregious violations of our separations of powers in recent memory, but he was allowed to walk away with his clearance and job by then President Obama.  The man also managed to preside over numerous massive intelligence failures to include misreading and actually supporting the emergence of ISIS, losing all of our CIA agents in China, failing to prevent the claimed Russian meddling in our elections, losing Crimea, allowing North Korea to go nuclear, and just about 100 other noteworthy disasters.  As mentioned before, he also lied about his knowledge and involvement in the creation of the fake Russian Dossier.  If not bad enough, he also tried to destroy the careers of the members of the CIA’s Global Response Staff or GRS for not covering up the Libya disaster and had their clearances stripped.  In fact, one of the heroes of “13 Hours” in Benghazi was Chris Paronto who recently gave an outstanding interview to Fox blasting Brennan and his circle of elitist thugs.  I urge everyone to view it here:

Brennan without question deserved to have his clearance stripped.  He also deserves to be in jail, but what about the others?  Who is next?  I would argue it should be all of them.  No one, irrespective of party, should be retaining a clearance after they have left the billet requiring their need to know.   This is the definition of the “Swamp.”  Keeping a clearance as a senior appointee is a perk or benefit for elites not afforded to the actual people doing the hard work, developing the expertise, and briefing them so that they can make a decision.  These elites ingratiate themselves to this highly sensitive intelligence for one purpose and one purpose only and that is to retain power.  This information is monetized in many ways that has nothing to do with national security and in fact directly undermines national security.  Often, I would argue it is then funneled back to their political friends to solidify their power.  Further, this intelligence is often used for insider trading.  Did you ever wonder why many of these former directors end up at hedge funds knowing nothing about investment or portfolio management?  Let’s put it this way, wouldn’t it be nice to know the exact date of a planned attack in the Middle East so you could buy oil futures.  I think so and apparently Wall Street and many others do to.  This is criminal and needs to stop.

President Trump is right to revoke Brennan’s clearance, but he would be wrong to stop there.  The Swamp does need to be drained and one of the easiest things he can do right now is to revoke every clearance being held by someone not actually serving in a need to know billet.  The benefits of cutting the flow of money and intelligence to these enemies of the Republic can’t be understated.  If President Trump is wise, he will push for this and to make it law so that the second a new administration comes in this isn’t all overturned.

By Guiles Hendrik

August 17, 2018

US narrowly avoided World War Three in April: International Investigation Proves Syrian Chemical Attack on Douma Faked

Albeit, a very misleading title (see link below), a critical read of this disinformation reveals the alleged chemical attack on Syrian rebels in Douma was faked.  Why should you care?  You should care because President Trump was willing duped by our military leaders and our intelligence community (AKA: Deep State) into nearly provoking World War III.  Yes, we falsely accused and attacked a sovereign nation.  This nearly started a war with Russia over an alleged chemical attack even amateur analysts could quickly discredit.  Based on blindly accepting this false flag attack as legitimate, President Trump recklessly ordered an attack on Syria with no protest from Congress or the MSM.  This attack brought the US within one errant cruise missile killing some Russians of starting a nuclear holocaust.  This was the closest we have come to an actual nuclear war since the Cuban Missile Crisis.  Amazingly, not a word of outrage or dissent in the MSM or Congress. Wow!  Just, wow!  If this isn’t proof the Deep State is still fully in control, I don’t know what more evidence you need.

Let me break this down in more detail.  Three months ago, the Globalists were screaming for the US to attack Syria based on incredibly flimsy evidence that the Syrian Regime perpetrated a chemical attack using nerve agents against Syrian rebels.  On April 10, 2018, LMS posted an article “Deep State using Staged Chemical Attack in Syria to Sucker Trump into War with Russia.”  In it, we explained why the facts supporting the alleged chemical attack were faked as a means to force President Trump into a broader war with Syria and Russia. We profusely warned of the danger of allowing this false flag attack being used as a pretext for attacking President Assad and the Syrian government.

