There are times when even the most dedicated amongst us have to sit down, take stock, and regroup. I am physically ill from the treason that just occurred today in the halls of Congress. No republic dies of a single blow, but dies many deaths before it is finally exhausted. Today obliterated what was left of our Republic as the Senate voted 60-38 to approve the TPP. With barely a blimp in the headlines crowded by relentless lunacy about the Confederate Flag and gay rights the Senate just approved a trade bill that will now go to the President to be signed into law. In the dark of the night when no one was paying attention, this legislation was jammed through via political strong arming and corrupt buy-offs of Congress even though up to 90% of polled Americans opposed the legislation. The passage of this bill will prove to be one of the major acts of America’s demise and mark a point where our nation descended into true tyranny. Read more
Archive for Big Brother
Coalition to Stop Gun Violence and Senator Chris Murphy Targeting US Citizens as “Dangerous Insurrectionists”
The “Coalition to Stop Gun Violence” (CSGV) is a radical leftist front organization funded by donations from globalists and sponsored by some of the most crackpot organizations, such as “Code Pink.” Their clearly stated intent is to aggressively force gun control upon the United States are willing to use “social justice,” which is code for social terrorist campaigns designed to ruin anyone that resists their agenda. Recently, they have started a campaign designed to force WTTG General Manager Patrick Paolini to fire a pro-Second Amendment reporter Emily Miller Emily’s high crime was exercising her First Amendment right to support the Virginia Citizens Defense League (VCDL). The VCDL has been an effective and vocal advocate of gun rights for Virginians and thus, Emily has been targeted by CSGV and has become a victim of social terrorism. I want to take the time today to expose these treasonous enemies of a free and sovereign nation and shine the light on their leadership, which to date has enjoyed immunity from their harassment and terrorist tactics. I also want everyone to stand up for Emily and make sure her Manager Patrick Paolini stands by her.
I coined the term “social terrorism” because anyone that has been victimized by one of these well-funded smear campaigns labeled “social justice” can literally have their lives ruined. Social justice is social terrorism so correct anyone when you hear it improperly used. If you think the term is too severe then consider the implications. Victims of social terrorism generally are condemned for supporting Christian virtue, the rule of law, and republican values. These victims have been targeted by the IRS and Justice Department with frivolous investigations, arrests, audits, delays, and fines; have had their businesses destroyed and lost their jobs; have been blacklisted at public events, been unable to get business loans or new jobs; had their children abducted by social services; had their reputations smeared; and have been harassed, physically assaulted, and targeted for killing. If this doesn’t constitute systematic terrorism of an individual, nothing does. Now Emily Miller, a lady that has worked hard in her career is under attack for advocating for our Bill of Rights and everyone needs to know she must be defended.
To fight the CSGV, you first need to know a little about them and how they view “us.” According to their website, part of their stated strategy is “to use the term ‘insurrectionism’ to describe the NRA’s treasonous interpretation of the Second Amendment.” Apparently, they have found some success because Senator Chris Murphy is on record supporting their organization and making the statement, “The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence has led the way in exposing the dangerous insurrectionist ideology promoted by the NRA and others in the pro-gun movement” Think about the term “insurrectionist” for a moment. Insurrectionist is defined as an act or instance of rising in revolt, rebellion, or resistance against civil authority or an established government. Read more
Florida Outlaws Off-Grid Living Update
You know what they say about imitation. If rewriting the work of others is included, I should be happy because The Daily Sheeple ( featured a great article today, contributed by a Joshua Krause, on “Florida Court Rules Off-Grid Living Illegal,” which was picked up and run also by However, I wrote nearly the same, albeit more detailed, article almost a year and a half ago ( I appreciate the word getting out, which is the goal. However, common courtesy is that you at least put in a footnote about your sources. In fairness, when news breaks, we see a lot of articles essentially citing the same information to get the news out, but a year and a half later when you are writing, it is called research not news. Don’t get me wrong, I love checking out the articles on both The Daily Sheeple and InfoWars so please frequent these sites. However, if their contributors are going to rewrite stories I broke a year and a half ago, please, either just repost/link to the entire original article or ask me to contribute directly. We are all on the same team and there is plenty of news to still report.
Compare for yourself:
Now, getting back to the bigger picture, Robin is still being screwed by the system in Florida. Please visit her sites and support her however you can.
