The news this week again highlighted Ferguson, Missouri as new riots and protests broke loose. In response, a “state of emergency” was declared. People need to wake up and realize what is really going on is martial law is now being routinely declared. Disturbingly, people are being conditioned to accept imposition of martial law as a legitimate response to everything from a snowstorm to a lawful protest. Just like martial law, these states of emergency are being used to unlawfully justify a suspension of the Bill of Rights and to disarm the public.
If anyone had any doubts about the government’s intent to suspend civil rights during martial law/state of emergency, look no further than Ferguson. The government is using the presence of armed private security, requested by business owners left helpless by the government, as an excuse to ban firearms during these states of emergency. This situation echoes the unconstitutional abuses that occurred at the hands of government forces after Hurricane Katrina. As many media outlets reported (See: it is clear that the police and government view anyone trying to protect their own lives, families, homes, and businesses via the lawful open carry of weapons as the bad guys. St. Louis County Police Chief Jon Belmar went so far as to say “Their presence was both unnecessary and inflammatory” and that they were working with the “prosecuting attorney’s office” to see if they could bring charges against these brave citizens. In fact, the government’s angle is that during a state of emergency (read martial law) people are not allowed to be armed and therefore must be disarmed. Read more
Archive for Danger Alerts!
Wake Up America: A “State of Emergency” in Ferguson is a nice way to say “Martial Law” and the police chief wants to disarm you!
Economic Collapse Begins: US Government and central planners launch cyber attack on New York Stock Exchange and then blame China
As I warned on Monday, all of the signs and conditions for the markets to begin their crash were in place. I specifically said to watch China, Greece, oil, and bonds. As of today, the markets were a disaster. Even after substantial intervention by central banks, the markets are still crashing globally. This has the potential to spiral out of control very quickly as the Chinese stock market has already lost nearly 40% of its value erasing trillions in a matter of hours. As such, it appears the central planners are losing the ability to manipulate markets higher. The market conditions now are pointing to a severe market correction and everyone should take action to protect any wealth they have managed to accumulate or risk major losses over the next 48 hours. Ominously, this crash is also being used to provoke a war with the Chinese to distract the population from the fact our leaders have criminally obliterated the US economy.
Most consequential at the moment, it appears the central planners in China have so far been unable to stabilize their markets and halt the collapse in their stock market. I noted this would be a key factor to monitor this week as an indication of whether or not the markets were going to move toward correction. Read more
Global Pandemic Risk: MERS Update July 6, 2015
UPDATE: Continuing on my previous MERS reporting it is worth noting the Philippines has now confirmed another case of MERS. Disturbingly, the patient returned from Dubai on June 19th and apparently is only now being admitted and treated. Unlike South Korea, which aggressively quarantined and treated patients, it appears the Philippines were slow in identifying this case. Further, even with South Korea’s aggressive actions, MERS cases are still popping up on the peninsula. As such, it is likely we will see in the coming days and weeks another local outbreak of MERS, but this time in the Philippines. Considering the virus comes from the same family as some of the nastiest contenders for a flu pandemic and Asian is densely populated, the virus may spread more broadly. Although, it does not yet pose a pandemic threat, its ability to continue to spread and avoid being eradicated means this virus could still jump to the US and spread amongst our cities. As noted in my previous article, MERS has a death rate on par with Ebola and is spread easier so is not a virus to be taken lightly.
Recommendation: Continue to monitor the spread of the virus, review your pandemic preparedness, and update your supplies. Currently, MERS is of very minimal risk to you, but this could change rapidly. As of now, there is no need to modify travel unless you are planning to visit the Philippines. In this case, take extra flu prevention precautions and monitor yourself closely for flu like symptoms. In the event I see MERS clusters beginning to appear and spread, I will post new updates and recommendations.
By Guiles Hendrik
July 6, 2015
Has the Great Economic Collapse Begun?
Over the last two weeks, major movements have been taking place economically across the globe. These events are moving international markets into “correction” territory, but cumulatively, could quickly spiral into a global meltdown of markets. Although, the US hasn’t reached critical mass and may actually experience a short term strengthening of markets as international markets flee to the US for safety; the signs of a major crash are now flashing red. What should you look for and what can you do?