As we pointed out, the media and our government completely ignored the fact they knew essentially nothing about what actually happened on the ground.  Literally, the CIA and Department of Defense were using social media posts from rebels that had sworn allegiance to Al Qaeda as “proof” of the attack.  Knowing that the Syrian rebels (Islamic extremists) had everything to gain from manipulating the US into a war against the Assad government, we immediately should have either completely discounted the social media posts or at least assumed any reports were heavily biased, manipulated, and/or outright false.  Further, the disinformation posted on social media simply did not support the claim a nerve gas attack occurred.  But hey, why let the facts get in the way of a good war?  We had our false flag and the Deep State wanted to run with it.  Did anyone find it unusual this was perhaps the only time President Trump was praised by all of the elites and the media?  How about the fact an initial investigation of the attack would have only taken 1-2 weeks, but we were unwilling to wait for an actual investigation.  The unified cheering for an immediate attack should have been more than enough proof we needed to slow down before jumping into WWIII.

Now let’s jump back to the grossly misleading “news” article I highlighted, which reports on the results of the fact-finding mission of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons.  The MSM reports (see other reporting on this report), which at first glance seems to “confirm” a chemical attack, camouflage the fact that the report actually clears the Syrian government of the attack and completely obliterates US and rebel claims regarding the attack.  In particular, the report reveals that investigators conducted tests and “no organophosphorous nerve agents or their degradation products” were detected in samples taken from people allegedly exposed or in the environment.  Translated to plain language this is actual proof no nerve agents were used and the entire chemical attack story is a fabrication.

Case closed…or is it?  What about the headlines claiming “various chlorinated organic chemicals” were found at the site in Syria where a chemical attack is suspected of being carried out in April?  Doesn’t this prove it was a chemical attack?  Well, this is what the article would mislead you to believe.  The reality is what was found was residue from chlorine, which could come from any number of widely available sources such as pool cleaner and in no way proves any type of attack was committed.  Further, investigators found two “industrial” tanks in the vicinity of the alleged attack.  This is where the whole story falls apart.  The Syrian military did not use artillery or jets to launch “industrial” chlorine tanks into people’s bedrooms and patios (the locations the tanks were found according to the report).  The Syrian regime uses military grade weapons, not improvised industrial tanks.  Reading the actual report and cross-referencing the actual evidence obtained, one can see pictures of these industrial tanks and it’s obvious they did not smash through any walls or fall from the sky.  Being that the tanks were found in rebel controlled territory and weren’t launched or dropped, it is very safe to conclude they could have only been placed there by rebels.  Also highly misleading is the fact that in no MSM article we reviewed was there any mention of the very well documented fact both ISIS and Syrian rebel groups have possessed chlorine for years and have repeatedly used it in attacks against US, Kurdish, and Iraqi forces.  I attached just a few easily obtained links to show just how dishonest the MSM is.  It is utterly disgusting how disingenuous and manipulative the media and the Deep State are.

Remember, chlorine is an easily obtained commercially.  The bottom line is the regime did not launch a chemical attack of any kind…nerve agent or chlorine, but rather, we have a provable false flag operation where rebels gassed their own people to mimic a chemical attack in hopes that it would provoke the US into a war against Assad.  All I can say is thank God Putin and the Russians had enough discipline to see this was a knee jerk desperation move by Globalists trying to salvage their agenda from collapse in Syria for what it was: A false flag.  Had Putin acted with the same recklessness that President Trump advised by the Deep State displayed, we would all be dead.  We barely….barely, averted World War III.