Guiles Hendrik
June 2, 2015
Global Updates: May 29, 2015
-Seismic activity has markedly increased globally over the last few months and 2015 may prove to be an above average year. Major quakes have struck the Pacific Ring to include the disastrous quake in Nepal. Just yesterday evening a large quake struck northern Alaska. Further and I believe most likely related, volcanic activity is spiking globally. Just this week a volcano in Southern Japan literally exploded while volcanoes from Chile to Hawaii are again spewing lava and ash. These events tend to go in cycles as fault lines unzip and pressure is released. One can reasonable expect more events in the coming months and should be on high alert if they live near/on a fault line, near an active volcano, or along a coast vulnerable to tsunamis. Further, sustained volcanic activity will affect weather patterns and could lead to cooler than normal temperatures for months after the eruption. Currently, this is not an issue, but if other major eruptions occur this year and are sustained, this will certainly alter the Earth’s weather because the ash gets swept up into the high atmosphere where it spreads globally and reflects sunlight.
-ISIL still holds Ramadi contrary to US Secretary of State John Kerry’s stupid predictions last week. ISIL has now likely outmaneuvered the Iraqi counter attack claiming to have encircled “on 3 sides” the terrorist army. I am not sure how that translates to “encircled,” but whether or not there was a problem with the Arabic translation, in plain English that means ISIL has a flank wide open to reinforce or retreat through and they likely exploited this gap. The fact that we haven’t seen an outright retreat of ISIL from Ramadi, which the Iraqi government would quickly publicize, tells you everything you need to know about the facts on the ground. Further, as the Iraqi Army bears down on Ramadi, ISIL will no doubt maneuver its main element to attack where the Iraqi Army is not in strength. I would rate it highly likely that Fallujah, Hit, and areas of Baghdad will be attacked whether or not ISIL conducts a tactical withdrawal from Ramadi. This tactic has already demonstrated it is effective against the slow and unwieldy government forces. It wears them down, attrits their forces, and demoralizes the government. The war will only intensify and if ISIL is not dislodged from Ramadi within the next week, it will likely solidify and hold its gains making any future attempts to dislodge them extremely costly for the Iraqi military.
-The US admits Obama’s ISL “strategy” is not working. Reports also are trickling out of major dissent within the Pentagon. Further, as predicted, airstrikes have proved of limited value and now the military is saying it needs to commit more troops. I warned of this predictable escalation back to a full scale war in the Middle East. Humility truly is a virtue so I take no please in saying once again, “I told you so.” In fact, last year, I was so disgusted with even the mere use of the term “strategy,” that I wrote an entire piece blasting the Administration and its completely idiotic, non-strategy, that was predestined to failure. If you truly want to understand why we are failing and Iraq and why it will only get worse as I verbatim described in my analysis, you need to read and share: You can then read the short follow-up to the above article at:
The five minutes you spend reading these two articles will serve as one of the best primers to understanding the escalating crisis in Iraq and the greater Middle East and why we are getting it wrong. Rather than just calling out incompetents/incompetence in the government, I am going to simply name key individuals that have legitimate influence and ask them to take notes. Perhaps 99% will never see the article or read it, but if even 1% takes the time to skim the article, progress is being made. Today, I want to challenge @Phil_Gaskin, who most likely finds my anti-leftist statements blasphemy, but I want to give him the benefit of the doubt. Perhaps he is the sole voice of reason in the Administration…I don’t know. What I do know is he is smart enough to read my articles and understand that by adopting what I am recommending would save everyone a lot of heartache and inject some professionalism into what, to date, has been a never ending policy amateur hour of disaster after disaster. So to you Phil Gaskin, I challenge you to have a sit down discussion about what a real ISIL strategy should be.
-The draconian anti-“Patriot Act” is due to sunset this weekend. Americans that still value their civil liberties would celebrate this law expiring, but have little optimism anything will change. In fact, it is likely that President Obama will illegally continue the unconstitutional domestic spy programs with or without faux legal authority. Not only is this extremely hypocritical of a president that ran on returning our civil liberties and ending the spy state, but it will prove just how lawless our nation has become. Even after the courts and anyone with basic sense determined that what the Patriot Act was being used to justify was utterly unconstitutional; (Specifically, total collection of electronic records without probable cause or a search warrant.) power hungry and/or bought politicians still are trying to make a case for why this law is needed. I would immediately point out to anyone to be on guard for the “all or nothing” spin. The Administration is trying to scare people into believing if the illegal data collection is stopped, we will suddenly become vulnerable. This is absurd. First of all, NSA’s domestic collection has to date stopped zero terrorists. Second, if the Administration was actually worried about US security, they would immediately stop importing Muslims to the US from around the world and particularly, from places like Somalia where everyone and their brother seems to be connected to Al Shabaab. Finally, NSA will continue to operate in its legitimate mission to protect Americans by returning to foreign collection. It isn’t as if NSA will cease to function and not have a job if they are no longer targeting Americans. In fact, they may actually become more effective, efficient, and actually gain some victories over foreign enemies of the state.