Four major places to watch right now are Greece/European Union (EU), China, oil, and bonds. Greece has the potential to start a ripple effect against austerity across the EU triggering a banking run, panic, and global losses. This could unhinge the massive derivatives market and alone cause a global economic collapse. China is so big now that the recent losses in their market will spread globally this week if the losses are not stabilized. Any major downturn in China’s economy will further increase the already saturated oil market driving the price per barrel even lower. If oil continues to drop and stay low, US oil producing states will feel this the hardest, which will sharply increase US unemployment numbers. The loss of high paying jobs will throw even the totally fudged US financial numbers clearly back into recession territory and drag the world back down with it. Finally, the bond market has seen a liquidity crunch that likely will only get worse. If governments can’t manage to keep their bond yields low, the already massive debt loads (and payments on interest) these nations are carrying will explode and force them into financial crises far worse than anything Greece is facing.
Presently, the situation in Greece is very serious. Read more
Today the Republic Dies with the Passage of the TPP: Welcome to the reality of debt, poverty, and serfdom compliments of your new global corporate leadership.
There are times when even the most dedicated amongst us have to sit down, take stock, and regroup. I am physically ill from the treason that just occurred today in the halls of Congress. No republic dies of a single blow, but dies many deaths before it is finally exhausted. Today obliterated what was left of our Republic as the Senate voted 60-38 to approve the TPP. With barely a blimp in the headlines crowded by relentless lunacy about the Confederate Flag and gay rights the Senate just approved a trade bill that will now go to the President to be signed into law. In the dark of the night when no one was paying attention, this legislation was jammed through via political strong arming and corrupt buy-offs of Congress even though up to 90% of polled Americans opposed the legislation. The passage of this bill will prove to be one of the major acts of America’s demise and mark a point where our nation descended into true tyranny. Read more
Prepper Danger Alert: MERS breaks out of the Middle East
The Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, “MERS,” is a respiratory virus that kills nearly 40% of people infected and has its origins in Saudi Arabia. It has traveled beyond the Middle East in isolated cases and so far hasn’t caused a major pandemic, but has eluded being wiped out for over two years. Recently, the virus has made a major jump to South Korea, which significantly increases the odds the virus will go global. To put this disease in perspective, it has a death rate on par with Ebola, but is spread more easily than Ebola. In short, this virus concerns me more than Ebola and Ebola concerned me. Nonetheless, the facts shouldn’t panic you, but they certainly should concern you. If MERS mutates or is able to spread to other large cities, it could still pose a threat to your health.
Fortunately, right now there is no need for alarm. South Korea appears to be doing an effective job at isolating cases and quarantining anyone with a possible infection. Although it is likely more cases will appear in South Korea, the real issue is whether any cases appear outside of South Korea in places like Japan, China, Europe, or the USA. LMS will be tracking the efforts to contain this latest outbreak and will continue to update you when/if there is further news. As a part of our pandemic analysis, you should know that our information comes in part, directly from some of the leading experts in virology/infectious diseases at the forefront of combating the Ebola outbreaks. These are legitimate bona fides and far exceed what most could get even from the CDC. In short, like our Ebola coverage, we will be bringing you vetted, grounded, expert analysis that is not motivated by hype or hysteria. Read more
Coalition to Stop Gun Violence and Senator Chris Murphy Targeting US Citizens as “Dangerous Insurrectionists”
The “Coalition to Stop Gun Violence” (CSGV) is a radical leftist front organization funded by donations from globalists and sponsored by some of the most crackpot organizations, such as “Code Pink.” Their clearly stated intent is to aggressively force gun control upon the United States are willing to use “social justice,” which is code for social terrorist campaigns designed to ruin anyone that resists their agenda. Recently, they have started a campaign designed to force WTTG General Manager Patrick Paolini to fire a pro-Second Amendment reporter Emily Miller Emily’s high crime was exercising her First Amendment right to support the Virginia Citizens Defense League (VCDL). The VCDL has been an effective and vocal advocate of gun rights for Virginians and thus, Emily has been targeted by CSGV and has become a victim of social terrorism. I want to take the time today to expose these treasonous enemies of a free and sovereign nation and shine the light on their leadership, which to date has enjoyed immunity from their harassment and terrorist tactics. I also want everyone to stand up for Emily and make sure her Manager Patrick Paolini stands by her.
