Update: Why are Virginia police going handing out anti-gun fliers to local businesses?

Today, your efforts combined with a grassroots effort across Northern Virginia achieved a small victory.  I want to give a special thanks to the The Virginia Citizens Defense League (VCDL) [http://www.vcdl.org/] and the observant citizens, which identified the subversive activities and went after Alexandria County government officials regarding the use of police for the door-to-door anti-gun flier campaign.  The VCDL was issued a formal apology from the police chief and Alexandria police took down all flyers and signs posted at their police headquarters saying concealed firearms weren’t permitted and admitted they were wrong. 

However, it has now become clear who is behind this anti-gun agenda.  The real enemy of the Constitution, self-defense, and law abiding citizens of Alexandria is none other than Alexandria’s Mayor William D. Euille and the city council.  Specifically, even after a formal apology and action by Alexandria’s Chief of Police, the mayor’s office has said they “would NOT stop the program to ‘inform’ the public about ‘illegal’ carry” and claimed the signs would not be removed.  Further, after repeated attempts to email and call the Mayor’s office regarding this subject, I was unable to receive a single reply.  Due to the arrogance and utter disregard for the wishes of the citizens of Alexandria and the rule of law; we will be joining forces to black list Mayor Euille on our Commissar Hall of Shame [commissar (kŏmˈĭ-särˌ) n. An official of the Communist Party in charge of political indoctrination and the enforcement of party loyalty] and seek to generate persistent grass roots pressure to hound, expose, and run this mayor out of office in shame.  Our next step needs to be to bring heavy pressure against the members of the City Council to stand against the mayor and his anti-gun crusade under a legitimate threat of ending their political careers.

By Guiles Hendrik

January 9, 2015

http://request.alexandriava.gov/CCC/#tab=Departments&group=MayorandCityCouncil or call the mayor’s office direct at 703.746.4500 .

Please see the original article at:


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