The Baltimore Riots again prove the government cannot and will not protect you. Why local organization is your best security.
Once again, the evidence is overwhelming that government orchestrated civil disorder led to the destruction of large parts of Baltimore. Again, like in Ferguson, the “dog whistles” of the American Left have signaled it was justified to burn, to destroy, to loot, to assault, and to vandalize. These rioters, not the protestors, were by and large scum and certainly presented the image of a career criminal class living on welfare unleashed on society. If any of the rioters find that assessment offensive, then perhaps you shouldn’t act and look like a heathen.
Post riots, the violence in Baltimore has skyrocketed while the police claim they have been undermined and cannot do their job. I certainly will side with the police over what I witnessed rioting, but for them to intentionally disengage in protest is a dereliction of duty. I am sorry some (possibly good cops), got wrapped up in what appears to be a politically motivated knee jerk reaction, but then, when someone gets their neck broke and you are the only one around, the average person would expect to be arrested. If the Baltimore Police have become so accustomed to killing people with no consequences that this comes as a shock, then perhaps it was a necessary overreaction by the prosecuting attorney. Either way, I won’t accept thug rule any more than an utterly corrupt police department with the nerve to refuse service. Allowing gang rule to “punish” the citizens, while still collecting pay checks is despicable and has no honor in it. I do empathize with the police and believe in law and order, but they cannot act as though they had no role to play in the chaos that has plagued Baltimore. Read more
Jade Helm Explained: What it is, what it isn’t, and what you can do to resist.
Many of my readers have been asking about the upcoming Jade Helm exercise. Naturally, citizens should have a healthy suspicion of any military exercises and especially ones that appear to target a domestic threat. However, is the hysteria really warranted or is it all being overly hyped? I have remained mute on this issue because I was hoping the military would through official channels come clean and explain the true nature of the exercise, which is better described as an operation. Of course this has not happened and there are deliberate reasons why the military has remained opaque. As such, I want to explain the operation in a way that to date hasn’t been reported. The truth about the exercise is it is really an operation and there are reasons for real concern, but also, there is a large degree of hype that has clouded the public’s understanding. Nonetheless, Jade Helm is just a symptom of far bigger conspiracies unfolding across the US government. To be prepared, you will need to understand the dynamic currently afoot, which is far bigger than any one exercise. Read more
Who benefits when the world attacks Yemen? Al Qaeda and the Elite.
Who benefits when the world attacks Yemen? This is a question that policies makers should have asked before allowing the president to start another foreign war. In fact, it was asked and the answer was Al Qaeda. Being that Al Qaeda would be the ultimate winner, one must wonder what kind of treason allowed this war to proceed. In spite of this knowledge, the United States still backed an Arab coalition in a completely unjustified offensive war against Yemen. The purported purpose was to bring back the ousted president, but anyone with half a brain would immediately know this was preposterous. Yemenis are not going to ever accept a president that used a foreign militaries to kill its citizens to regain power. Thus, knowing that the US was aware that by weakening the Houthi rebels they would by default strengthen Al Qaeda and still not achieve their stated goal, one must look deeper to reveal very disturbing consistencies in US Foreign Policy.
To recap, since the ouster of Yemen’s president widely seen as a US puppet, Saudi Arabia has overtly and the US clandestinely bombed Yemen. The Houthis still retain power and the population is even more aligned against the ousted president than before the war against Yemen was unleashed. Further, AQ broke into a prison and released 300 terrorist prisoners. Al Qaeda has also made significant territorial gains and seized military bases containing weapons stockpiles. In the meantime, a humanitarian disaster has ensued with thousands of civilians being killed in the bombing raids and fighting while many Yemenis are starving to death. This operation by any bar has been a total failure and is becoming a humanitarian disaster. However, no one in the media or Congress is calling out President Obama, the Nobel Peace Prize recipient, for starting an unconstitutional war, losing it, and killing thousands of innocent people all while aiding our enemy. Why? Read more
The Baltimore Riots, the Racism Scapegoat, and the Hypocrisy of the Left
Today, May Day, is fitting timing for the below article. Communist agitators have long used this day to protest, burn, and riot. What I discuss below in regards to the Baltimore riots is overtly an issue of how race is being politically manipulated in the USA. However, the deeper, more “fundamental change” that is occurring as a result of racial politics that dangerously parallel the classic Marxist strategies used to overthrow nations.
