Archive for Counterinsurgency

The Role of Policing in Society Part II: The Effects of Defunding the Police

Continuing from Part I of this series,, it’s important to consider the costs and benefits of defunding police departments.  Further, if you do not understand the bigger picture, you cannot understand why this is being done and how it will ultimately affect you in a disastrous way.

Most of us agree that there is always going to be room for improvement in how our communities are policed.  As pointed out in Part I, most of this angst against law enforcement is derived from the endless revenue collection schemes by the barrel of a gun such as enforcing petty taxes on cigarettes, speed traps, and tolls. Adding to this animosity is the very real oversteps of law enforcement that range from killing innocent people during nighttime no-knock raids and civil asset forfeiture, which amounts to state sanctioned theft of private property.  Ridding ourselves of this tyranny and the police of this responsibility is long overdue and would go far to relieving the growing oppression Americans feel.  If we defunded and removed the authority for police to engage in most, if not all, of these activities, this would benefit society.  

On the other hand, police perform very real services that benefit the weak and helpless the most.  Murders, theft, and rape are very real crimes.  Gang activity in particular, if left unchecked, can terrorize and destroy a community.  The elderly and the young are the most vulnerable and deserve protection.  If you defund the police, you must empower the citizens to fill the void.  In some areas, this may work, and the nation would be much healthier.  However, in many areas, this is simply ridiculous.  Those areas are places like Chicago and New York cities where crime has skyrocketed in the absence of effective policing.  Rising crime is the most obvious result of an area allowed to become lawless.  However, there are some even more systemic and devastating effects one must consider.

To understand the devastating second and third order effects, you need not look further than the money.  As crime spreads, businesses close and people flee.  As people leave and businesses close, government revenues drop, and debt increases.  To remedy this, Leftist governments like in Chicago and New York immediately increase taxes.  This exasperates the situation and causes more businesses to close and people to leave, which creates even greater budget shortfalls and even less funding for law enforcement.  As this occurs, real estate values and the market collapse.  This is something everyone needs to understand because it has a huge impact.  Once the real estate market in a city goes bust, this utterly guts municipal budgets of one of the biggest sources of operating revenue. Remember what happened to Detroit after 2008?  They could not even keep the lights on and had to bulldoze entire blocks.  At this point, a self-reinforcing cycle of growing debt and poverty go hand-in-hand with the increasing lawlessness.  This is bad and is not what even most of the useful idiots on the street rioting want if they appreciated the effects of their actions.  However, it is very much the plan and you need to understand how defunding the police fits into the grand strategy.

As stupid as many of these Marxists running city governments are, they actually understand this.  In fact, this is what they are trying to do.  There is a coordinated Marxist Revolution afoot in the United States and most major city governments are fully infiltrated by indoctrinated Marxists serving as the political front for the revolution.  They are bolstered by the revolutionary underground and the overt guerrilla fighters causing havoc on the streets.  This is all mutually reinforcing.  You see, when people say, “look at what is happening to our city Mayor de Blasio” thinking he is mismanaging things, they completely miss the point.  This is an engineered demolition of our society intended to cause maximum chaos to discredit the establishment government so that it can be overthrown.  Destroying property values is all about destroying private property ownership, which is a key tenet of Marxism.  Further, as you are witnessing today, this allows for property seizure from the oppressors (you) and redistribution to the oppressed (their useful idiots), which is another leg of Marxism.  If you think the “rent holidays” and prohibition on evictions is not about redistribution, you are greatly deceived.  The Marxist politicians know their role and are carrying out the plan according to the textbook.  As such, creating the pretext to defund the police is a key supporting task in the overall strategy to overthrow the United States of America.  Without this knowledge, it is impossible to understand what you are witnessing in cities around our country today.  Remember, this has been in the works for over a century.  These insurgents did not just appear overnight.  They have spent decades planning, organizing, indoctrinating, infiltrating, and subverting. 

