Archive for Danger Alerts!

War Update: Will the Covert War Against Iran Go Overt?

While we have been distracted by sideshows and clowns domestically, the world has become much more dangerous in the last few weeks.  Topping my list is the mobilization of the Egyptian military to support General Haftar in Libya against the Turkish backed Libyan government.  Also heavily involved are Russia and the United Arab Emirates on behalf of General Haftar.  In addition, there is a growing showdown in Syria involving Israel, Russia, Iran, Kurds, Islamic terrorist groups, and Turkey.  On most Wednesdays, this is sufficiently bad.  However, these are special times.  Armenia backed by Russia and Azerbaijan backed by Turkey are again approaching a breakout into all-out war.  Further east in Asia, India and China are squaring off over disputed territory while the United States is facing down China at sea.  I cannot tell you exactly how this will all play out, but my money is on at least one of these issues breaking out into a full-blown conflict by fall.  My bets are on the conflict in Libya significantly escalating and then spilling back into the Middle East as well as a war with Iran.  However, I want to focus on how Mossad is trying to instigate the war with Iran because it will directly involve the United States.  Mind you, these conflicts all have links, and all have disastrous consequences.  It is just a matter of what issue proves dominant when trying to order how the dominoes will fall.  Let us take a quick look at how this could develop and why it matters to you.  

Since my previous post, another string of explosions has besieged Iran hitting a power plant in particular.  No one…no one, believes these are accidental events.  Barring another state acting covertly, which would likely cause both the United States and Israel to disavow the acts, Israel’s Mossad is the prime suspect.  The Israeli government is keenly aware their alliance with the Trump Administration is as good as they have ever enjoyed and will significantly degrade if Joe Biden is elected President in November.  Netanyahu knows with President Trump; they can face down Iran and be backed up.  They also know that any plans of expansion, annexation, or war with Iran will be supported by President Trump.  However, under a President Biden, everyone of these core issues for Israel will be quashed.  Further, Israel has not forgotten how then Secretary of State Kerry and President Obama sold them out with the “Iran Nuclear Deal” and the unfreezing of billions of dollars for Iran.  Israel believes it cannot afford to take the risk of Biden and his radical socialist agenda taking over.  As such they must act.

To avert the risk of a Biden presidency and an ascendant Iranian threat, Israel has one major hurdle to overcome.  The hurdle is President Trump.  Although President Trump blindly backs Israel, has made it abundantly clear to his policy advisors that he does not want a war with Iran.  Therefore, “by way of deception,” Mossad must initiate a war that President Trump cannot back out of.  Perhaps, better said, a war Iran cannot back out of.  Remember, Iran is not suicidal and does not want a war with the United States.  It is Israel that will bring these two nations to blows in what one may point to biblically as foreseen in the book of Daniel.  For those that are not biblical scholars, writing over two thousand years ago, Daniel knew this would be bad and usher in far worse.  Knowing they must instigate the war, Mossad must covertly create the conditions that force Iran to respond in a way President Trump cannot not respond.   

So, for Israel, it is now or never.  Expect the tempo of attacks against Iran to continue until Iran retaliates, but here is the twist.  This is a no win for Iran.  If Iran does overtly retaliate, Israel will feign innocence and immediately overtly respond in “self-defense.”  Iran will then have to escalate, and the United States will be sucked into the war.  Helping Israel is the Deep State, which has salivated for a war against Iran for years and will rally the United States to join the war.  However, I believe Iran will wait to retaliate covertly to avoid this escalation and Mossad also knows this.  To mitigate an Iranian non-response, Mossad must carry out a spectacular attack on American interests that will be designed to immediately look like Iran conducted the attack.  This will be a false flag, “by way of deception,” and force President Trump to retaliate in a manner that triggers a major war.  In addition, voting for the November election begins in six short weeks.  President Trump is looking extremely vulnerable and will need to take every opportunity he has to control the headlines, look powerful, and rally support beyond his base.  Sadly, he will “need” the Deep State if he has any chance of re-election.  Trump knows this and Israel knows this.  Trump will not be able to look weak when something like one of our destroyers is taken out by a torpedo that conveniently has “made in Iran” stamped on it…even though it was launched from an Israeli submarine.  Make no mistake, Mossad is far more concerned about Israel than the disastrous costs to the United States and will not hesitate to put a plan like this into action.

What does this mean for us?  If you are into hedging your bets that the chaos this year will only increase, you are in luck.  I am warning everyone that we will enter a period of extreme danger in September.  This is about as late as Israel can afford to postpone triggering a war with Iran with any hope of sucking the United States into it deep enough that regardless of who is elected in November, they will have to continue the war against Iran.  This also gives enough lead time for President Trump to leverage it to support his re-election, which is important timing because Netanyahu wants President Trump to win a second term.  If September comes and goes, the next and last window will be the month after the election if Biden wins.  If Israel thinks President Trump could win re-election, they just may hold off, but would have to immediately act if he lost.  This is a dangerous gamble because they would have to trigger a full-scale war before Biden was sworn in and even then, President Biden may opt to not support Israel.  No matter what Israel believes is good for Israel, a war with Iran will be disastrous for the United States.  This will benefit no one and I pray our leaders step back from the brink.  The United States will prevail in a war, but at a cost that leads to a massive geo-political diminishment of American status and a re-ordering of the world’s balance of power.  The costs of this war will be game-over for America as we know it once the dust settles.  I hope I am wrong. After all, there is certainly the possibility that Israel through back channels gets the assurances it needs from the Biden campaign so that it holds its fire.  However, if you were Israel, would you trust Biden (whose healthy is poor) and his radically anti-Semitic allies?  I would not and that is why I assess the danger rising to an “extreme” level by September.  As we move forward through this year of great world turmoil, I will continue to update you, but please do not hesitate to take what I am telling you seriously.  You really need to prepare yourselves for hard times for they are upon us.