I coined the term “social terrorism” because anyone that has been victimized by one of these well-funded smear campaigns labeled “social justice” can literally have their lives ruined. Social justice is social terrorism so correct anyone when you hear it improperly used. If you think the term is too severe then consider the implications. Victims of social terrorism generally are condemned for supporting Christian virtue, the rule of law, and republican values. These victims have been targeted by the IRS and Justice Department with frivolous investigations, arrests, audits, delays, and fines; have had their businesses destroyed and lost their jobs; have been blacklisted at public events, been unable to get business loans or new jobs; had their children abducted by social services; had their reputations smeared; and have been harassed, physically assaulted, and targeted for killing. If this doesn’t constitute systematic terrorism of an individual, nothing does. Now Emily Miller, a lady that has worked hard in her career is under attack for advocating for our Bill of Rights and everyone needs to know she must be defended.
To fight the CSGV, you first need to know a little about them and how they view “us.” According to their website, part of their stated strategy is “to use the term ‘insurrectionism’ to describe the NRA’s treasonous interpretation of the Second Amendment.” Apparently, they have found some success because Senator Chris Murphy is on record supporting their organization and making the statement, “The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence has led the way in exposing the dangerous insurrectionist ideology promoted by the NRA and others in the pro-gun movement” Think about the term “insurrectionist” for a moment. Insurrectionist is defined as an act or instance of rising in revolt, rebellion, or resistance against civil authority or an established government. Read more
Critical Drug Shortages Begin: Obamacare’s damage is just beginning
What have been the outcomes in every single country where health care has been nationalized? Higher costs, lower quality care, drug and doctor shortages, long waits, and no privacy have all been the natural outcomes. Predictably, these problems have now begun to appear in the US. You already know that the costs of your premiums have skyrocketed, but what you may not have realized is that hospitals all across the nation are experiencing critical drug shortages. What may shock you more is that the drugs in short supply are some of the most widely used and critically needed to treat patients.
At any given time there is always going to be some drug out of the millions produced that is experiencing some time of shortage issue, but when the shortages begin affecting critical drugs used every day by millions we need to take note. Most recently, saline has been in extremely short supply. In fact the shortage is now so bad the US has to import saline from Russia. For those that don’t know what saline it, it is sodium chloride (salt water) PH balanced to provide hydration for the body. You will probably recognize it as they typical “IV” bag. Further, it is critical for the intravenous administration of a huge variety of drugs to include anesthesia. Without saline patients will die. As one of the most commonly used items in hospitals, its shortage should be sounding alarm bells. Read more
New Evidence of Intentional US Escalation with China
In yesterday’s Global Updates (May 21, 2015), I noted that the US was beginning to escalate tensions with China. My commentary focused on the reasons for the recent escalation. Contrary to a simple “China is expansionist” argument, I argued it was far bigger and about global economic dominance. The facts are China is now a peer competitor to the US and has established a counter to the post-Bretton Woods financial order. China’s monetary challenges directly attack the US Dollar’s world reserve status and the hegemonic control of the IMF/World Bank. If the US dollar loses its status as the world’s reserve currency, it is game over as we know life in the US. This has set the stage within the White House for an elite power struggle since some in the new world order/globalist camp, to include President Obama, welcome this US downfall while others in the old world banking elite fear significant financial losses and strongly oppose China’s rise. In simple terms, some of the Western banking elite’s most powerful will lose massive sums of wealth and power from an ascension of China’s currency. As such, I fear based on historical precedence that to prevent financial loss, the bankers will again be key contributors behind the scenes to engineering a new world war. Read more
Jade Helm Explained: What it is, what it isn’t, and what you can do to resist.