By Guiles Hendrik

July 13, 2018

Are You Ready to Pay $8.00 per Gallon for Gas

If you have filled up lately, you have noticed that gas prices have been steadily inching higher.  Enjoy these prices while they last because chaos is again on the horizon.  Those of you cheering America’s never ending wars in the Middle East should take heed.  If Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gets his wish for a war between the US and Iran, we very well could be looking at fuel prices spiking north of $8.00 per gallon, which under even the best scenarios will collapse the US economy.  The implications of this alone should cause any thinking man to reconsider how “necessary” a war with Iran is and how much it will actually cost America to “win.”  I strongly urge anyone that will listen to take a step back and work hard to prevent the US from getting sucked into another conflict in the Middle East. Read more

Deep State using Staged Chemical Attack in Syria to Sucker Trump into War with Russia

It is time for our senior intelligence and defense officers to publicly speak out and expose the Deep State’s plan to bait the US into war with Syria, Russia, and Iran.  The US and Russia have known for months that radical Islamic forces operating in Syria had acquired chemical weapons and were planning a false flag attack.  The US in particular confirmed that Syrian rebels not only possessed, but had used chlorine gas on multiple occasions.  Further, the Russians have very publicly warned that this false flag attack was in the making and would take action if the US used it as a pretext to attack the Assad Regime or any location with Russian forces.  Now with the lunatic John Bolton as the National Security Advisor, you can be sure this paid foreign lobbyist and draft dodger (no, the National Guard does not count during Vietnam) will stop at nothing to spin this false flag chemical attack into propaganda he can use to railroad the US into another disastrous war in the Middle East.

How could anyone with even a partially functioning brain not see the setup?  Let me break it down.  Islamic radicals are getting crushed by the Syrian Regime, Russia, and even the US-Kurdish forces.  The Syrian government with the backing of Russia has all but won the civil war.  These terrorist proxies and their sponsoring states (Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, etc.) desperately need to find a way to change the balance of power in a big way or they know the game is over.  The only way they can do that is to get the US involved to counter Russia.  As such, they have acquired and been provided chemical weapons to stage another false flag chemical attack where they gas their own people and blame the Assad regime to the great outrage of the world.  In fact, our “ally” Turkey, which sponsored the attack that killed an American Delta Force operator last week, has been one of the worst offenders and has already been caught trying to transfer chemical weapons to Syrian rebels.  This situation climaxed last week when Trump announced ISIS was essential defeated as a conventional force so he was going to pull American forces out of Syria and let the Syrians clean up the rest.  This terrified the military industrial complex (aka Deep State), the terrorist proxies, and their sponsor states.  Action had to be taken and Israel’s paid propagandist (Bolton) arrived just in time.  With Bolton in power, the order was given to gas a civilian area to maximize casualties amongst women and children, which was immediately blamed on Assad even before a shred of evidence was obtained.  Now, based on no facts whatsoever and before any questions can be answered, we are to believe Assad sabotaged his own success by launching a very small and ineffective chemical attack against a target completely unrelated to any current operation.  Nonetheless, in a tragically predictable form, Trump is rushing the US into a war that will most likely lead to a direct conflict with Russia and catastrophic consequences.  The US literally has nothing to gain and everything to lose from being sucked into this conflict.

Why has none of this come out?  I will give you a hint.  Has anyone noticed that the only time that the anti-Trump crusade in the media falls silent is when he sends Americans to war?  Your answer is the Deep State, which includes the media establishment and both Democrats and Republicans.  The establishment gets rich off of wars and Americans are too apathetic to even care because they haven’t had to feel the fire and destruction here at home.  Let me warn everyone tonight.  Americans have become dangerously desensitized to wars and too accepting about how casually we enter them.  I have warned and warned about the trajectory of events in the Middle East leading up to this point where proxies are removed and major powers clash.  If Bolton and his lunatics get their way, Trump will launch an attack directly against Assad that will also kill Russians.  Russia is to be taken at its word and will respond.  Unlike previous disastrous wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, a war that pulls in Syria, Iran, and Russia will become America’s undoing.  At best, we could achieve a Pyrrhic victory for nothing.  This war will bankrupt our nation, destroy the global economy, and lead to the deaths of countless people that will include many Americans here and abroad all over an easily debunked lie if Bolton and the Deep State get their way.  I caution everyone tonight to closely watch events as they could quickly spiral out of control.  In the interim, do everything you can to shed light on this rash rush to war and try to stop it.  I pray there is someone left within the military or intelligence communities’ senior ranks that will speak up and out about this insanity before it is too late.