By Guiles Hendrik

July 22, 2020

What if the COVID-19 Narrative is a Lie?

Through experience, I have learned to heavily doubt and question nearly all narratives coming from governments.  However, when it comes to communist governments such as in China, one must be far more skeptical and not believe anything until proven otherwise.  This is the case with the Wuhan Pandemic designated COVID-19.  As it stands, we are led to believe that this virus spontaneously jumped from some unknown species to humans and began spreading through the population in China circa December 2019.  We already know for sure that China lied to the world about everything we can validate from the outside such as when it actually began to spread and the fact that it does spread from person-to-person contrary to China’s initial claims.  What this should tell you is if the easily verified “facts” coming from China were all lies, then it is reasonable to assume they have zero credibility, were covering up, and nothing they said can be believed.  Understanding this should lead a logical person to ask then, “If the Chinese narrative is a lie, then what are the implications?”  The implications are nothing short of massive and could upend everything we have been led to believe about the virus.

Nothing about this virus is what, as an armchair observer, I would consider “normal.”  I honestly do not care if I have an MD before or after my name.  I am a thinking person and reserve the right to use my own knowledge, experience, and study just like anyone else to deduce truth.  Further, let us be honest.  The “experts” have been wrong at about every point in this pandemic so we can dispense with any notion only the scientists can understand this virus.  At the top of my list is the inability to sustain immunity to the virus.  Although not unheard of, most people will develop a lasting immunity to a disease if they survive it.  With COVID-19, it is becoming clear that there is no long-term immunity conveyed.  In addition, this virus seems to affect the body in ways other “flus” usually do not.  For example, this disease goes far beyond the lungs and seems to effect one’s neurological system and heart.  Survivors of bad cases are debilitated for life.  I also find that it can travel and spread for weeks in asymptomatic patients while others get it and fall gravely ill noteworthy.  Why do some act as spreaders with little or no ill effects while others drop dead?  Looking at the bigger picture, I think that China’s lockdown of a billion people was an extreme response if not understood in context. 

This is not an exhaustive list of COVID-19 novel properties, but it certainly should raise questions about what we know and what we are dealing with.  One may expect to see one of these properties, but in aggregate, it suggests that there is something more sinister about this virus.  To me, I have only found one narrative that explains everything we are seeing.  To work, the narrative must explain the lies and coverups, the draconian response in China, and the unique properties of this virus.  Using this logic, my narrative says that the current narrative is false because it fails to explain what we are witnessing and therefore should not be believed as fact.  Everything the Establishment has told us has proved to be wrong or a lie later whether intentional disinformation or simply incompetence.  Second, I am becoming convinced that China was experimenting with deadly pathogens at a lab when one was released. 

The first big clue is location.  You cannot dismiss the fact that a major bioresearch facility is in precisely the place where the pandemic began.  The second clue is the initial claims about the spread beginning in a food market have all been debunked.  The third clue is that China lied and tried to coverup something that if innocent, did not require any coverup.  The fourth clue is the military lockdown of a billion people in China.  The fifth clue is the properties of this virus seem to be a chimera of desirable traits in a weaponized pathogen.  Based on this, I think it is fair to explore the possibility that this was a bioweapon under development.  It certainly should not be dismissed out of hand.  Anyone that says otherwise should be suspect in this conspiracy because by no means has that been ruled out.  A case in point is the World Health Organization, which while taking massive sums of money from China, was complicit in passing China’s false narrative to the world.  Whether this was deliberate or not is not material for this discussion. What’s material is that China was using its mouthpieces to present a false narrative for some specific reason that must be identified. Mainstream narratives also claim there are no signs its genetic code was artificially modified.  This is a big red herring designed to throw anyone off the track.  The qualifier is what jumps out at me.  What it does not say in fact is more telling.  Specifically, the narrative deliberately ignores the fact that no gene editing or artificial process are required to develop a bioweapon.  In fact, natural processes that can be accelerated in a lab would be a rather basic method to develop a bioweapon.  As such, drawing attention to the still unverified “fact” this disease did not show characteristics of gene splicing in no way removes the possibility it was still being developed in a lab.  This is classic misinformation because it makes a true claim that is intended to deceive versus disinformation, which is a factually untrue statement meant to deceive.  I do not see any of this as accidental or coincidental.  This is deliberate with very intended effects.   

The bioweapon theory would explain the coverup.  This theory would also explain why China did not hesitate to use the military to lockdown over a billion people.  Specifically, if China saw this as anything other than a weaponized virus that could have disastrous implications for its country, it would not have turned off its industry costing its economy trillions of dollars.  Let us be honest, China has for many years sought to reduce its population and actively kills dissidents and babies.  Losses from a flu by a communist government that killed an estimated 80 million of its own people simply would not trigger the military response we witnessed in China.  More likely, China knew exactly what it was dealing with and desperately acted to stop it.  Once it realized it could not stop or contain it, China sought to spread the damage to ensure the rest of the world was also brought down a notch.  China certainly could not afford to have its population and economy devastated while its competitors remained unscathed.  I believe this is why China locked down its borders, but actively exported its population via air travel to the far corners of the world.  Finally, and most consequential, this theory explains the unique qualities of how the virus spreads and effects a population.  As such, until such time as information comes forth that can conclusively refute this virus came from a lab, we need to treat it as a plausible explanation. 