Many of my readers have been asking about the upcoming Jade Helm exercise. Naturally, citizens should have a healthy suspicion of any military exercises and especially ones that appear to target a domestic threat. However, is the hysteria really warranted or is it all being overly hyped? I have remained mute on this issue because I was hoping the military would through official channels come clean and explain the true nature of the exercise, which is better described as an operation. Of course this has not happened and there are deliberate reasons why the military has remained opaque. As such, I want to explain the operation in a way that to date hasn’t been reported. The truth about the exercise is it is really an operation and there are reasons for real concern, but also, there is a large degree of hype that has clouded the public’s understanding. Nonetheless, Jade Helm is just a symptom of far bigger conspiracies unfolding across the US government. To be prepared, you will need to understand the dynamic currently afoot, which is far bigger than any one exercise. Read more
Oppose the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Trade Deal
We have been told by our nation’s leaders that the never ending free trade agreements being drafted and approved in secret are great for America. However, the reality is that these trade deals have all been at the expense of America. The free trade deals have all but obliterated American jobs and industry and are being written by global corporations concerned solely with the bottom line of their most senior executives. Most of us can at least remember Ross Perot’s famous “sucking sound” comment in reference to the disastrous effect the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) would have on our economy. He was laughed at then by Bush 1, but we aren’t laughing now as our battered economy barely maintains a pulse and Perot was proved correct. Today we are being faced with the face tracking of the most egregious deal yet, the TPP, which will utterly destroy the last vestiges of American industrial power and ultimately bring down our economy.
As I warned over a year ago (see article), the TPP will utterly finish off what little remains of American industry and global dominance. For those still willing and able to take the fight to Congress, now is the time to oppose this rotten deal that has been done in complete secrecy at your expense. Even worse, the Republican controlled Congress has sold you out by aiding and abetting President Obama to get this deal passed without public scrutiny. These traitors are accomplishing this by voting to cede Congress’ constitutional authority to approve trade deals to the sole discretion of the President. So much for checks and balances John Boehner. I have said it many times, if you think for a second that a Republican controlled government is any different and will stand up for our Constitution and the rule of law you are badly mistaken. The difference between Democrats and Republicans is generally just semantic now and it would be better to refer to the parties more accurately as the communist party and the socialist party respectively. Aside from a very few hold outs, Congress is completely bought and sold and you will pay the price for it if your apathy prevents you from action. However you can find a way, raise hell with your elected leaders and demand that Congress retain their authority to review trade deals and that the TPP is stopped. Read more
Peace with Iran will lead to war: Part 2
Last week I discussed why peace with Iran was the preferred option. I outlined a number of salient points uninformed talking heads in the media and well paid Israel lobbyists such as the former US Ambassador to the United Nations, John Bolton, will never bring up. In short, the costs of a war with Iran will far outweigh the costs of accepting a turbulent peace. Even a successful war against Iran will be a Pyric victory and cause an economic collapse in the US. Further, even if Iran did test a nuclear weapon, we would still have plenty of time to exercise the war option should it be necessary. Unfortunately, even if the US does manage to broker a peace deal with Iran, war is now close to a certainty. In the event of a war with Iran, there will be dire implications for the US. Today I will discuss why war is now imminent, how it will likely be initiated, and the catastrophic effects on the US you must prepare to endure. Read more
DC Criminalizes Constitutional Rights: City Issuing $1,000 Rewards for Neighbors to Rat on Neighbors with Guns
Thanks to our aware readers, Last Minute Survival is the first to bring you another breaking scandal.
In what we have come to expect from our growing Orwellian police state, the District of Columbia has now taken your tax dollars to pay neighbors to rat out and harass fellow neighbors with firearms. Disturbingly, DC is soliciting, via ads on metro buses (see photo), information on anyone with a gun. Even though the ads ask people to provide tips on anyone with an “illegal” gun, the implicit message is that ANY gun inside of DC “must” be illegal. This politically targeted campaign of harassment sets the stage for gross violations of both the 2nd and 4th Amendments of the US Constitution, destroys the notion of probable cause, criminalizes lawful behavior, and justifies potentially deadly police raids.