The plan to defund the police may seem to some a great win for social justice.  However, nothing could be further from the truth.  Massive cuts to the police will create nightmarish conditions in our cities where the weak are preyed upon, businesses are closed, and entire neighborhoods are destroyed.  Any notion of rights, equality, and tolerance…the false mantras of the Left, will be obliterated.  America does not win by creating the lawlessness that enables the Marxist revolution to spread.  America wins by addressing this revolution head-on as the very real war it is.

By Guiles Hendrik,

July 28, 2020

Distributed Operations: Keys to Countering the Modern Police State

I am often asked how an insurgent (a.k.a. guerilla) force could successfully function against a modern police state. The answer to this complex challenge has taken on a mystique akin to the search for the Holy Grail. Many have come to believe that any resistance against these authoritative regimes leveraging the latest in surveillance technology is futile. This conclusion is false. Any modern police state can be successfully confronted and if necessary, overthrown. This is even more likely when a true critical mass of the populace is unified in their demand for the change. However, for those suffering under brutal regimes that were hoping for a simple panacea, I am sorry to disappoint you. This is a highly complicated and daunting operation that involves plans custom tailored to each unique regime. Even then, at the outset of resistance, the odds of success are not good making the endeavor highly risky. Most insurgencies are crushed in their infancies, but like newborns, those insurgencies that can survive for at least a year rapidly turn the tables and with each passing month statistically become more and more likely to succeed. Of those successful struggles against tyranny, one finds commonalities that will be applicable to any guerilla war. One of the most important of these is the use of Distributed Operations (DO). Read more

Deep State using Staged Chemical Attack in Syria to Sucker Trump into War with Russia

It is time for our senior intelligence and defense officers to publicly speak out and expose the Deep State’s plan to bait the US into war with Syria, Russia, and Iran.  The US and Russia have known for months that radical Islamic forces operating in Syria had acquired chemical weapons and were planning a false flag attack.  The US in particular confirmed that Syrian rebels not only possessed, but had used chlorine gas on multiple occasions.  Further, the Russians have very publicly warned that this false flag attack was in the making and would take action if the US used it as a pretext to attack the Assad Regime or any location with Russian forces.  Now with the lunatic John Bolton as the National Security Advisor, you can be sure this paid foreign lobbyist and draft dodger (no, the National Guard does not count during Vietnam) will stop at nothing to spin this false flag chemical attack into propaganda he can use to railroad the US into another disastrous war in the Middle East.

How could anyone with even a partially functioning brain not see the setup?  Let me break it down.  Islamic radicals are getting crushed by the Syrian Regime, Russia, and even the US-Kurdish forces.  The Syrian government with the backing of Russia has all but won the civil war.  These terrorist proxies and their sponsoring states (Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, etc.) desperately need to find a way to change the balance of power in a big way or they know the game is over.  The only way they can do that is to get the US involved to counter Russia.  As such, they have acquired and been provided chemical weapons to stage another false flag chemical attack where they gas their own people and blame the Assad regime to the great outrage of the world.  In fact, our “ally” Turkey, which sponsored the attack that killed an American Delta Force operator last week, has been one of the worst offenders and has already been caught trying to transfer chemical weapons to Syrian rebels.  This situation climaxed last week when Trump announced ISIS was essential defeated as a conventional force so he was going to pull American forces out of Syria and let the Syrians clean up the rest.  This terrified the military industrial complex (aka Deep State), the terrorist proxies, and their sponsor states.  Action had to be taken and Israel’s paid propagandist (Bolton) arrived just in time.  With Bolton in power, the order was given to gas a civilian area to maximize casualties amongst women and children, which was immediately blamed on Assad even before a shred of evidence was obtained.  Now, based on no facts whatsoever and before any questions can be answered, we are to believe Assad sabotaged his own success by launching a very small and ineffective chemical attack against a target completely unrelated to any current operation.  Nonetheless, in a tragically predictable form, Trump is rushing the US into a war that will most likely lead to a direct conflict with Russia and catastrophic consequences.  The US literally has nothing to gain and everything to lose from being sucked into this conflict.