Considering the theory as plausible, one must ask what the implications of this great lie would be.  In short, if this is a bioweapon, all bets are off.  We cannot approach a weaponized pathogen in the same way we deal with a traditional pathogen.  Therefore, accurate information is so important.  If this theory is correct, we must recognize that things like an effective vaccine could be a fantasy.  We need to also realize that there could be many long-term negative complications we have not even begun to identify.  This is why I recommend caution to anyone thinking that they are young and healthy and therefore not at risk.  The entire assumption is based on COVID-19 being a natural phenomenon and not a bioweapon.  If it turns out to be a bioweapon and the mainstream narrative was just one more lie in a string of lies, it may take years to discover that having the disease imparts other complications like a compromised immune systems such as with HIV/AIDS.  For example, there are plenty of conflicting studies and reports on whether this is a retrovirus and will flare back up later in life when your immune system and health is far less likely to be able to defeat it.  At minimum, if no immunity is conveyed, as long as the virus is in the population, it does not matter because you are at risk.  This disease may also mutate to a more lethal form, which you typically do not see in natural viruses, if it has been engineered as a weapon.  It could even cause your immune system to have horrible reactions to other pathogens or immunizations.  Remember too that that if this is a bioweapon, there is a strong motive for even our government to suppress the truth.  After all, once the virus is out, what benefit would there be to telling the population they were just exposed to a bioweapon?  Think about it.  A government seeks to control the population.  The fear and panic that would result from this knowledge would make everything that is happening now seem like nothing.  The government will put maintaining control above your safety every time.  The truth is we do not know much about the Wuhan Pandemic and should therefore explore this possibility since the implications are so dire.  These are real questions about real complications and not kooky beliefs.  Until we can definitely answer the questions posed in this article, I recommend being skeptical and taking all precautions very seriously.

By Guiles Hendrik,

July 20, 2020

Will the Covert War Against Iran Go Overt?

Being that the media is in lockstep on reporting only a handful of issues (Pandemic, Trump is bad, Social Justice), most have missed the fact that almost daily now, a highly sensitive and/or strategic sites in Iran have mysteriously gone up in flames…or more precisely, in explosions.  The highly coordinated fashion at which these sensitive Iranian sites were attacked has all the hallmarks of state level sponsorship.  Iran no doubt knows this and by this time has identified the sponsors behind the attacks as Israel and the United States.  Even if this was a false flag by a third-party actor, the result will be the same.  Iran must decisively retaliate.  When it does, it very well may trigger the war Israel and their Deep State allies in Washington have sought.  Further, the Trump Administration needs an issue more than ever to refocus the nation from the current domestic issues.  A war with Iran would certainly do it.  Unfortunately, any war with Iran will be disastrous for all parties.  Iran will be smashed, but the cost to the United States doing it will make it a Pyrrhic victory at best. 

A quick summary of sites hit in Iran include the Natanz nuclear facility, a missile facility, a power plant, a medical facility, industrial sites, and now the Port of Bushehr with seven ships aflame.  The incidents happened all within approximately a month timeframe making any argument of random bad luck ludicrous.  This is a deliberate campaign being covertly waged to cripple Iran.  My point is not to justify or condemn the attacks, but rather, to warn that there are always consequences.  In fact, I do not find it coincidental that just days after the USS Bonhomme Richard was engulfed in flames and is currently burning to the water line while at port in San Diego, seven Iranian ships in port at Bushehr went up in flames today.  Through the lens of covert tit-for-tat, this is no coincidence.  In addition, it is only a matter of time before there is a showdown between the United States and Iran over its oil tankers supplying Venezuela.  President Trump has gone so far as to hint that major action against Venezuela, an ally of Iran, will occur soon without elaborating.  My guess is the two issues…Iran and Venezuela, will be jointly addressed in whatever action President Trump orders.   

Now, for the “so what” factor.  I have written a book’s worth of articles on the implications of a major war with Iran (search keyword “Iran”) and the takeaway is all negative.  Iran will suffer massive devastation, the Middle East will explode into greater turmoil, and the costs (lives, money, material, and influence) to America will render it impotent in the region opening a vacuum for China and Russia to exploit.  Further, America will not escape unscathed domestically.  Price spikes, shortages, attacks, and social unrest will all be baked into the consequences.  For those that want to get biblical, yes, there is also reference to this in the Book of Daniel and it is the trigger for what you read in the Book of Revelation.  If that does not reach your “it matters” threshold, it should.  Neither you nor I can stop this (what I believe is a nearly certain major war with Iran), but we can prepare.  If you have not looked at your preps and relocation plans, you should.  As with the stock markets, you cannot call the precise timing, but by paying attention to the fundamentals, you know when a market is poised to crash. 

By Guiles Hendrick,

July 15, 2020

Deep State using Staged Chemical Attack in Syria to Sucker Trump into War with Russia

It is time for our senior intelligence and defense officers to publicly speak out and expose the Deep State’s plan to bait the US into war with Syria, Russia, and Iran.  The US and Russia have known for months that radical Islamic forces operating in Syria had acquired chemical weapons and were planning a false flag attack.  The US in particular confirmed that Syrian rebels not only possessed, but had used chlorine gas on multiple occasions.  Further, the Russians have very publicly warned that this false flag attack was in the making and would take action if the US used it as a pretext to attack the Assad Regime or any location with Russian forces.  Now with the lunatic John Bolton as the National Security Advisor, you can be sure this paid foreign lobbyist and draft dodger (no, the National Guard does not count during Vietnam) will stop at nothing to spin this false flag chemical attack into propaganda he can use to railroad the US into another disastrous war in the Middle East.

How could anyone with even a partially functioning brain not see the setup?  Let me break it down.  Islamic radicals are getting crushed by the Syrian Regime, Russia, and even the US-Kurdish forces.  The Syrian government with the backing of Russia has all but won the civil war.  These terrorist proxies and their sponsoring states (Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, etc.) desperately need to find a way to change the balance of power in a big way or they know the game is over.  The only way they can do that is to get the US involved to counter Russia.  As such, they have acquired and been provided chemical weapons to stage another false flag chemical attack where they gas their own people and blame the Assad regime to the great outrage of the world.  In fact, our “ally” Turkey, which sponsored the attack that killed an American Delta Force operator last week, has been one of the worst offenders and has already been caught trying to transfer chemical weapons to Syrian rebels.  This situation climaxed last week when Trump announced ISIS was essential defeated as a conventional force so he was going to pull American forces out of Syria and let the Syrians clean up the rest.  This terrified the military industrial complex (aka Deep State), the terrorist proxies, and their sponsor states.  Action had to be taken and Israel’s paid propagandist (Bolton) arrived just in time.  With Bolton in power, the order was given to gas a civilian area to maximize casualties amongst women and children, which was immediately blamed on Assad even before a shred of evidence was obtained.  Now, based on no facts whatsoever and before any questions can be answered, we are to believe Assad sabotaged his own success by launching a very small and ineffective chemical attack against a target completely unrelated to any current operation.  Nonetheless, in a tragically predictable form, Trump is rushing the US into a war that will most likely lead to a direct conflict with Russia and catastrophic consequences.  The US literally has nothing to gain and everything to lose from being sucked into this conflict.