By Guiles Hendrik

April 10, 2018

It’s Time for a Constitutional Amendment to Ban Secret Courts in United States of America

One of the biggest issues coming to light from the on-going Russian collusion witch-hunt, which has been a thinly veiled operation designed to knee cap the Trump Administration, was the revelation that the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) or “FISA Court” had authorized the surveillance of now President Trump.  Released declassified documents prove the process to obtain surveillance warrants was heavily abused for political gain by what amounts to a cabal inside of the FBI and Justice Department seeking to pull off a soft coup.  This is high treason, which would have been extremely difficult if not impossible to pull off if the FISC were not a secret court.  Let me be clear.  Secret courts have no place in a free republic.  They have always been and always will be used as a political weapon that ultimately leads to the subjugation and oppression of a nation.  We now have incontrovertible proof that the FISC was indeed weaponized to seize political control of this nation’s highest office.  This is the real election meddling that actually did have huge impact on our nation.  Read more

The Treason of Voice of America; NPR’s Ugly Sister

Most people have heard of NPR and immediately recognize it as a mouthpiece for liberal progressive policies and a hotbed of Democrat apparatchiks.  What many may not be familiar with is NPR’s overseas sister, Voice of America (VOA).  VOA has largely operated outside of domestic scrutiny because its broadcast target is decidedly overseas.  Well, today, I had the unfortunate opportunity to experience firsthand what our taxes dollars go to fund respective of Voice of America (VOA).  Think of VOA as “America’s” voice abroad, much like the BBC World Service.  Naturally, one would expect some degree of pro-American propaganda for which VOA was established, but not an hour long Commander-in-Chief bashing session that went to great lengths to blame President Trump and America for all of the world’s ills.  The weekend commentary passed off as a news discussion on VOA left no doubt to the listener that President Trump was a reckless and incompetent man whose policies have made the world a more dangerous place.  In particular, it was clear that the President Trump’s unjustified aggression was picking a fight with “poor” North Korea that apparently had been a well behaved international actor right up until President Trump messed everything up.  This utter garbage is nothing more than angry Leftists still whining about losing the election.  However, it is very dangerous and not a game because it shapes world opinion.  What these spiteful editors and producers are doing is directly undermining US foreign policy and cannot be allowed to continue.  Read more

Major Threat to New Year’s Eve Celebration in New York City Identified

In case you haven’t heard, this year’s New Year’s Eve celebration in New York City will have “unprecedented” security.  Apparently, there is an even “worster” threat than any previous year that not just justifies, but requires even more security for “your” protection.  Read more

Shia Militias Preparing to Unleash Attacks against US

Photo Wikimedia Commons

Members of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps
Photo: Wikimedia Commons

Events in the Middle East have progressed as LMS predicted and are now transitioning to the next stage of war.  This is scary and you need to pay attention.  Specifically, the proxy war being fought in Syria against ISIS is coming to a conclusion.  However, this by no means peace will soon return to Syria.  In fact, it may prove to be quite the opposite.  After all, once the “proxy” is removed from a war, you just have a “war.”  The end of the ISIS is our enemy “consensus” leaves major state militaries standing around pointing guns at each other trying to decide who to attack next.  As long time subscribers of LMS know, this is a pivotal culminating point for events in the Middle East that I have extensively written and forewarned about.  With the collapse of the conventional military forces of ISIS, the United States is now forced to find a new justification for its illegal occupation of Syria.  Further, as Syria consolidates its gains and Iran strengthens its presence in the region, some of the main sponsors of ISIS such as Saudi Arabia and Israel are in full fledge panic.  As a result, they are in desperate need of a pretext to “justify” removing Iranian influence in the region.  This pretext will be created if it cannot be found.  “Conveniently,” President Trump’s announcement to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and relocate the US Embassy is just such an artificial catalyst to provoke Shia attacks against American interests, which will then be used to justify a broader war against Iran.  Make no mistake; the announcement will not go unanswered by the Islamic World and the Deep State is counting on it.   Read more