This “crime fighting” initiative is the latest form of harassment in the long history of the DC government refusing to recognize the Second Amendment right of its citizens. Even after the Supreme Court of the United States ruled in District of Columbia v. Heller, 554 U.S. 570 (2008), that the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution applies to federal enclaves and protects an individual’s right to possess a firearm for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home, DC still continues to flagrantly violate the right of citizens to own and possess a firearm within DC. According to DC’s new initiative, if you see someone exercising what is not only lawful, but a constitutionally protected right, you must immediately call the police. Even better, you get a reward of up to $1,000. This initiative is analogous to telling the public to call the police if you see a reporter doing a story, a citizen speaking against a corrupt government policy, or someone worshipping in the religion of their choice. Of course we should recoil against the thought of these gross violations of our rights, but in the case of firearms, it now appears you are guilty until proven innocent of lawfully exercising a right. Just imagine having to buy ammunition covertly or as soon as you leave the gun store a “good citizen” is following you and providing your information to the cops to receive political bounties. If you can criminalize one right, how long do you really think before all of your other rights are meaningless? If you are thinking this is just a DC thing and doesn’t concern you, then allow this action to stand. Within months you will see this same initiative pop up across the nation and soon it will be your neighbors being paid to rat you out every time you target practice in your back yard or head to the range.
The DC initiative sets a very dangerous legal precedent by completely obliterating a citizen’s Fourth Amendment protections against illegal search and seizure. Specifically, someone can anonymously phone in a tip on an innocent person and that person will be taken down violently by the police. Also, there are no safe guards for someone abusing the tip system. How great would this be for a spiteful neighbor or anti-gun zealot to exact revenge and harass you? There is a huge difference between someone witnessing what they genuinely believe to be a crime in progress, providing their identity, and the police acting on the tip and the police detaining and or raiding someone’s home for exercising what is a totally legal and protected right. The Supreme Court is clear that anonymous tips in particular do not meet the 4th Amendment’s bar for probable cause, which is necessary for obtaining a warrant and executing a detention, search, and seizure. Further, the fact someone has a gun or something that looks like a gun in and of itself is not probably cause of a crime. Delving deeper, it would be nearly impossible for a citizen to know whether or not a firearm was owned “legally” in DC under the current laws that now DO permit firearms in the city. This sets the stage for perpetual harassment of citizens that legally possess a firearm to include many law enforcement officers that reside within the city.
Beyond the outright disturbing nature of DC paying people to rat out their neighbors and harassing citizens for exercising their rights, it sets the stage for far deadlier situation and a massive waste of limited law enforcement resources. Once these “tips” are made, DC police will act to “arrest” the offender. Arguing “officer safety,” police will most likely opt for a SWAT style raid of the home of the person alleged to have a firearm. These SWAT raids are extremely dangerous for all parties and have led to numerous deaths and injuries of innocent civilians to include children and babies to speak nothing of the terror it causes the person whose home was just raided. These raids also often mistakenly raid the wrong home. In the event of these “no knock” warrants, a law abiding citizen with a firearm may genuinely think their house is being robbed and go for their gun as their doors are kicked in. In example after example, the police then proceed to execute the surprised homeowner as they storm the home and use the justification that the officers were acting in good faith when they murdered the innocent homeowner to indemnify themselves from legal action.
Make no mistake; the DC initiative to have neighbors tip off police is no accident. It is a thinly veiled agenda by anti-gun elites such as former New York City Mayor Michael Rubens Bloomberg to circumvent the Constitution and criminalize not just the right to have firearms, but mentally condition the public that all firearms are bad. Together, we can expose this and stop it cold or we will all be facing this same “crime fighting initiative” in our home towns soon. You heard it here first at Last Minute Survival. Take action now.