Why has none of this come out?  I will give you a hint.  Has anyone noticed that the only time that the anti-Trump crusade in the media falls silent is when he sends Americans to war?  Your answer is the Deep State, which includes the media establishment and both Democrats and Republicans.  The establishment gets rich off of wars and Americans are too apathetic to even care because they haven’t had to feel the fire and destruction here at home.  Let me warn everyone tonight.  Americans have become dangerously desensitized to wars and too accepting about how casually we enter them.  I have warned and warned about the trajectory of events in the Middle East leading up to this point where proxies are removed and major powers clash.  If Bolton and his lunatics get their way, Trump will launch an attack directly against Assad that will also kill Russians.  Russia is to be taken at its word and will respond.  Unlike previous disastrous wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, a war that pulls in Syria, Iran, and Russia will become America’s undoing.  At best, we could achieve a Pyrrhic victory for nothing.  This war will bankrupt our nation, destroy the global economy, and lead to the deaths of countless people that will include many Americans here and abroad all over an easily debunked lie if Bolton and the Deep State get their way.  I caution everyone tonight to closely watch events as they could quickly spiral out of control.  In the interim, do everything you can to shed light on this rash rush to war and try to stop it.  I pray there is someone left within the military or intelligence communities’ senior ranks that will speak up and out about this insanity before it is too late.

By Guiles Hendrik

April 10, 2018

China Threatens to Attack United States if US Strikes North Korea

Spoiler:  This is the wild card worst case scenario I warned could materialize. 

Before today’s announcement in China’s state run press, we could only speculate what China’s response would be to a war with North Korea.  Today, China signaled as directly as China will ever signal that it is prepared to go to war with the United States in the event the US preemptively strikes North Korea or attempts to change the strategic balance in the region.  This is a catastrophic game changer that could ultimately lead to a massive nuclear exchange and the deaths of over one billion people.  Read more

North Korea to use Chemical and Biological Weapons Against the US

Too many Americans are completely detached from the horrors of war as the US has enjoyed an unprecedented period of peace within its continental borders.  The ability to not know war has been a precious luxury enjoyed for a generation in the US, but is now taken completely for granted.  For most, war is just another form of entertainment like sports games and movies.  In fact, to the average person, there is literally no distinction between the Hollywood war movies and reality.  Why would there be when roughly only four tenths of a percent of the US population is serving in the military and far less have actually fought its wars?  This makes it highly likely most Americans don’t even know a vet.  There are many problems with this disassociation.  However, the most detrimental has been that our nation has become so insulated from war they feel that we can kill with impunity around the globe.  Symptomatic of this condition is the apathy Americans demonstrate to our military intervention overseas.  We now allow our nation to blindly blunder into global conflict without even a debate.  Americans have forgotten the actual human costs and the horrors of what a war is like if it comes to our own shores.  This always ends badly and if a war with North Korea begins, we may very soon learn what it is like to see war again on American soil.

Currently, the Trump Administration has overtly entered or continued US involvement in wars in Yemen, Syria, Afghanistan, and Iraq without any debate, votes, or justification.  Literally, President Trump has picked a new fight every month he has been in office.  My fear is that President Trump is now setting the stage for an unavoidable conflict with North Korea making him five for five.  Let me be clear, I do not believe President Trump has many options left with North Korea.  However, I fear that he will not chose the best courses of action and it will cost the US an incredibly high price.  I don’t say this lightly.  Conflicts in Syria and Iraq have the potential to spread and end in a disaster for the US in large part because they will financially bankrupt our nation and lead to the wholesale slaughter of millions of innocent people.  However, the US has not fought a war since WWII where the adversary had the ability to attack the US mainland.  Am I suggesting North Korea has the ability to physically invade the US and pelt of with missiles?  No.  In fact, North Korea does not have that ability at all.  However, North Korea has the ability to asymmetrically attack the US with some of the most horrendous weapons known to man and you need to be prepared.

War with North Korea is looking more and more inevitable.  Neither side is willing to back down.  If there is to be war, even the best case is still horrible.  The best case would be a surprise US nuclear strike against the North Korean regime and its military installations ending the war quickly and with minimal US and allied casualties.  A far uglier picture emerges if the Trump Administration opted for, even if just initially, a conventional option.  Using conventional weapons would allow North Korea time to deploy not just its conventional weapons, but its chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons.  This would almost guarantee Seoul would be reduced to rubble and tens of thousands of American and South Korean casualties would be incurred within the first 24-48 hours of the conflict.  If the US and South Korean troops had to conventionally fight the entire war, we would be looking at close to a million casualties and our nation utterly bankrupted by the conflict.  Further, this is assuming China doesn’t enter the war, which would truly make it a WWIII endgame scenario and this isn’t at all unlikely.