Baltimore is still at a slow boil as the other cities around the nation brace for civil disorder after the death of a man taken into police custody in Baltimore. The official investigation is still on-going and no conclusive evidence for exactly how or why the man was killed has been released. However, in spite of the fact we don’t know what happened, Baltimore was allowed to be sacked by rioters whipped up into a frenzy by the American Left over charges of racism. Personally, I am sick of the distortions, hypocrisy, and outright lies being used to manipulate and tear apart our nation. Today, I am frankly discussing the topic and political abuse of the term “racism” so drop your biases, open your eyes, and engage your brains. As a nation, we need to reject this garbage propaganda, lock up the elite perpetrators, and “ALL” get back to living responsible lives. We must live lives that justify being treated with dignity and respect, not just demand it. These are hallmarks earned not given in any civilized society. Read more
Oppose the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Trade Deal
We have been told by our nation’s leaders that the never ending free trade agreements being drafted and approved in secret are great for America. However, the reality is that these trade deals have all been at the expense of America. The free trade deals have all but obliterated American jobs and industry and are being written by global corporations concerned solely with the bottom line of their most senior executives. Most of us can at least remember Ross Perot’s famous “sucking sound” comment in reference to the disastrous effect the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) would have on our economy. He was laughed at then by Bush 1, but we aren’t laughing now as our battered economy barely maintains a pulse and Perot was proved correct. Today we are being faced with the face tracking of the most egregious deal yet, the TPP, which will utterly destroy the last vestiges of American industrial power and ultimately bring down our economy.
As I warned over a year ago (see article), the TPP will utterly finish off what little remains of American industry and global dominance. For those still willing and able to take the fight to Congress, now is the time to oppose this rotten deal that has been done in complete secrecy at your expense. Even worse, the Republican controlled Congress has sold you out by aiding and abetting President Obama to get this deal passed without public scrutiny. These traitors are accomplishing this by voting to cede Congress’ constitutional authority to approve trade deals to the sole discretion of the President. So much for checks and balances John Boehner. I have said it many times, if you think for a second that a Republican controlled government is any different and will stand up for our Constitution and the rule of law you are badly mistaken. The difference between Democrats and Republicans is generally just semantic now and it would be better to refer to the parties more accurately as the communist party and the socialist party respectively. Aside from a very few hold outs, Congress is completely bought and sold and you will pay the price for it if your apathy prevents you from action. However you can find a way, raise hell with your elected leaders and demand that Congress retain their authority to review trade deals and that the TPP is stopped. Read more
Battlefield America: The War On The American People
In order to be prepared for and to effectively resist the coming crises, you must understand your enemy and what is happening around you. Further, you must find common cause and unite against tyranny. The Rutherford Institute has been successfully fighting many of these constitutional battles in the courts on all of our behalf for some time. This hasn’t been free and John Whitehead has dedicated a considerable amount of his own time and money to this cause. I ask you today to support John and his organization as a true modern day American hero and buy his book. I am confident the information will be valuable and the money you spent will be supporting our cause. Please note that neither John nor the Rutherford Institute in any way asked me to endorse their organization and there is no need. John has proven through action that is a man living by a higher calling and demonstrated at great personal risk he is a champion of freedom and liberty and for that he has my support.
Guiles Hendrik
Original article submitted by John Whitehead via The Rutherford Institute,
“A government which will turn its tanks upon its people, for any reason, is a government with a taste of blood and a thirst for power and must either be smartly rebuked, or blindly obeyed in deadly fear.”—John Salter
We have entered into a particularly dismal chapter in the American narrative, one that shifts us from a swashbuckling tale of adventure into a bone-chilling horror story.
As I document in my new book Battlefield America: The War on the American People, “we the people” have now come full circle, from being held captive by the British police state to being held captive by the American police state. In between, we have charted a course from revolutionaries fighting for our independence and a free people establishing a new nation to pioneers and explorers, braving the wilderness and expanding into new territories.
Where we went wrong, however, was in allowing ourselves to become enthralled with and then held hostage by a military empire in bondage to a corporate state (the very definition of fascism). No longer would America hold the moral high ground as a champion of freedom and human rights. Instead, in the pursuit of profit, our overlords succumbed to greed, took pleasure in inflicting pain, exported torture, and imported the machinery of war, transforming the American landscape into a battlefield, complete with military personnel, tactics and weaponry.
To our dismay, we now find ourselves scrambling for a foothold as our once rock-solid constitutional foundation crumbles beneath us. And no longer can we rely on the president, Congress, the courts, or the police to protect us from wrongdoing.
Indeed, they have come to embody all that is wrong with America. Read more
Global Updates
In addition to my more in-depth posts, I will be routinely adding short bulletized points to keep our readers up to date on global issues. If you would like more details on a specific issue, please post to comments or email me directly at LMS.