By Guiles Hendrik
November 19, 2014
The Real Threat from Ebola is Economic Vapor Lock and Collapse
Outside of three West African nations, which are being ravaged by Ebola, the health threat from Ebola still remains small. Am I dismissing the risk of further spread? No. Am I dismissing the fact the numbers infected are still exponentially increasing? No. Am I even claiming that Ebola won’t return to the US and spread globally? No. What I am saying is that for those of us in the US, the biggest danger Ebola poses to the masses in the near term is economic. In fact, if you want to best prepare for an Ebola pandemic, you should prepare for an economic collapse, which will affect you long before you run a real risk of infection. Read more
An Inside Look at the “Ebola” Gay
Compliments of we get a look inside the aircraft I like to term the Ebola Gay. I just wonder what the fail safe is for an unexpected cabin depressurization.
Guiles Hendrik
October 16, 2014
Islamic extremism and what lies ahead? Part II: The War on ISIL and Syria
President Obama and his top military advisors have learned nothing and have made a grave mistake starting a war with Syria using ISIL as the pretext. Just as I was confident and proven correct that this situation would materialize, I am equally confident in my analysis that this new war will lead to America’s greatest foreign policy disaster to date. Neither war with Syrian nor ISIL will be decisive, successful, or lead to greater security for the American people. However, the war may indeed turn out to lead to America’s unwinding as the world’s sole superpower and economic bankruptcy. This post will continue my analysis on the on-going crisis unfolding in the Middle East respective of Obama’s newest war. Read more
Obama Administration is carrying out Bio-Terrorism inside the USA
A conversation with Americans that watch the news regularly would reveal they are aware and worried about terrorism and Ebola coming to the US. Their fears are not unfounded, but profoundly biased by sensationalized coverage that has been heavily edited by those with political motives. To illustrate this point, the threat of terrorists using a biological weapon in the US strikes fear into the heart of Americans, but outside of a small use of anthrax, this threat has never materialized. However, what if I told you literally tens of thousands of Americans have died and millions have been sickened by a deliberate biological attack. Wouldn’t that on-going attack generate far more fear, outrage, and a sense of urgency to act? You would think, but it hasn’t. In fact, as I write this post, millions of Americans have been sickened and or killed by a host of diseases that were once thought eradicated in the US. Further, new illnesses are spreading to the US that were either non-existent in the US or extremely rare. How could this be one should ask. The answer is simple. A deliberate government policy that ignores the safety and security of the American people, while undermining the nation’s sovereignty has been put in place and allowed to exist by both Republicans and Democrats vying for greater political power. Read more
THE NEXT 9/11: We are not prepared for how ISIL will use advanced military weapons to attack US targets

The Obama Administration has knowingly allowed ISIL to gain strength and capture more and more territory inside of Iraq and has set the stage for a second 9/11 style attack against US targets, which may in fact be the US Embassy Baghdad. The White House looked the other way for years because the US, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar, in particular, were covertly arming, training, equipping, and advising elements of what it falsely believed was the Free Syrian Army (FSA) in Syria. This organization of what became ISIL occurred at US sponsored bases in Jordan, Turkey, and now Syria proper. However, the FSA was in the complete control of Islamic extremists from an early stage ( This CIA created rebel army then quickly grew too big for the CIA to control as many insiders warned would happen. As extremists took over the remaining “moderate” elements of the FSA, advanced weapons covertly provided to fight Assad, such as the US made Stinger missiles, were seized and retasked for the fight in Iraq. With the covert backing of the US, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar, ISIL gained enough strength and organization to become a formidable light infantry army and capture large swaths of Sunni controlled areas of Iraq. This fight was originally justified as necessary to build a cross border sanctuary for the anti-Assad forces fighting in Syria, but in reality turned out to be the genesis of a new terrorist state. With the capture of territory that included Syrian and Iraqi military bases, ISIL fell into control of a large number of advanced military weapons that supercharged their fighting ability beyond what the CIA intended or could control. At this point, some advisors took refuge in that ISIL may not have the technical knowhow to maintain and fully operate systems such as fighter jets, air defense systems, and M1 Abrams tanks. However, this is a false logic that breeds a false sense of security because ISIL certainly has the skills to use these advanced weapons asymmetrically in attacks never before possible. The US national security establishment is simply not prepared to deal with this increased level of state-like terrorist organization. Read more
An Open Letter to Connecticut Law Enforcement

Connecticut has a storied history in the founding of our republic. As a state at the forefront of the Revolutionary War, its patriots stood firm in the face of tyranny. What they helped achieve was nothing short of miraculous in respect to the new nation with freedoms and liberties never before known to previous generations of countless subjects. In the coming days and weeks, you as law enforcement officers will be ordered to enforce a draconian gun control law against the wishes of the very same type of men that stood against tyrants and freed our nation from monarchy. Will you go door to door and arrest those patriots that refuse to lay down their arms in the face of unconstitutional legislative action? I ask that you do stand down and refuse to obey those orders for the common good.