Why has none of this come out?  I will give you a hint.  Has anyone noticed that the only time that the anti-Trump crusade in the media falls silent is when he sends Americans to war?  Your answer is the Deep State, which includes the media establishment and both Democrats and Republicans.  The establishment gets rich off of wars and Americans are too apathetic to even care because they haven’t had to feel the fire and destruction here at home.  Let me warn everyone tonight.  Americans have become dangerously desensitized to wars and too accepting about how casually we enter them.  I have warned and warned about the trajectory of events in the Middle East leading up to this point where proxies are removed and major powers clash.  If Bolton and his lunatics get their way, Trump will launch an attack directly against Assad that will also kill Russians.  Russia is to be taken at its word and will respond.  Unlike previous disastrous wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, a war that pulls in Syria, Iran, and Russia will become America’s undoing.  At best, we could achieve a Pyrrhic victory for nothing.  This war will bankrupt our nation, destroy the global economy, and lead to the deaths of countless people that will include many Americans here and abroad all over an easily debunked lie if Bolton and the Deep State get their way.  I caution everyone tonight to closely watch events as they could quickly spiral out of control.  In the interim, do everything you can to shed light on this rash rush to war and try to stop it.  I pray there is someone left within the military or intelligence communities’ senior ranks that will speak up and out about this insanity before it is too late.

By Guiles Hendrik

April 10, 2018

Trump’s Afghanistan War Strategy

Well, tonight is the night.  President Trump will officially own the war after his 9PM address to the nation tonight for better or worse.  Will he pull us out?  Will he create a mercenary army?  Will it be a few thousand more troops and status quo?  Will it be a drastically different strategy to achieve a decisive victory?  No matter what the president decides, it will be our best window yet into whether or not the Deep State has seized full control of the White House.

Here is what we do know going into the address.  First, the US has for all intents and purposes at this point strategically lost the war in Afghanistan.  Second, the status quo plus more troops will not change anything other than the final cost in bodies and treasure.  Third, without a deliberate effort to secure the Afghanistan-Pakistan border and at minimum isolate Taliban sanctuary in Pakistan any strategy will fail before it begins.  Fourth, anything less than a concrete plan to decisively win in Afghanistan is an admission the Deep State (i.e. Pentagon) has taken full control of White House policy.

As for me, I would like to see one of two things after clearly outlining what we are doing in Afghanistan and what end state we are trying to achieve.  Here is the general outline of what should be desirable.  Option A:  Cut and seal the Afghanistan-Pakistan border using NATO troops, annihilate Taliban sanctuary in Pakistan, continue to enable the Afghans to mop up the Taliban trapped in Afghanistan, freeze aid to Pakistan until they cut ties with China and turn over Al Qaeda’s remaining leadership, and incorporate Afghanistan’s neighbors to include Iran to put the pieces back together again.  Option B:  If we will not do A, then we need to immediately pull out of all troops, destroy any remaining military gear and equipment in country we haven’t already given to the Taliban, and cut aid to Pakistan.

Stand-by for analysis after the President’s brief.


By Guiles Hendrik

August 21, 2017

A House Divided Against Itself Cannot Stand

Paul Craig Roberts gets it.  He sees the real threat from the distractions.  He understands that our nation’s enemies are trying to divide us to destroy our nation and are using their socialist foot soldiers to spread their evil, vitriolic message of identity politics.  If for nothing else, I applaud him for standing up to the hypocrites on the Left that in reality are the epicenter of hate, violence, and intolerance.  His article is worth the read.

LMS Staff

A House Divided Against Itself Cannot Stand

Beyond Charlottesville: The choice between civil war and national salvation



I have pondered the staged, revolutionary events in Charlottesville all week.  How to properly address the depth of dangers facing America has literally kept me up at night.  I could analyze the events and various belligerents.  I could point fingers and place blame on the various factions.  I could talk about how it was an orchestrated setup designed to burn Charlottesville to the ground as a sacrifice to create racial division.  I could even discuss a strategy to resist the war being waged against America.  However, I won’t.  Not yet at least.  Problems are best settled with a cool head.  Taking a week to assimilate the situation is critical to avoid costly strategic mistakes.  Right now, our nation needs to collectively take a step back and focus on what is really at stake; the United States of America.  Please stay with me and read on.