April 20, 2015
- US sending warships to “prevent” Iran from providing arms to Houthis in Yemen. The US has greatly contributed to the crisis in Yemen and engaging in a stand-off with Iran over support to each country’s respective proxies is a losing card for the White House to play. The US (aside from special interests) has nothing to gain from this conflict. The only possible winner will be AQAP (Al Qaeda). Yemen’s US backed “president” in exile will never be able to return to “effective” power after using foreign militaries to bomb and kill Yemeni civilians. Further, the Houthis, which pose no threat to the US will be weakened, but not pushed from power. The US will no doubt dupe itself into another disastrous conflict. The end result will be prolonging the chaos in Yemen and AQAP gaining significantly more power. Just as I warned, the proxy war between Iran and Saudi Arabia/Qatar in Syria would eventually engulf the entire region and turn hot. If the US policy in Yemen was to create greater Middle East conflict, empower Islamic extremism, and further destabilize global oil markets, it has achieved its objectives.
- US arrests suspects attempting to join ISIL. The US acts as though this was a great crime fighting/anti-terrorism win; however, it is a sign of deeper problems that have been self-inflicted. Minnesota in particular is a hot bed of Islamic activity because of the suicidal domestic immigration policies that favor and actually import tens of thousands of people into the US annually from countries known for radical Islamism such as Somalia. In short, it is a self fulfilling prophecy that has been used to justify an unnecessary domestic spy/police state and draconian legislation such as the “Patriot Act.”
- Iraqi military backed by US and Iran fails to retake key cities from ISIL. Contrary to rosy claims by the Obama Administration, the Iraqi Army has only scored marginal victories against what appears to be a far more dynamic and better led ISIL force. Specifically, government forces were able to seize some key areas around Tikrit, but have so far failed to effectively secure the city. Further, while the Iraqi military was focused north in Tikrit, ISIL has appeared to have shifted its fighting strength to the Ramadi area where it has gained ground in recent weeks. As predicted, the violence and bloodshed in Iraq will continue and grow as long as the proxy war between Iran and Saudi Arabia continues to burn. As one side gains ground, the other side will bolster its support for its proxy until the conflict has grown so big and so violent it will directly involve its original sponsors. The end result will be a disaster for both the Middle East and the US.
- Drought in California continues at record levels. If you haven’t planted a large garden this year, plan to pay more…a lot more, at the grocery store. As warned in previous articles last winter, food prices have continued to rise. This price inflation isno where near at its peak with beef prices skyrocketing. The conditions that continue to cause price hikes will persist. Crops largely grown in California will see some of the largest spikes such as nuts and lettuces.
- High taxes and over regulation finally ruining Virginia. Northern Virginia, an area historically known for its strong economy and growing population has begun to feel the pressure of increasingly socialist governmental policies. Naturally, the region draws on people working for the federal government and the big bureaucracy mindset has metastasized across the Potomac into the Commonwealth of Virginia. High taxes, oppressive regulations, and stifling over population have all been the result. This caustic bureaucratic recipe has led to a fed up population that is now leaving in droves. Ironically, many of these people leaving were responsible at the ballot boxes for the socialist turn in governance. Perhaps they learned their lesson and will not repeat their same mistake in the future, but that is doubtful. As the population growth levels out and then begins to drop, local governments will soon realize budget deficits are growing and they are unable to provide the services originally programmed. Without undoing what has become a socialist style of governance in the enclave, Northern Virginiais doomed to double down on its current failures and create another communist utopia on the banks of the Potomac.
By Guiles Hendrik
Massive Blizzard to Strike New England: What you should really fear.
If you live in New England, you are bracing for a significant snow storm. With the snow totals and high winds forecasted the most significant effect of the weather will likely be wide spread power outages. Respective of the power outages, the effect will not be long lasting, but you could be at risk of frozen pipes if you don’t have backup heating. If you don’t and lose power, make sure you drain your pipes, bundle up, and add on the blankets. No problem. Certainly the panic buying over a couple feet of snow is not warranted and in fact, the storm looks like more of a great skiing opportunity than any end of the world event as the media has over dramatized. However, what are worrisome are the draconian edicts being issued by states ranging from curfews and travel bans to forcing people off of the sidewalks. The precedent being set is extremely dangerous and will be abused in the future if not challenged. Read more
LMS Civilian Response Team: Ferguson Conundrum Solved by Community Security
I wanted to take a moment to follow up on Last Minute Survival’s Civilian Response Team initiative. Our initiative proved that not just in Ferguson, but that in communities around the country a well-organized community response is far better protection and security than anything the state can provide. Not only did our teams respond to crisis areas completely ignored by government agencies, but provided real protection to businesses and residents unable to provide for their own defense. Further, our teams were able to accomplish this without heavy handed police state tactics. Read more
Debunking 9/11 Conspiracies: Did a plane really hit the Pentagon?