However, irrespective of the financial cost and the massive loss of life associated with a war in North Korea, Americans, have in their comforts, become totally ignorant of the fact that North Korea has planned for and put in place numerous asymmetric means to attack the US.  To be blunt, North Korea is prepared to attack the US homeland in horrific ways should war break out.  In particular, over the course of time, North Korea is rumored to have smuggled via diplomatic pouches numerous biological and chemical weapons into the US through its United Nations mission in New York.  Disturbingly, once the technology to produce these types of weapons is achieved, and North Korea has achieved it, these weapons are relatively easy to smuggle and very difficult to track.  Adding to the problem is that a very small amount of these weapons can inflict large number of casualties.  If true, literally every city in the US could be simultaneously attacked with a full range of biological and chemical weapons.  In particular, North Korea is already believed to have smuggled VX nerve agent into a foreign country and used it to assassinate a political rival.  In larger quantities, VX could be dispersed over crowded areas to inflict large numbers of casualties and to create massive panic in cities like New York and Washington, DC.  If not bad enough, a far scarier threat exists.  North Korea is believed to have been mass producing anthrax and has likely mass produced other biological weapons such as smallpox, francisella tularensis, and hemorrhagic fever virus.  Any one of these agents could be released in densely populated areas and cause a massive number of deaths.  Finally, North Korea may have the ability to detonate a space based nuclear weapon over the US releasing an EMP capable of blacking out a large portion of the North American grid.  I consider this scenario less likely due to North Korea’s technological challenges and US countermeasures; however, if China becomes involved, the probability of this scenario is 100%.  Should that event occur, the US will effectively be destroyed.  Before the grid could be rebuilt, some congressional studies estimate that two-thirds of the US population or approximately 200,000,000 people would die.  Not even our grandchildren will live to see the US recover from this type of attack.  Let that sink in for a moment.  The war that President Trump is about to start has the potential to destroy the US.

If what I have just written didn’t scare the hell out of you, you are completely disassociated with reality and need professional help.  I am not trying to create panic and I do not subscribe to fear mongering.  Unfortunately, reality isn’t always pretty and as much as we would like to deny the uncomfortable, it is critical we recognize threats and dangers.  North Korea is a very big threat and far more dangerous than Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan combined.  Remember, President Bush believed Afghanistan was going to be a quick war against some illiterate savages, but over a decade and a half later, we are still mired in his war we have already strategically lost.  Iraq proved to be another example of Washington’s hubris and overly optimistic military predictions.  In fact, the history of warfare demonstrates that in nearly every case, wars prove to be much longer, tougher, and more costly than predicted.  Why would anyone think North Korea will be a war any less costly when all indicators say the exact opposite?  I am curious because as I type, no fewer than three American aircraft carrier battle groups are steaming towards the Korean Peninsula prepared for a military showdown and nearly no one aside from Ron Paul is urging restraint.  I think the answer is that Americans are living in ignorance and have no concept of the hell this war will most likely bring to our lives.  Again, war with North Korea may be unavoidable, but we need to have a national discussion and the homeland must be prepared for the consequences.

As with all articles, I don’t just point out the problems.  I offer solutions.  In this case, the truth is you and I aren’t going to change a damn thing.  All we can control is our actions and to a limited degree help those around us.  Ideally, now may be a good time to literally leave the US for an extended vacation that lasts until either the war is over or North Korea backs down.  I don’t make this recommendation lightly.  However, for those that can’t leave or opt to stay, you need to prep your chem/bio response kits.  Everyone in your group now should be at minimum carrying a protective mask with new filter in day bags.  If you have antidote kits for nerve agents and decon kits for blister agents, those should also be packed and make sure you know how to use them.  You should also have antibiotics ready for a biological attack involving a bacterial agent like anthrax.  However, if the bio weapon is viral, we are looking at an untreatable megadeath situation and the only real option is to completely isolate your group from all other people until the virus has burned itself out.  Wherever you plan to stay, make sure you have an area prepped with provisions and the ability to seal it from the outside with plastic and duct tape at minimum.  You also should have enough chem/bio suits prepared for everyone in your group to at least bug out from the hot zone.  If you are driving to work, you should have at least one complete suit in your vehicle and a contingency link up plan for everyone else in your group.  Listen to me; you need to do this immediately.  A war with North Korea is hopefully avoidable, but literally could be launched at any moment in the coming days to weeks.

As for preparations beyond immediate survival, you need to get as much cash on hand as you can withdraw from the banks.  If you have the ability to move money to overseas bank accounts, do it now.  If you are invested in stocks, you should consider taking profits now and holding them until this crisis passes.  Once the market crashes, feel free to re-enter the market and buy up the cheap stocks.  This will lead to a market shock and crash if a war breaks out.  However, some stocks will likely sky rocket in value.  I am personally seeking out companies that specialize in radiological decontamination and chem/bio defenses to invest in.  Call it Machiavellian, but a crisis always presents opportunities for those with the foresight to position themselves to seize it.  Make sure that person is you.  In the interim, please take some basic precautions.  I pray for the best, but will be preparing for the worst.  We will be very blessed indeed if we can get through this crisis with the homeland unscathed.

By Guiles Hendrik

April 17, 2017

The Syrian Civil War and the Downfall of the Trump Administration

Here is a free piece of political advice.  When your enemies begin condoning your actions, you should be very worried.  President Trump has for the first time enjoyed what he believes to be the “support” and approval of the Establishment after launching a cruise missile attack against a Syrian air base.  However, he would be a fool to think they are cheering on his actions because they support his policy.  In fact, the Establishment is really laughing as they lead him by his ego down the path to destruction in Syria.  As I have repeatedly warned, the Syrian Civil War is a trap and will not just take down the Trump Administration, but will bring down the United States if it becomes entangled in the conflict. Read more

Probability for the use of nuclear weapons during the next four years nears 80%

I hate to continually bring you doom and gloom, but in short, the probability that nuclear weapons will be used within the next four years has spiked to its highest levels since the Cuban Missile Crisis.  If you haven’t reviewed your contingency plans you should.  However, this article is not meant to provide you with detailed bug out plans…search our site for those…it is meant to highlight the growing nuclear risks.