EXCLUSIVE – Michael Savage Scolds Trump, Blasts Boston Leftists: ‘Trump Has Buckled to the Mob’

Author and radio host Michael Savage scolded President Trump and left-wing “Antifa” protesters in an exclusive interview with Breitbart News Sunday  — accusing President Trump of having “buckled to the mob” in Boston and warning that if Trump keeps kowtowing to Antifa and other leftist groups, “it’s all over.”


A House Divided Against Itself Cannot Stand

Paul Craig Roberts gets it.  He sees the real threat from the distractions.  He understands that our nation’s enemies are trying to divide us to destroy our nation and are using their socialist foot soldiers to spread their evil, vitriolic message of identity politics.  If for nothing else, I applaud him for standing up to the hypocrites on the Left that in reality are the epicenter of hate, violence, and intolerance.  His article is worth the read.

LMS Staff

A House Divided Against Itself Cannot Stand

Russian Retaliation Begins: Covert Russian Attack Wipes Out Massive Munitions Depot in the Ukraine

The Russians have exhibited great restraint and diplomatic poise in recent years against the growing anti-Russian hysteria in the United States.  Not only has Russia endured sanctions, but also having its aircraft shot down in Syria and a massive NATO build-up on its border.  Russian security and sovereignty are being directly threatened for the high crimes of defending its historical geopolitical sphere, attempting to wipe out brutal Islamic terrorists, and rejecting globalism.  However, this week has marked a turning point in US-Russian relations.  The sanctions the US Congress approved against Russia based not on fact, but on hysteria and massive political propaganda pushed Russia to finally begin to retaliate.  The most visible overt action was the expulsion of 755 US diplomats from Russia.  However, Russian covert actions have by their nature been less visible, but nonetheless potent and we can expect more to come. Read more

Warning: Healthcare is the new call to arms for domestic terrorists

As the farce of Russian meddling in the United States’ election has turned to focus on the very real collusion amongst senior Democrats, the story is quickly being killed by the mainstream media.  In its place, a new hysteria is being created to distract and divide the nation.  This hysteria is extremely dangerous and focuses on the lie that President Trump’s healthcare plan is “killing” Americans.  This extremist narrative needs little translation.  It is a thinly veiled message to radical leftwing extremists that they are now fully justified in killing people to promote their agenda.  I do not say this lightly.  By making the claim that President Trump and the Republicans are killing people, they have provided a moral justification and call to arms that can’t be ignored by the insurgents organized under the banners of the Left.  The media propagandists are knowingly yelling “fire” in a theater.  They are creating an insurgency in this nation that will lead to many more deaths, injuries, and huge amounts of property damage.  The leadership of these domestic terrorist organizations must be legally taken down now or our nation will continue to spiral closer to an all-out civil war, which the Left desires, but no intelligent person wants. Read more

US Moves Closer to Full Scale War in Syria with Russia and Iran

To say there have been a few distractions in the news cycle lately is an understatement.  The establishment (aka: Deep State) will continue to create scandals to mire the Trump Administration in a never ending cycle of chasing his tell to prevent his agenda moving forward.  In all of this chaos, it is often difficult to separate fact from fiction and recognize true news of consequence.  One such important event occurred today when the US directly attacked Syrian government forces in southern Syria.  This event, even more than the previous missile strike, signals the true motives of US intervention in Syria.  These motives can only spell disaster for the US and are laying the ground work to create the context for the US to enter the next stage of the conflict.  As I have correctly forecasted the evolution of this conflict from its very beginnings in Iraq, I can tell you with authority that this doesn’t end with ISIS.  It begins.  Read more