Researching issues over the years, I have found that it is not uncommon to find the real story intentionally buried or covered up. False flags are real and conspiracies exist everywhere. What occurred on the day of September 11, 2001 is no exception. As such, I ask, is it possible to conclusively put some of these theories to rest? Specifically, did a plane actually hit the Pentagon the morning of September 11, 2001? Being that I was en route to the Pentagon the morning of the attack and heard the explosion and saw the plume of black smoke, but didn’t personally witness the plane hit the building, I questioned the narrative as well. Nonetheless, I have always seen this conspiracy theory as one of the easiest to either validate or debunk and wondered how a conspiracy like this could fester seemingly unanswered for so long and decided to research it. The result of my research, to date, debunks the theory that a plane did not hit the Pentagon. I understand that some people will only believe their narrative of events no matter how much evidence you put before them. That said, I could probably never 100% rule out a conspiracy without actually witnessing it all with my own eyes. However, I am comfortable knowing that between the natural inept nature of government operations, the government’s inability to keep secrets secret, and the already highly improbable string of events woven together to create an alternative reality is so far beyond the realm of sane probability as compared to what eye witnesses, physical, and photographic evidence testify to, this conspiracy is busted. Read more
Update: Why are Virginia police going handing out anti-gun fliers to local businesses?
Today, your efforts combined with a grassroots effort across Northern Virginia achieved a small victory. I want to give a special thanks to the The Virginia Citizens Defense League (VCDL) [] and the observant citizens, which identified the subversive activities and went after Alexandria County government officials regarding the use of police for the door-to-door anti-gun flier campaign. The VCDL was issued a formal apology from the police chief and Alexandria police took down all flyers and signs posted at their police headquarters saying concealed firearms weren’t permitted and admitted they were wrong. Read more
Why are Virginia police going door to door to “inform” businesses about open carry of firearms?
First, let me open by saying I hope all of my readers have enjoyed a nice holiday. I am happy to be back after a working vacation in the mountains and have a ton to discuss since my last articles. Much has transpired domestically as well as globally and I will be discussing these critical events in the coming weeks so please sign up for email alerts and check back regularly to Last Minute Survival. You won’t want to miss the latest intelligence, reviews, and alerts we have lined up. Finally, thank you again for your support. The network we have built at LMS would not be possible without our highly active subscribers.
Over the last month, Alexandria County Police have been going door to door visiting businesses to “inform” them about Virginia gun laws and handing out fliers [see flier here:]. The question is why? Did the highly affluent Virginia suburb of Washington, DC suddenly become confused and demand police spend limited time and resources to clarify state laws or did people suddenly start flagrantly violating the law en masse? The truth is the police were targeting the area not because of illegal activity, but because of constitutionally protected legal activity. Yes, you heard that right. Alexandria felt that citizens legally going about their business were such an affront to the “good order” of Alexandria that they needed to go door to door to warn businesses about these people that dared to openly carry a firearm. Read more
DC Criminalizes Constitutional Rights: City Issuing $1,000 Rewards for Neighbors to Rat on Neighbors with Guns
Thanks to our aware readers, Last Minute Survival is the first to bring you another breaking scandal.
In what we have come to expect from our growing Orwellian police state, the District of Columbia has now taken your tax dollars to pay neighbors to rat out and harass fellow neighbors with firearms. Disturbingly, DC is soliciting, via ads on metro buses (see photo), information on anyone with a gun. Even though the ads ask people to provide tips on anyone with an “illegal” gun, the implicit message is that ANY gun inside of DC “must” be illegal. This politically targeted campaign of harassment sets the stage for gross violations of both the 2nd and 4th Amendments of the US Constitution, destroys the notion of probable cause, criminalizes lawful behavior, and justifies potentially deadly police raids.