Many of these peaceful citizens will be farmers, teachers, carpenters, doctors, soldiers, sportsmen, fireman, and former law enforcement that have dedicated their professional lives to the betterment and protection of their fellow citizens. They are the true first line of defense for their families and communities. They are you and me. You will be told that these “former” law abiding citizens are suddenly now dangerous felons that pose an existential threat to peace in your state. Those that refuse to hand over their lawfully obtained and peacefully maintained firearms will be deemed outlaws and you will be tasked with stamping out this rebellion. How will you justify your actions? Are you “just doing your job” like the Gestapo’s foot soldiers? Will you use maximum force for officer safety at the risk of innocent citizens being harmed or killed? When you have to kill your fellow citizens to disarm them will it be worth it? When your actions lead to more deaths of children and innocents will it be justified? Will your actions truly serve good or evil? Are you willing to risk your life for the leftist bureaucrats that care nothing for you and look with contempt at law enforcement behind closed doors as brutish, uneducated, hired guns? Will you stand with the people of your communities or the tyrants in government? Do you realize that this issue is far bigger than Connecticut?
Consider that until you begin to breach doors and enter the homes of peaceful citizens at gunpoint, there was no threat. There was no bloodshed. There was no violence in these communities emanating from these lawful gun owners. If you enforce this unconstitutional law, it will be you that brings violence and bloodshed to the innocent. You will surrender your title of protector of the innocent and become the very evil you claim to stand against. You will lose all standing amongst the citizenry as legitimate. You will become nothing more than the armed thugs of the elite and deserve your earned fate. Ironically, you will be the very threat against which, citizens were given the right by law to be armed.
A healthy republic relies on the action of free men with unimpeachable integrity, inquisitive minds, and steadfast moral constitutions. Your founding fathers left a clear mandate for you to resist tyranny in every form at every opportunity. Every one of you should intuitively understand that surrendering arms is not about protection but about the total power and control of the state at the expense of a citizen’s freedom and liberty. The power of the government is inversely proportional to the freedom of the people; the more powerful the government, the less free the people. However, the power of a nation is directly proportional to its freedom and liberty; the more free the peopl e, the stronger the nation. Remember that even the United States Attorney General, Eric Holder, stated as recently as last month that you should not enforce laws you feel are unconstitutional. Further, the oath many of us took was to defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. This is your moment to stand firm with your fellow citizens against tyranny and let it be known that you will not be a part of their oppression. Do what tyrants fear most and stand up to them. Without their brutish enforcers, the schemers have no power. I ask each and every one of you to show true courage and utterly refuse to enforce Connecticut’s unconstitutional gun control laws. Prove to the tyrants that the old blood of patriots is still alive and well amongst New England’s citizens and you will defend liberty and freedom today as your forefathers did in 1776. Stand firm, stand united, but do not stand for the schemers that seek to disarm and control our nation. Refuse to enforce this law.
Guiles Hendrik
Feds Withhold Water To California Farmers For First Time In 54 Years
And just as we warned….
The US Bureau of Reclamation released its first outlook of the year and finds insufficient stock is available in California to release irrigation water for farmers. This is the first time in the 54 year history of the State Water Project. “If it’s not there, it’s just not there,” notes a Water Authority director adding that it’s going to be tough to find enough water, but farmers are hit hardest as “they’re all on pins and needles trying to figure out how they’re going to get through this.” Fields will go unplanted (supply lower mean food prices higher), or farmers will pay top dollar for water that’s on the market (and those costs can only be passed on via higher food prices). – See more at: