Continuing from Part I of this series, http://www.lastminutesurvival.com/2020/07/14/the-role-of-policing-in-society-part-i-how-big-government-spawns-hatred-for-the-police/, it’s important to consider the costs and benefits of defunding police departments. Further, if you do not understand the bigger picture, you cannot understand why this is being done and how it will ultimately affect you in a disastrous way.
Most of us agree that there is always going to be room for improvement in how our communities are policed. As pointed out in Part I, most of this angst against law enforcement is derived from the endless revenue collection schemes by the barrel of a gun such as enforcing petty taxes on cigarettes, speed traps, and tolls. Adding to this animosity is the very real oversteps of law enforcement that range from killing innocent people during nighttime no-knock raids and civil asset forfeiture, which amounts to state sanctioned theft of private property. Ridding ourselves of this tyranny and the police of this responsibility is long overdue and would go far to relieving the growing oppression Americans feel. If we defunded and removed the authority for police to engage in most, if not all, of these activities, this would benefit society.
On the other hand, police perform very real services that benefit the weak and helpless the most. Murders, theft, and rape are very real crimes. Gang activity in particular, if left unchecked, can terrorize and destroy a community. The elderly and the young are the most vulnerable and deserve protection. If you defund the police, you must empower the citizens to fill the void. In some areas, this may work, and the nation would be much healthier. However, in many areas, this is simply ridiculous. Those areas are places like Chicago and New York cities where crime has skyrocketed in the absence of effective policing. Rising crime is the most obvious result of an area allowed to become lawless. However, there are some even more systemic and devastating effects one must consider.
To understand the devastating second and third order effects, you need not look further than the money. As crime spreads, businesses close and people flee. As people leave and businesses close, government revenues drop, and debt increases. To remedy this, Leftist governments like in Chicago and New York immediately increase taxes. This exasperates the situation and causes more businesses to close and people to leave, which creates even greater budget shortfalls and even less funding for law enforcement. As this occurs, real estate values and the market collapse. This is something everyone needs to understand because it has a huge impact. Once the real estate market in a city goes bust, this utterly guts municipal budgets of one of the biggest sources of operating revenue. Remember what happened to Detroit after 2008? They could not even keep the lights on and had to bulldoze entire blocks. At this point, a self-reinforcing cycle of growing debt and poverty go hand-in-hand with the increasing lawlessness. This is bad and is not what even most of the useful idiots on the street rioting want if they appreciated the effects of their actions. However, it is very much the plan and you need to understand how defunding the police fits into the grand strategy.
As stupid as many of these Marxists running city governments are, they actually understand this. In fact, this is what they are trying to do. There is a coordinated Marxist Revolution afoot in the United States and most major city governments are fully infiltrated by indoctrinated Marxists serving as the political front for the revolution. They are bolstered by the revolutionary underground and the overt guerrilla fighters causing havoc on the streets. This is all mutually reinforcing. You see, when people say, “look at what is happening to our city Mayor de Blasio” thinking he is mismanaging things, they completely miss the point. This is an engineered demolition of our society intended to cause maximum chaos to discredit the establishment government so that it can be overthrown. Destroying property values is all about destroying private property ownership, which is a key tenet of Marxism. Further, as you are witnessing today, this allows for property seizure from the oppressors (you) and redistribution to the oppressed (their useful idiots), which is another leg of Marxism. If you think the “rent holidays” and prohibition on evictions is not about redistribution, you are greatly deceived. The Marxist politicians know their role and are carrying out the plan according to the textbook. As such, creating the pretext to defund the police is a key supporting task in the overall strategy to overthrow the United States of America. Without this knowledge, it is impossible to understand what you are witnessing in cities around our country today. Remember, this has been in the works for over a century. These insurgents did not just appear overnight. They have spent decades planning, organizing, indoctrinating, infiltrating, and subverting.
The plan to defund the police may seem to some a great win for social justice. However, nothing could be further from the truth. Massive cuts to the police will create nightmarish conditions in our cities where the weak are preyed upon, businesses are closed, and entire neighborhoods are destroyed. Any notion of rights, equality, and tolerance…the false mantras of the Left, will be obliterated. America does not win by creating the lawlessness that enables the Marxist revolution to spread. America wins by addressing this revolution head-on as the very real war it is.
By Guiles Hendrik,
July 28, 2020