This “crime fighting” initiative is the latest form of harassment in the long history of the DC government refusing to recognize the Second Amendment right of its citizens. Even after the Supreme Court of the United States ruled in District of Columbia v. Heller, 554 U.S. 570 (2008), that the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution applies to federal enclaves and protects an individual’s right to possess a firearm for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home, DC still continues to flagrantly violate the right of citizens to own and possess a firearm within DC. According to DC’s new initiative, if you see someone exercising what is not only lawful, but a constitutionally protected right, you must immediately call the police. Even better, you get a reward of up to $1,000. This initiative is analogous to telling the public to call the police if you see a reporter doing a story, a citizen speaking against a corrupt government policy, or someone worshipping in the religion of their choice. Of course we should recoil against the thought of these gross violations of our rights, but in the case of firearms, it now appears you are guilty until proven innocent of lawfully exercising a right. Just imagine having to buy ammunition covertly or as soon as you leave the gun store a “good citizen” is following you and providing your information to the cops to receive political bounties. If you can criminalize one right, how long do you really think before all of your other rights are meaningless? If you are thinking this is just a DC thing and doesn’t concern you, then allow this action to stand. Within months you will see this same initiative pop up across the nation and soon it will be your neighbors being paid to rat you out every time you target practice in your back yard or head to the range.
The DC initiative sets a very dangerous legal precedent by completely obliterating a citizen’s Fourth Amendment protections against illegal search and seizure. Specifically, someone can anonymously phone in a tip on an innocent person and that person will be taken down violently by the police. Also, there are no safe guards for someone abusing the tip system. How great would this be for a spiteful neighbor or anti-gun zealot to exact revenge and harass you? There is a huge difference between someone witnessing what they genuinely believe to be a crime in progress, providing their identity, and the police acting on the tip and the police detaining and or raiding someone’s home for exercising what is a totally legal and protected right. The Supreme Court is clear that anonymous tips in particular do not meet the 4th Amendment’s bar for probable cause, which is necessary for obtaining a warrant and executing a detention, search, and seizure. Further, the fact someone has a gun or something that looks like a gun in and of itself is not probably cause of a crime. Delving deeper, it would be nearly impossible for a citizen to know whether or not a firearm was owned “legally” in DC under the current laws that now DO permit firearms in the city. This sets the stage for perpetual harassment of citizens that legally possess a firearm to include many law enforcement officers that reside within the city.
Beyond the outright disturbing nature of DC paying people to rat out their neighbors and harassing citizens for exercising their rights, it sets the stage for far deadlier situation and a massive waste of limited law enforcement resources. Once these “tips” are made, DC police will act to “arrest” the offender. Arguing “officer safety,” police will most likely opt for a SWAT style raid of the home of the person alleged to have a firearm. These SWAT raids are extremely dangerous for all parties and have led to numerous deaths and injuries of innocent civilians to include children and babies to speak nothing of the terror it causes the person whose home was just raided. These raids also often mistakenly raid the wrong home. In the event of these “no knock” warrants, a law abiding citizen with a firearm may genuinely think their house is being robbed and go for their gun as their doors are kicked in. In example after example, the police then proceed to execute the surprised homeowner as they storm the home and use the justification that the officers were acting in good faith when they murdered the innocent homeowner to indemnify themselves from legal action.
Make no mistake; the DC initiative to have neighbors tip off police is no accident. It is a thinly veiled agenda by anti-gun elites such as former New York City Mayor Michael Rubens Bloomberg to circumvent the Constitution and criminalize not just the right to have firearms, but mentally condition the public that all firearms are bad. Together, we can expose this and stop it cold or we will all be facing this same “crime fighting initiative” in our home towns soon. You heard it here first at Last Minute Survival. Take action now.
By Guiles Hendrik
November 19, 2014
No, America isn’t Communist. It’s only 70% Communist.
“The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win. Workers of the world, unite!”
Most people remember Karl Marx’s most potent points and phrases, and the mountain of corpses his disciples left behind, especially in the 20th century.
However, most forget or don’t even know the specific policies that Marx advocated.
Within his 1848 Communist Manifesto, Marx outlined a list of ten short-term demands. These, he thought, would be the precursor to the ideal stateless, classless communist society.
Ironically in today’s world, Marx’s demands look pretty much mainstream. Read more
Lessons from Ferguson: Policing goes Paramilitary
The events leading up to the shooting death of an 18 year old man in Fergusson by a police officer are under investigation and the “facts” appear to be conflicting. What are not in doubt are the events that transpired after the shooting. Citizens genuinely concerned and outraged wanting a full and impartial investigation rose up in peaceful, legitimate protests, but so did the most criminal elements within our society. It appears that not only was the race baiting, rabble rousers such as Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton ready to pounce and exploit this shooting, but so were many hoodlums that exploited the protests to rob, loot, and destroy. The media was right on their heels to cover the ratings generating violence and President Obama wasted no time wading into what can only be considered divisive racial politics his track record suggests he favors stoking. However, as prepared citizens, what really should concern us is at least two-fold and goes far beyond the distractive on-going racial narrative from Missouri. Read more
Department of Homeland Oppression and the FBI Target Gun Owners in Walmarts across Virginia
Think your latest purchase of a firearm or ammunition from Wal-Mart was innocent? The Department of Homeland Security (DHS), aka Department of Homeland Oppression, in coordination with the FBI doesn’t think so and wants to know who you are. In fact, they believe you may be a potential domestic terrorist according to reports from Wal-Mart sales managers.