With respect to the events in Charlottesville, Virginia, the most important issue right now is to not allow yourself and others to be sucked into the trap our enemies have set for America.  We must not be distracted and remain laser focused on the real enemies of our nation.  The enemies of “all” Americans are desperate to polarize and divide our nation through class warfare.  They are few, but powerful.  Just like the leaders of earlier revolutions, they are the strategists and the financiers.  However, alone, they are incapable of implementing their plan to destroy and subjugate US.  To overcome their weaknesses, they leverage engineered issues to manipulate the masses to action.  They control minds and opinions through their monopoly of mass media and governments.  They control world events through finance and wars.  They internally divide.  They polarize.  They deceive.  Our enemies are not the idiots wearing black masks in the street throwing feces at each other like zoo monkeys.  These zombie stooges of the Left are simply expendable pawns that serve to distract America from what is killing it.  Through violence and intimidation, these mobs for hire are sent from city to city to create the illusion of an enemy far more pervasive than their true numbers remotely approach.  Nonetheless, by their very nature, these dupes are a terrorist arm of the Left, but they do not represent the critical head of this hydra.  Our enemy is the poisonous, nationcidal Leftist ideology and the globalists financing its implementation.

Make no mistake; the events in Charlottesville were engineered with the sole purpose of igniting racial tensions that they have been dutifully stoked year after year by Leftist elites.  These fault lines were created through a steady diet of identity politics that have nursed a victim mentality amongst the growing list of “aggrieved” classes.  Through control of the public schools and universities, the Left has indoctrinated an entire generation in their evil ideology to bolster their numbers to staff their zombie army.  These indoctrinated minions actually believe that by tearing down the US, they can create a utopian world where the perceived societal ills such as sexism, racism, and homophobia cannot exist.  To these mentally ill fools that have been taught to feel and not think, the “ists” of the world are the single greatest problem facing humanity.  Remarkably, exactly 100 years after the Bolsheviks seized power in Russia through a bloody revolution, the seeds they planted have finally born their poisonous fruit.  Just like in Czarist Russia a century ago, the Leftists are now ready to blow the fault lines they have diligently chiseled into the fabric of America into gaping chasms that cannot be bridged.

Let me be clear, the civil war the Left so overtly desires will be devastating for everyone.  Only a mad man or sociopath could desire such an outcome.  There will be no utopia.  There will be no great liberation of the aggrieved classes.  Life will not improve.  The world will not be better.  The aggrieved classes will learn what true aggression, fear, and oppression feel like and will suffer greatly.  Blacks in particular will shoulder the worst of any race war, which they cannot win.  America will not be returned to some mythical communist paradise of equality, but a totalitarian cesspool of poverty, oppression, and darkness.  The torches of freedom, liberty, opportunity, prosperity, and equal rights under the law will be extinguished.

This dark future is our destiny should we as a nation collectively choose to remain ignorant of the evils attacking our nation.  We must study and understand the mortal enemies of freedom on the Left such as Marx and Alinsky.  If we continue to allow ourselves to be distracted by petty differences, baited into class warfare and identity politics, and deceived by the Left, our nation cannot stand.  Our enemies know this and are determined to place maximum pressure on the societal fault lines they have engineered.  This will continue to get worse.  Our enemies not only desire, but require us to hate and fight each other to achieve their desired goal of toppling the US.  The worst fear of the Left is that Americans wake up, see their evil ideology, and take down the thought leaders and financiers of the Left, which have engineered this war.  I have no illusions about the nature of man.  It is far easier to give into primal emotions of hate, jealousy, greed, anger, and vengeance than it is to forgive, love, and take personal responsibility.  As individuals, to surmount these emotions, it will require resolute discipline and an incredible moral and ethical constitution that I believe is predicated in religion.  As a nation, it will require true leaders of the first order, not seen since our nation’s darkest hours, to rise up and offer a better vision, dismantle the intellectual dishonesty of the Left, and guide our nation back to health.