Let’s start with the good news if there is such a thing.  Out of the most likely scenarios, only two involve nuclear weapons being used against the continental United States.  These are worst case scenarios and involve a nuclear exchange with Russia and or China.  The bad news is that the potential for nuclear war with both powers has sharply risen.  With respect to Russia, if the US continues to press for regime change in Syria and uses military force, it will force a military confrontation with Russia that could spiral out of control and involve nuclear weapons.  Respective of China, it is assessed as unlikely, but possible China would join forces with Russia and Iran against the US if a direct military confrontation breaks out in Syria.  However, far more likely is the probability China joins forces with North Korea if a war breaks out and that leads to a nuclear exchange.

Note that North Korea is not listed.  North Korea currently does not possess a viable capability to strike the United States.  They are rumored to have the ability to detonate a nuclear weapon in space to cause an EMP, but the likelihood of them successfully carrying out this type of attack is very low due to their technical problems and the ability of the US to counter any attack.  However, North Korea certainly has the ability to detonate a nuclear weapon on the Korean Peninsula and the chances of this are dramatically increasing.  In fact, many analysts believe China no longer has the ability to reign in North Korea and the opportunity to avert a war is now close to zero.  If true, there will be a war with North Korea within the next 24 months.  Also one must consider North Korea has a full range of chemical and biological weapons that they most likely would use in the event of war prompting a nuclear response by the US.  Adding to the danger is the fact any conventional land war in Korea could quickly cause over a million casualties.  The costs would be too high for the US to tolerate and the war would quickly go nuclear, if not from the onset, contrary to what many people in the US may believe.  As such, in the event of war with North Korea, it will be a nuclear war.  If China remains out of the conflict, we will be relatively safe in the US.  However, if China becomes involved, we will see many people die both abroad and domestically.

While everyone is distracted with their own problems, tensions are once again rising between Pakistan and India.  Both countries have nuclear weapons and events could flare into open conflict again and lead to the use of nuclear weapons.  However, the probability of this is low over the next four years.

Finally, Israel must be assessed.  Israel will not tolerate Iran developing a nuclear weapons capability.  Should Israel become convinced that Iran has continued with its weapons development, it will use tactical nuclear weapons to neutralize the program.  Fortunately, Israel and the US have once again moved closer and will likely coordinate on any war with Iran allowing the US time to de-escalate the situation or at least get out of the way before Israel launches an attack.  This is a wild card scenario because the probability is highly dependent upon other events across the world.  Should the US press with regime change in Syria, Iran will most likely use its 122,000 Shia militiamen in Iraq to overrun the Green Zone and attack US forces in Iraq and then Syria.  This could quickly force the US out of the Middle East leaving Israel to fend for itself increasing the probability of a war with Iran.  However, should the US destroy North Korea’s nuclear weapons program, it will greatly decrease the odds of war with Iran.  Most don’t realize this hidden fact, but Iran has off-shored its nuclear program to North Korea where it has been conducting its weapons development unabated.  Should North Korea be allowed to continue its program, Iran by default will gain a nuclear weapons capability.  Should North Korea be stopped, Iran will also be severely set back.

In conclusion, for the first time in decades, the probabilities for various scenarios where nuclear weapons are used are increasing dramatically across the board.  It is alarming and experts are taking note.  In fact, the odds are now so high, it is safe to assess that a nuclear device will most likely be used within the next four years.  If this conclusion doesn’t get your attention, there is probably nothing that can be said to wake you from your brain dead zombielike existence.  Now is the time to get your Plan B ready because events could spiral quickly out of control in the very near future.

By Guiles Hendrik

April 10, 2017

Update: Middle East on Brink of Major War after Saudi Warship Attacked

Again, the news cycle is moving so quickly, no one is able to completely keep up.  However, with all of the focus on executive orders on immigration some major events are slipping by unnoticed.  The take away is that the Middle East is again moving rapidly toward all-out war.  The immigration issue is serious and important, but the war that could potential break out in the Middle East could be staggering.  Here are the most recent highlights with comment:

Yemen in particular has become a flashpoint.  Starting from the top, a unit from SEAL Team Six got mauled badly and lost an operator while conducting a direct action raid on a suspected al-Qaeda facility.  Further, their MV-22 Osprey crashed and was destroyed on the ground.  The base model of a single Osprey costs over $73,000,000 dollars and this was a special operations variant, which comes in closer to one hundred million dollars.  This was in exchange for killing 14 alleged terrorists of at best, medium value, and collecting some information to better identify their network.  This shows that President Trump is less risk averse when it comes to launching our soldiers into combat.  If this becomes a trend, it means much more kinetic warfare and far greater US casualties.  Previous to this raid, attacks in Yemen were almost exclusively being carried out by airstrikes.

If not bad enough, a Saudi Arabian Frigate, which is a warship, was attacked according to the US government, by a small boat laden with explosives.  However, video evidence supports the assessment that believes the ship was hit by a missile supplied by Iran.  Anti-ship missiles have been fired at US Warships in the same area over the last six months.  Further, one man can be heard speaking in an Iranian accent chanting death to America.  If it was indeed a missile that hit the boat, the fact is being downplayed and covered up to prevent outrage in Saudi Arabia that would demand revenge and initiate a war with Iran.  This is not unprecedented in the region.  An advanced ship from the UAE was also recently hit by an Iranian supplied anti-ship missile launched from Yemen and damaged so badly it had to be decommissioned.  However, the UAE never officially acknowledge the attack.