The Syrian Civil War and the Downfall of the Trump Administration

Here is a free piece of political advice.  When your enemies begin condoning your actions, you should be very worried.  President Trump has for the first time enjoyed what he believes to be the “support” and approval of the Establishment after launching a cruise missile attack against a Syrian air base.  However, he would be a fool to think they are cheering on his actions because they support his policy.  In fact, the Establishment is really laughing as they lead him by his ego down the path to destruction in Syria.  As I have repeatedly warned, the Syrian Civil War is a trap and will not just take down the Trump Administration, but will bring down the United States if it becomes entangled in the conflict. Read more

Swamp Dupes President Trump into Expanding US War into Syria

Let me get right to the point.  President Trump is a complete moron if he honestly believes his military advisors are setting him up for success.  I want President Trump to succeed, but until he gets better advisors, he will self-destruct.  By ordering a surge of US military forces into Syria without any long term strategy or plan, he is effectively forcing America into the middle of an ugly civil war that will cost our nation dearly.  Further, by directly entering the Syrian Civil War, President Trump has committed our nation to yet another unnecessary and unconstitutional war without making the case to the American people or obtaining congressional approval.  This won’t just be a massive military mistake; it will be a political disaster.  President Trump has no idea that as the US gets sucked further and further into this war, the failure of “his” war will arm his political enemies with everything they need to ultimately cripple his administration.  By listening to the generals, President Trump has, within a month of taking office, committed the US to an even more disastrous war than his predecessors, which he will lose, and quite possibly destroy his administration.  Brilliant! Read more

President Trump’s Misplaced Faith in the Generals

Approximately, one month ago, President Trump tasked the Pentagon with delivering him a plan to defeat the Islamic State or IS.  What Trump failed to understand was the same people he tasked to solve the IS problem, were the same people that in a very large way created it.  His trusted circle of advisors not only are all products of an institution with a heavily flawed system of promotion, but collectively failed to deliver a winning strategy when they were in combatant command roles.  What kind of “solution” to IS does President Trump honestly think he will get from a group of institutionalized generals?  Does anyone want to bet it will be a “solution” that requires more war?  President Trump is literally asking “the swamp” to create his war policy and this is a fool’s errand.  Based on a 100% failure rate of our Generals this century, this is unfortunately another juncture where it is very easy to assess with high certainty that the “solutions” President Trump will be presented will turn into another policy disaster.  Both Presidents Bush and Obama suffered this hard lesson.  President Trump needs to trash these recommendations and look at completely different ways of soliciting policy if he is to defeat IS and make America great again.  This article is my attempt to speak truth to power and warn President Trump of the mistake he is making before it destroys his presidency. Read more

Will the Islamic Invasion Destroy Europe?

Nearly daily there are articles reporting new attacks in Europe perpetrated by immigrants.  These attacks range in severity from petty crime and assaults to mass sexual assaults, riots, and terrorism.  Recent terrorist attacks have almost exclusively been perpetrated by Islamic extremists.  The situation has become so bad in countries like Germany, France, Belgium, and Sweden that entire neighborhoods are essentially off limits to the native peoples of these countries and the police.  This has prompted many to question the future of Europe and if these nations can survive with their European identities intact.  The answer is that Europe is headed toward conflict and greater bloodshed, but I assess Europeans will ultimately prevail at the cost of a major geopolitical shift in the the European order.

It has been said that you cannot bring there here without here becoming there.  Europe is learning this hard lesson.  One cannot safely walk the streets of Mogadishu or Raqqa or even Baghdad safely as a Westerner.  Your half-life is approximately 1 hour in any of these cities as a white or Christian.  You will be attacked and murdered.  However, the delusional sickness of the liberal mind believes these very same people that condone these actions against Westerners in their countries can be imported in large numbers to Europe without causing massive problems.  Read more