In closing, I ask each and every one of you to take time out of your day to stop and deeply reflect on the juncture we have come to as a nation.  Refocus on what is important.  Remove yourself from biases and preconceived notions.  Reevaluate the narratives of those claiming to be your leaders.  Reeducate those around you.  Remind yourself what you want your future to look like.  Then, and only then, reengage.  Come forward ready to meet the threats we face by uniting not dividing our nation.  It can be done.

By Guiles Hendrik

August 17, 2017

Trump says US ‘losing’ war in Afghanistan, wants top brass reshuffle – reports

President Donald Trump may have gotten a few things very right regarding the on-going war in Afghanistan if reports are accurate.  President Trump has apparently called the military to task in Afghanistan and threatened to clean house.  President Trump suggested he would fire the top general in charge of US troops in Afghanistan, General John Nicholson and accused the military of giving up ground to the Taliban. “We aren’t winning,” the president reportedly said. “We are losing.”  Further, the President demanded better strategies after rejecting that status quo the Pentagon tried to sell him.

Coming out of this meeting, the message should be clear to the military’s top brass.  President Trump is not happy with the military’s lack of progress and won’t accept defeat.  He is demanding a new strategy and has correctly recognized high-priced consultants and insiders are charlatans that don’t have the right answers.  He needs to look beyond the “Swamp” for a new strategy.  Fortunately, if President Trump and his NSC are receptive, there are a number of very good strategies that could still win the war that don’t require massive troop surges or total annihilation of the country.

President Trump need not look further than one of the single best research documents compiled to date on defeating insurgencies.  The research, conducted by Jonathan Owen, a former military officer, is available in book form under the title #Fail: Why the US Lost the War in Afghanistan.  Owen’s research analyzes 100 years of named insurgencies in a way no single think tank or intelligence agency has remotely approached.  Owen’s book destroys the commonly held myths related to counterinsurgency and proves why the senior military establishment has been derelict in their duties.  It demonstrates through overwhelming evidence that the “strategy” of training and advising never achieves decisive wins and only correlates with the defeat of the counterinsurgent.  Contrary to a failed training and advising strategy, the study provides irrefutable evidence that identifies the single greatest factor in defeating an insurgency is denial of sanctuary, which in Afghanistan, translates to border security.  Not satisfied with simply identifying the problems with the current US military strategy, Owen’s research lays out an actual clear cut plan for decisive victory that could be implemented today.  In short, if President Trump wants a real plan to win in Afghanistan, he should make the study mandatory reading for the military just after firing his top generals.  The point would be made and the war would be won.

By Guiles Hendrik

August 9, 2017


Warning: Healthcare is the new call to arms for domestic terrorists

As the farce of Russian meddling in the United States’ election has turned to focus on the very real collusion amongst senior Democrats, the story is quickly being killed by the mainstream media.  In its place, a new hysteria is being created to distract and divide the nation.  This hysteria is extremely dangerous and focuses on the lie that President Trump’s healthcare plan is “killing” Americans.  This extremist narrative needs little translation.  It is a thinly veiled message to radical leftwing extremists that they are now fully justified in killing people to promote their agenda.  I do not say this lightly.  By making the claim that President Trump and the Republicans are killing people, they have provided a moral justification and call to arms that can’t be ignored by the insurgents organized under the banners of the Left.  The media propagandists are knowingly yelling “fire” in a theater.  They are creating an insurgency in this nation that will lead to many more deaths, injuries, and huge amounts of property damage.  The leadership of these domestic terrorist organizations must be legally taken down now or our nation will continue to spiral closer to an all-out civil war, which the Left desires, but no intelligent person wants. Read more

America Under Siege: Civil War 2017

MOVIE NOW LIVE: “America Under Siege: Civil War 2017”


Lessons Learned from J20 Protests at Trump Inauguration

Before the Inauguration of President Trump fades into memory, I wanted to capture some the important lessons learned.  Please feel free to post on chat boards and begin discussions because this list is by no means all encompassing.  Instead, it is short run down of salient lessons learned to date that were under reported or appreciated.  I would love to see a fully consolidated after action list and would be happy to post it should someone want to submit one.