Over the last two weeks our field reporters dispersed across Northern Virginia to question sales representatives selling sporting goods throughout Virginia after rumors surfaced of agents questioning sales representatives. What they found should is shocking. In Wal-Mart after Wal-Mart, our reporters were able to verify that FBI and or DHS special agents had recently visited the stores requesting information on any suspicious buyers. According to sales managers working in the retail chain Wal-Mart, special agents requested information about anyone that appeared suspicious, attempted to buy ammo in bulk, or made anti-government comments. The special agents inquired specifically about anyone that made statements relating to sovereign citizen movements and buyers that seemed out of place to the sales manager warning that they could be potential domestic terrorists. In the event the sales manager had information, they were instructed to contact various agents from the FBI and DHS.
Make no mistake; DHS and the Justice Department consider you a threat to the US. If you buy ammunition in bulk to save money, exercise your constitutionally protected First Amendment, or are otherwise having a bad day your name and information could be passed on to the FBI or DHS for investigation as a potential terrorist. This information then goes to fusion centers across the nation where you are labeled and placed on watch lists as a domestic threat. Often this information is then used to generate faux “probable cause” to obtain a search warrant that will be justified under the nebulous national security exceptions to the rule of law and basic civil “RIGHTS.” Once a warrant is obtained, agents will execute a high risk, “no-knock” warrant most likely in the middle of the night and heavily armed to arrest you and ransack your home looking for anything they can construe as a threat. Often things as innocent as duct tape, old wire, and water barrels that many of us have in abundance are cited as “bomb making” materials or evidence of “terrorist” activities. God forbid if you are caught with a book that is politically incorrect on top of the duct tape and old wire.
If you think you have nothing to hide because you are “innocent” and have done nothing wrong, don’t be fooled because you are not exempt. Remember, all it takes is the impression of a Wal-Mart sales clerk to get labeled. Who knows, perhaps, you came across as unfriendly, maybe you were disturbed that they didn’t have any 9mm ammunition in stock, or maybe the sales clerk is just a bad judge of character. Either way, it doesn’t matter in a spy state where intimidation tactics abound and citizens are coerced into spying on their fellow neighbors by the government. Many honest Americans have had their lives ruined by being “swatted” or by unjustly becoming the subject of investigation by an overly militaristic gestapo agent at DHS or the FBI. Being “watch listed” is an extremely dangerous threat. We have seen numerous examples of how these “tips” have led to egregious acts on the part of law enforcement. At best you are questioned and labeled for surveillance. However, the worst examples include raiding the homes on innocent victims, which led to the incarceration of harmless citizens, pets being shot, children kidnapped by Child “Protective” Services, and even the killing of the unsuspecting homeowner that reached for a gun in self-defense as gestapo agents broke down their door in the middle of the night.
You need to protect yourselves. Option one is to maintain a low profile and not use traceable means of commerce such as credit cards instead of cash when purchasing guns or ammunition from retailers. However, that alone apparently constitutes you being a potential threat according to memos released by DHS and doesn’t solve the issue. A better method may be to use sunlight to disinfect and inoculate your local stores before the feds can hijack your information. Use the size and finances of these companies to fight our battle for freedom. To do this, directly contact your local sporting goods retailers and have a frank, honest, and open discussion about these gestapo tactics with their management. Make it clear to store managers that you are not comfortable shopping at their stores if you know you are going to be spied on and your information potentially handed to the government. Insist that your privacy is respected and demand proof. Further, ensure their employees are briefed on the underhanded government tactics and how that violates basic civil liberties.
Contrary to what the government desires, companies still require profits to exist and no matter what the government wants, the companies; especially large retailers like Wal-Mart, will begin to push back against the government (legally if necessary), when they are boycotted and their profits begin to shrink. We have witnessed this in the case of internet companies and NSA spying. Even Google and AT&T have begun to legally push back against government spying as they recognize their profits are not immune and free men and women across the globe will take their business elsewhere if their privacy is not ensured. The bottom line is if the management pushes back on protecting our basic civil rights, organize local and regional boycotts of the retailer. Make it impossible for them to conduct profitable business if it becomes clear that they are supporting domestic targeting of innocent Americans. When the knowledge of what the retailer is doing goes viral, contemporary precedents suggest that the retailer will cave to customer demands.
By Guiles Hendrik
All rights reserved.
July 14, 2014