Irrespective of how the attack occurred, the blast appears to have struck the upper portion of the stern of the Saudi ship inflicting serious damage and killing at least two Saudi sailors.  This is a major act of war and is believed to have been launched by the Houthi rebels in Yemen.  One may say this is the cost of starting an unnecessary war and invading Yemen.  I would agree that it was stupid for Saudi Arabia to intervene militarily in Yemen.  However, the Saudis tonight are not discussing whether or not their war was smart.  What they are discussing his how to retaliate.  If it in fact was an attack launched by the Houthis, the missile was undoubtedly supplied by Iran.  Everyone knows this, but the question is if the Kingdom will hold the Houthis and/or the Iranians responsible.  I assess the possibility of Saudi Arabia expanding their war in Yemen as high.  I also see a medium likelihood of Saudi Arabia expanding it to Iran to include indicting any Iranian flagged ship near Yemen.  This will undoubtedly provoke another cycle of violence.  Worst case is Saudi Arabia decides to retaliate directly against Iran, but I assess this as unlikely.  The fact that Saudi Arabia has not said anything about the ban in immigration from seven predominately Muslim countries factors into this situation.  It is highly likely the Saudis will try to lean heavily on the US to take out Iran for them, which brings me to my next point.

Iran test launched a ballistic missile this week in violation of pretty much everything the international community has told Iran it could not do.  Iran became a serial violator of any international dictates since the Obama Administration was in office.  Their transgressions included seizing US Navy vessels and their crews in international waters, providing weapons to attack and kill Americans, holding Americans hostage, developing long range missile technology, and feigning attacks on our warships.  Following precedent, Iran conducted a launch of another ballistic missile and has yet to be “reprimanded” by the new Administration.  Perhaps, Iran thinks it has gotten away with it and President Trump will be a push over.  If so, I believe they have badly miscalculated the new American President.  President Trump in a short amount of time will respond.  How, is the only question.  Trumps retaliatory options range from lodging a diplomatic protest and re-invoking sanctions to launching a nuclear strike.

Yes, I do think President Trump is serious enough he may indeed use nuclear weapons during his time in office to prevent a bloody and costly deployment of ground troops against a country like North Korea or Iran.  Nonetheless, I assess the Administration will come out with a clear warning to Iran, but will stop short of a military strike.  Iran will get one warning, but no more.  However, there is a perfect coalescing of Saudi and US interests with regards to annihilating Iran.  Iran should take this seriously because Saudi Arabia may be on the phone right now with Washington discussing military options for the attack on their ship.  If Trump greenlights retaliation, we could have a major outbreak of war in days.  However, I reiterate, I think right now we will have some clear red lines drawn and preparations made, but the war won’t begin just yet.

In summary, things are getting hotter in the Middle East.  All that is needed is a slight nudge and the entire region could erupt.  I do not see anything getting calmer anytime soon.  In fact, I think we are about to see a major escalation of war in the Middle East.


By Guiles Hendrik

January 30, 2017

Radical Leftists Stock Up on Guns Preparing for Violent Resistance to Trump

Oh how quickly the roles have changed.  Just a year ago, only crazy “deplorables” were clinging to their bibles and guns.  Now it looks as though the Leftists are suddenly glad they didn’t ban all firearms and are arming themselves by the thousands.  However, I seriously doubt this salient point resonated and I would be curious to know if they are suddenly swelling the ranks of the NRA…Yes, I doubt it too.  Nonetheless, from where we stood just six months ago, the radical elements within the political Left are now suddenly far more, not less, dangerous.  I am writing today to warn fellow patriots that the war is not won.  It has only begun and elements on the Left are actively plotting a violent resistance to President Trump’s Administration.  Read more

President Trump’s First Major International Test could lead to Nuclear War with North Korea

Much has been made of President Trump’s proposed domestic policies as he was sworn in today as the 45th President of the United States.  However, as all eyes are focused on Washington, DC, President Trump’s first major political test may have already materialized.   North Korea has threatened it will conduct an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) test in violation of international sanctions.  President Trump had already stated that any North Korean launch “won’t happen,” (See: so a showdown between the US and North Korea is underway.  How each side acts and responds could literally mean the US engages in a nuclear war with North Korea potentially within a week. Read more

State Governments Passing Laws to Abolish Private Property Rights

The level of encroachment of government into our lives correlates very closely to the amount of freedom a person enjoys.  It should come as no surprise that the more the government dictates every aspect of a person’s life, the less freedom that person has.  Dating as far back as early English Common Law, it has been recognized and well established that without respect for property rights there can be no freedom.  Alarmingly, over the last year, state and federal governments have massively expanded the scope of intrusion into our lives and all but abolished the last vestiges of property “rights.”  As a result, the number of examples of egregious violations of rights has been piling up.  Three cases in particular highlight the utter destruction of property rights.  Read more

Is a Violent Anti-Trump Revolution Possible in the US?

Most of you have read a lot of articles and reports lately concerning escalating protests and violence across the country.  Many of you are rightfully asking how far this will go.  I have seen a number of reports that essentially dismiss the possibility of an armed rebellion beginning in America.  They are wrong.  People need to wake up.  The United State has already passed through the proto-revolutionary phase and is now involved in an active low level insurgency that has the potential to quickly spread should the proper conditions present.  The question isn’t whether or not a violent revolution could start in the US.  The question is how bad will it get.  Make no mistake; we are at war with a violent, leftist insurgency right now.

Let’s begin with a quick history lesson.  President Obama began his political career in the living room of a domestic terrorist, Bill Ayers.  Read more

Election Fraud Alert: Democrats’ Plan to Steal Election Using Electoral College Gaining Support

Last Minute Survival exclusively warned before the election that Democrat Party operatives planned to steal the election “legally” by pressuring Democrat appointed electors to vote for Hillary irrespective of their state’s election outcome.  See:  I was the only one warning of this.  I specifically called out the states of Michigan and Pennsylvania to watch for this attempt since I assessed them as likely to vote for Trump even though most of their electors were chosen by Democrats.  We now know that I was right to focus on these two states as they did vote for Trump and are now being heavily pressured to vote for Hillary.