  • The key takeaway from the Trump Inauguration is that the Left failed. The inauguration was the single best chance Trump’s opposition had to unite and take decisive action against the new president.  The propaganda, anger, and vitriol in the run up to President Trump’s inauguration were unprecedented in our lifetimes.  Nonetheless, the Left utterly failed to stop anything.  The protestors looked like nothing more than a motley band of moronic, spoiled brats with a penchant for destructive behavior.  It was a truly embarrassing show of “force.”
  • The Left is far weaker than they try to present. Their numbers they mustered on the streets amounted to small bands of Soros hired anarchists and was far below even the lowest estimates presented by the media.  Any large scale national resistance movement by the Left is currently impossible with their current numbers and capabilities irrespective of Soros funding.
  • Anarchists are still targeting downtown business districts close to mass transportation hubs. This is important for future planning and preparation purposes.  In the case of DC, the majority of protests materialized in the vicinity of the main train station (Union Station) and Metro Station, which is the second largest metro hub in DC outside of Union Station.
  • Violent protestors are cowards and fear strong opposition. When confronted by individuals prepared and capable of self-defense, the Leftists resigned themselves to shouting obscenities, but avoided further escalation.  In the few examples where they miscalculated and tried to attack a competent solo individual, they uniformly had their butts kicked.  The pro-Trump biker groups were a strong testament to this effect.  It is clear the Left is in fear of groups willing and capable of proportionally responding with like violence should they try to attack anyone.
  • Violent protestors prey on the weak. A review of the attacks and destruction that occurred during the DC protests/riots shows that victims were not chosen at random.  Solo individuals and unguarded/unprotected property were the primary targets of the mob.  In many cases, women attempting to simply go to work were attacked.  One of the most egregious cases involved a violent mob attack and beating of a lady walking with a cane, which left her hospitalized.
  • Attendees wearing Trump attire were targeted if they appeared weak or in small numbers.
  • A screening of dozens of videos of attacks committed by rioters and protestors overwhelming demonstrated none had professional martial arts training. The individuals uniformly attacked people they thought they could bully and easily overpower, but never displayed any degree of competence in hand-to-hand combat.
  • The mob was easiest to penetrate by simply donning black attire. Our operatives wore black hoodies with black cargo pants and were able to easily infiltrate the mobs of anarchists.
  • By dressing like the anarchists (all black, face obscured, adorned with communist symbols), it was easy to target, approach, and “remove” anyone that appeared to be a major agitator in any said group. This tactic proved very effective at dispersing mobs and disrupting the protestors/rioters.  Critical to this tactic were speed and surprise.  Once action was necessary, infiltrators needed to neutralize the threat rapidly and then make an escape through the crowd to a secure area before anyone realized what was going on.
  • Preparing for a confrontation in high-pro kit was suitable for group shows of force for property defense, but was of limited utility in disrupting the mobs. Anyone wearing kit was too high profile to penetrate the mob of rioters and immediately drew the focus of hostilities.
  • Do not park any vehicles along streets. Roving mobs of anarchists blocks from the center of hostilities were seen randomly vandalizing property.
  • Keep plenty of fire extinguishers available. Fire is still the most dangerous threat widely faced.  Extinguishers also make a great (and perfectly legal) area dispersal or screening agent.  In fact, we found that simply discharging an extinguisher provided far better obscuration than typical smoke generating devices.
  • The police didn’t intervene except in the most egregious cases. They must maintain their lines for safety and security and have to preserve their limited manpower.  Riot trained police know that they must maintain a tight cohort.  Getting separated is extremely dangerous for an officer.  In DC, when they did make an arrest, they did it in a big group.
  • The police in DC used good discretion. If anything, most people wanted them to act more aggressively against the rioters.  In every case we witnessed, which included fights between pro and anti-Trump attendees, the true agitator(s) were arrested.
  • Don’t expect the police to be able to help you during major protests and riots. Their manpower is dedicated to protecting key infrastructure and persons…not you and your property.
  • Don’t expect the police to leave their lines immediately and come to your aid to break up a confrontation with violent anarchists. Police stood by and did not intervene in most of the minor assaults we witnessed.  That said, we witnessed a woman assaulted by a weaselly, male (barely) protestor trying to block her access to a venue and she decked the protestor.  The protestors screamed for her arrest, but the police took no action.  The lady then proceeded unmolested on to her destination.