LMS then posted an update to show that indeed the Democrat’s plan I had exposed to steal the Electoral College had built support and Read more

UPDATE: How the Election is being Legally Rigged

Before the first votes were cast, I penned a unique piece on how the election could be “legally rigged” by manipulating the votes of state electors.  LMS was the only alternative news…or any source warning about this possibility.  In particular, I singled out Michigan and Pennsylvania as key states to watch and they turned out to be key swing states for Trump, just as predicted.  See: (  Today, news is breaking, just as I had warned in the above linked to article, the Left is trying to lobby the Electoral College to ignore their pledges and vote for Hillary.  This is feasible and actually legal, but would clearly cause a crisis within the US.  See: (  Make no mistake, Donald Trump was legitimately elected as the next president and will be president, but that doesn’t mean the Left will not try to disrupt this in every way possible.  You can expect this push to sway the Electoral College to gain significant momentum in the coming days once the government propaganda outlets catch on that this is a viable.  The implications of this action, should it gain traction, are serious.  Read more

Media Ignoring How the Election is Legally Rigged and Violence May Erupt When Truth Exposed

Sometimes when searching for truth in the maze of media spin, your best technique is to focus on what is not being talked about.  In the case of election rigging, it is clear there is already ample evidence to prove election fraud at the ballot boxes and by the two major political parties during the primaries.  However, what is not being talked about is far more important than double voting, identification laws, or illegals voting and it is not just legal, it is constitutional.  This election may come down to the electors that cast the state votes that are actually counted toward the Electoral College.  The fact the media has all but ignored the most obvious “check and balance” to our election system is curious to say the least.  These electors are handpicked by the elites and often owe loyalties to parties much like super delegates during the primaries.  If they do not vote the will of the people, and they are by no means bound to do that, violence in the streets can be expected. Read more

ISIS Threat against Election likely US Government False Flag

Last week, news broke that the Islamic State (IS) had issued threats against New York, Virginia, and Texas.  The report claimed that intelligence sources indicated that IS may be planning an attack to disrupt US elections.  After the announcement, I had a few questions.  Is it real and if so, then what is being done?  If not, why would the threat information be publicized and who made the announcement?  The answers are disturbing.  Read more

Vice President Joe Biden Announces War with Russia

I am not being dramatic when I say our Vice President just unilaterally declared war on Russia.  In diplomatic circles, the phrase “words mean things” is quite literal.  This week, none other than the second most powerful leader in the world flatly announced the US was going to attack Russia.  Make no mistake, this was not understood by the world as a warning.  This was a declaration.  Now that the “Crazy Joe” Biden has by de facto started World War Three what happens next? Read more

Will Ankara be the next Benghazi?

Right now Ankara is being heavily bombed by aircraft.  The targets appear to be government installations, but many of the bombs are dropping near the US Embassy and residences of American Diplomatic personnel.  Reports are that Americans are in extreme danger during this fighting and are pinned down in their residences.  The US Embassy at this time seems paralyzed and to date has done nothing to help other than to tell their employees to shelter in place and keep their batteries charged on their cell phones.  I am sure they feel better after that astute advice as bombs are hitting nearby buildings and tanks are having shootouts in the streets.

I guess the CIA’s crack team of “clairvoyants” failed to catch this one in advance.  Perhaps, instead of hiring academics from the same pool of geniuses that got us into this mess they hired some true outside talent, this wouldn’t have caught them by surprise.  However, seeing how incompetent the entire Obama Administration has been, it should come as no surprise their entire foreign policy just got wiped out.  I just hope the violence ends quickly before we are dealing with another Benghazi.


By Guiles Hendrik

July 15, 2016

Putin’s revenge: Did Russian Intelligence Support Coup in Turkey?

Events are still unfolding and it is too early to make any final conclusions.  However, it is clear that a military coup in Turkey is underway to overthrow Erdogan.  As of now, all indications support the CIA was completely caught off guard and US was happy with the Islamic leaning Erdogan’s administration.  As such, it is unlikely the CIA had anything to do with the coup.  However, there are some indications that Russian intelligence helped back the military coup to oust Erdogan.  Did Putin just get the last laugh…again?

Russia-Turkey relations have warmed remarkably in the last two weeks, but was this because Russia knew change was coming?  It is also quite coincidental that US Secretary of State John Kerry just met with his Russian counterpart.  Further, Russia correctly recognized Turkey was continuing to back Islamic extremists in Syria against Russian interests.  Turkey is/was preparing a major military offensive to back Islamic extremists to retake Aleppo from Syrian forces in hopes of forcing Syrian President Assad out of power.  This was a Russian redline.  However, Russia did not want a direct conflict with Turkey and potentially all of NATO.  Nonetheless, Russia could not and would not allow Turkey to directly intervene in a decisive way as I previously warned.  As such, Russia needed a way to counter Erdogan’s policy to overthrow Assad and stop it without a bigger war.  I should also mention Putin didn’t take the fact Turkey shot down a Russian jet lightly.

Short of a major war, a coup became an attractive option for derailing Washington’s Middle East Policy, defeating ISIL/ISIS, and countering Turkish actions targeting Syria and its President Assad.  This appears to have culminated in a Russia covert operation to support the overthrow of Erdogan.  Whether or not the coup proves successful, one will look back and see this is probably the last best effort to return Turkey to a secular state and defeat radical Islamists hijacking the country with a minimal amount of bloodshed.  I find it fitting that Erdogan, a radical extremist that has backed Islamic jihadists found himself potentially one run out of office, not Assad.

I can’t understate the implications of this coup.  If successful, ISIL/ISIS will get hammered by unimpeded Russia, Kurdish, and Syrian forces.  Without Turkey’s covert support, ISIL/ISIS will face near certain military defeat in Syria.  However, if the coup fails, expect all hell to break out across the region.  Erdogan will return and his crackdown and purges will murder many people as radical Islamists solidify their grip on power.  Any hopes for a secular Turkey will be dead.  ISIL/ISIS will also get the full backing of Turkey in Syria and it is likely this will lead to plummeting relations with Russia and an outbreak of a major war.  This is just the beginning of an unraveling of the entire region.  Events will continue spiral out of control across the globe and the US.  I will continue to update on this as events unfold.

Guiles Hendrik

July 15, 2016