This is a short list of some of the highlights of our observation teams last week.  Again, we ask that you post this to discussion boards.  We want to capture all of the lessons learned.  Each of these bullets provides plenty of fodder for further discussion and value to planning and preparation for future events involving mass civil unrest.


By Guiles Hendrik

January 27, 2017

Is a Violent Anti-Trump Revolution Possible in the US?

Most of you have read a lot of articles and reports lately concerning escalating protests and violence across the country.  Many of you are rightfully asking how far this will go.  I have seen a number of reports that essentially dismiss the possibility of an armed rebellion beginning in America.  They are wrong.  People need to wake up.  The United State has already passed through the proto-revolutionary phase and is now involved in an active low level insurgency that has the potential to quickly spread should the proper conditions present.  The question isn’t whether or not a violent revolution could start in the US.  The question is how bad will it get.  Make no mistake; we are at war with a violent, leftist insurgency right now.

Let’s begin with a quick history lesson.  President Obama began his political career in the living room of a domestic terrorist, Bill Ayers.  Read more

Prepper Update of World Events for Week of October 10, 2016

The following summary of recent world events is decidedly negative.  This is not due to overt pessimism as much as the facts are just plain bad.  In fact, I didn’t even include events like the effects of Hurricane Mathew, the attack on our warship off the coast of Yemen, and the assassination of more police around the US.  The world is not getting any safer and indicators are all pointing to things worsening as we move into late fall and winter.  The following are major events you should be taking note of with short comments.

  • Situation in Syria: Syrian government forces backed by Iran and Russia continue to pound Aleppo and are nearing a strategic breakthrough.  All actors in Syria recognize that if Assad is able to recapture Aleppo from the Islamic extremists it will be the beginning of the end for Washington’s terrorist proxies in Syria.  As such, there is panic from Doha to Washington.  The terrorist coalition knows that it is now or never for major intervention, which may force the White House to order direct strikes against the Syrian regime, which undoubtedly will be countered by Russian retaliation.  This creates the potential for a rapid outbreak of a major regional war that could go global.  We have effectively arrived at the point I have repeatedly forecasted would occur in Syria where either Moscow or Washington accepts a massive strategic policy defeat or there is a major war…perhaps both.  This is inescapable at this point.  The best case scenario is if the US backs out by aligning with Russia to defeat ISIL and negotiate a peace deal that leaves the regime in place for now.  This is highly unlikely and if Hillary Clinton is elected, all but impossible.
    • I am forecasting that the US will continue to spread false anti-Assad and anti-Russian propaganda to drum up war sentiment in the US to prepare the public for the announcement airstrikes against Syrian military positions.  If the neo-cons within the establishment get their way the air strikes will happen, but there will be an immediate cost to US forces.  Russia will defend its positions on the ground and engage any US forces that directly threaten Russian lives and interests.  In this event, it is possible we will witness the first combat losses of US Fifth Generation Fighters, which Washington is rightfully terrified will occur.  The loss of these jets will show everyone how much superiority the US has lost against countries like China under Obama.  This will jeopardize the multi-billion dollar acquisition program that has been riddled with corruption, failures, and delays.  As such, it is far more likely Washington will lead with cruise missile and drone strikes that are easier to deny and hide if they fail to achieve their objectives, but are also much less likely to achieve decisive results.

Read more

Prepper Relocation Part V: The True Best Places to Relocate

Over the past two weeks, I have released a series on prepper relocation that completely changes the old conventional theories that drove prepper relocation strategies (See:  The key takeaway you learned from the research is that you do not need to relocate to a remote region to survive.  In fact, it is actually counterproductive to be too isolated.  Now that you know relocation to a place like Idaho is no longer necessary and even counterproductive, where are the best places to relocate?  The good news is that you have far greater options depending on what you are prepping for in light of the results of my research.  In today’s conclusion to the five part series, I will introduce you to both domestic and international options that are readily available to anyone looking for a thorough, full spectrum relocation strategy that will work even under the most extreme situations.  Read more